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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 2! Free Falling!]
07-23-2009, 04:51 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by dexexe1234.
Lutherion looked at Amethyst with a faint... grimace of hate. He was not smiling at all anymore. "I really don't see what everyone have against me! Im a nice guy!... Well i am if you look past all the killing and toturing and all that... hehehe, hehehaa! Now, you seem to have the GREATEST hate of me. Its like, i even disgust you! For that, i have to finish you of or rather, an old friend of yours!"
Lutherion grinned and stretched out his wightmaw arm. A small, shining splinter came out of the hand, and landed on the floor.
"Dorukomets. Rise for your GOD!!! HAHAHAHAAHA!!! HEHAHEHAEHAHAA!!!"
Amethyst, even though she had a hard time moving, looked up in surprise. The thing they needed to escape, the thing they needed to get out of this tournament of madness, appearing before her eyes! The shiny splinter gave of a schreeching howl, and a flash of light. Dorukomets stood there, alive and well. "Wha- what is this? im alive? i- aaAAAGGGH!!!" He fell to his knees, screaming. "What... IS... HAPPENING TO ME!!!" His eyes whited out, and suddenly, he became silent.
He stood up. "Now, Doki, would you PLEASE kill this raspberry girl and rip her body to pieces? Thanks!"
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 2! Free Falling!]
07-23-2009, 05:23 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
Unit VC-042 was complete now. Progress had been rapid. Eximo noted that the new unit was tilting from side to side slightly as it moved through the store; this flaw seemed unlikely to affect the cleansing, however.
As Eximo went back to work, VC-042 drifted towards the cash register on the way to its assigned sector. It tilted slightly to the right just as it passed the register, hitting the still-open drawer and knocking all the money out.
The store suddenly stopped falling entirely, and stood perfectly still in mid-air. The inertial effects were intense for a moment. Eximo picked itself up, and found that the half-completed VC-043 was in terrible shape. It would have to start over.
This train of thought was soon interrupted, however, when there was a loud CRASH in the middle of the store. Eximo had to interrupt the project in order to investigate.
A large barn had collided with the store and fallen through the ceiling. This was a significant setback for the cleansing.
After some thought, Eximo decided that the best course of action was to cleanse the barn. It gathered the 40 functional VC units (012 and 027 had been under the barn at the time) and led them inside. Of course, due to Eximo's limited understanding of doors, this produced 41 holes in the front of the barn.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 2! Free Falling!]
07-23-2009, 05:46 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by PawntoD4.
Emily was shock when the store stopped moving and the barn crashed into it above her. She looked around. The other buildings were still falling. She then sighed. This would make her trip take longer. She turned her shield vertically and straightened her body. Now she had to dive to the barn.
New estimated arrival time. Five minutes.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 2! Free Falling!]
07-23-2009, 07:34 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by fait.
Alcarith went to other cubicles to check and see if she could find a usable computer. She eventually came across an office cubicle with a computer still turned on. The screensaver was a bunch of flying toasters, occasionally shooting bread upwards. Alcarith looked at it with confusion.
"What are those flying things?" Alcarith muttered quizzically. "They're shooting...bread?"
She sat down and moved the mouse, immediately disabling the screen saver. The desktop appeared with its contents fairly cluttered. The desktop background was of a guy with glasses smiling candidly into the camera with another guy simply smiling . They were both wearing T-shirts and one of them was holding a bottle of beer.
"Maybe that's him and his friend. I wonder where they went?"
Alcarith played around on the computer, figuring out how to navigate the user interface. She opened a few programs and files and attempted to use them, mostly with failure. She eventually found an interesting text file and opened it. The text file was like an entry to a journal or log.
Log Entry
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 2! Free Falling!]
07-23-2009, 11:22 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
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SpoilerI think we're nearing the end of this round... there's probably less than ten minutes on the bomb by now, and several combatants are converging on the barn.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 2! Free Falling!]
07-23-2009, 11:43 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Mr. Eldritch.
Oh, dexexe? I've seen the criticisms of your writing style, and I have just one thing to say: They're supposed to describe the thoughts of a brain-damaged madman, for frack's sake. They are well-written for the most part, and a slight lack of punctuation is appropriate for the character.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 2! Free Falling!]
07-23-2009, 11:46 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.
Mr. Eldritch Wrote:Oh, dexexe? I've seen the criticisms of your writing style, and I have just one thing to say: They're supposed to describe the thoughts of a brain-damaged madman, for frack's sake. They are well-written for the most part, and a slight lack of punctuation is appropriate for the character. Well, it's not being written by Lutherion himself, that's the thing. It's written from a third person perspective. If it were first person, then maybe it would be kind of appropriate, but you are supposed to be using proper writing in this game.
If you're writing about a brain damaged madman yourself, do you use less punctuation because of what the subject is?
Plus, Dex isn't going for Stylistic Suck, the way he writes is just how he usually writes, it seems.
I keep hovering over the delete button because I feel bad whenever I point out flaws. [img]images/smilies/icon_sad.gif[/img]
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 2! Free Falling!]
07-24-2009, 12:09 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.
As Aeon watched from the sky, it seemed that many of his opponents were headed for the barn as well. He could see Emily, just barely maintaining control over her momentum with her shield. He saw the vacuum cleaner, as well as a multitude of its... servants barge in through the front door. From the window he could see the dragon-girl in front of a computer, looking investigative.
Wanting to avoid direct combat, Aeon headed for a window in the top floor, where the dragon-girl was. When he arrived, he opened it and crawled in, instead of crashing through.
In front of him he saw a number of computers on desks and what seemed to be an office door to his right. To his left he saw the dragon girl staring right at him, behind a computer.
"Relax, I'm not looking for a fight here."
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 2! Free Falling!]
07-24-2009, 02:14 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by fait.
"I don't recognize you," Alcarith started. "Who are you?"
"All you really need to know is that I'm yet another participant in this...'game.'" Aeon replied.
"I've been alone in this barn. It's more like a garage than a barn. This upstairs area is some sort of workshop. I don't recognize the tools being used."
"A workshop? So these offices aren't the only thing up here?"
"Nope. You can go explore if you want. I'm still looking around for interesting things on this computer. It's hard work navigating this interface." Alcarith turned back to the computer and kept browsing through files.
Aeon turned away from Alcarith, trotted out of the office cubicles and saw the different work benches with scattered tools and parts.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 2! Free Falling!]
07-24-2009, 03:31 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.
I think you mixed up who was talking there. [img]images/smilies/pc_mystified.gif[/img]
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 2! Free Falling!]
07-24-2009, 03:33 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by fait.
Aryogaton Wrote:I think you mixed up who was talking there. [img]images/smilies/pc_mystified.gif[/img]
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 2! Free Falling!]
07-25-2009, 12:43 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
Dorukomets struggled to resist Lutherion's order. His eagerness for battle at the start of the contest had faded, now he simply wanted freedom. But the necromancer's will was too strong.
Amethyst could do little except sit there and watch. Even attempting to move was painful. She could see Dorukomets trying to resist, but it only seemed to prolong her suffering.
Lutherion was growing impatient. "Stop trying to resist! You're making this so boring. Maybe I should find that bomb and stick it on her instead."
For a moment, Dorukomets found the freedom he sought. He turned towards his "master", and prepared to strike...
And was turned back into a splinter.
"Well, that settles it." Lutherion cackled, sticking the ghost's splinter back in his arm. "The bomb it is. Now, where did I put that piece of me?"
As Lutherion began to look, a loud noise grew closer.
"What is that distracting noise? It sounds like... Oh no. Not again!" Lutherion seemed to forget all about Amethyst as he turned towards the source of the noise...
41 vacuums burst into the room. A familiar voice called out.
"This chamber is to be cleansed. Leave at once, or face termination."
"Now you've come in to ruin my fun! I'll find you, vacuum! Your decoys won't get the better of me this time!"
Lutherion pulled out a dozen splinters from his arm, and produced a small force of skeletal warriors. They began fighting the vacuum army, who put up little resistance.
"You are interfering with the cleansing. This is unacceptable."
Eximo split from the group and rushed straight at Lutherion, two skeletal arms outstretched. It grabbed the necromancer and threw him at one of his skeletons; he flew right through it, knocking it to pieces, as well as another one that he landed on.
"I am not a throwing weapon!" Lutherion's rage grew. "Minions! Get that one! Ignore the others!" He pointed at Eximo, finger shaking. The skeletons broke off their assault on the "army", all heading for Eximo at once.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 2! Free Falling!]
07-25-2009, 01:20 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
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SpoilerI politely request that everybody try to gather in one spot.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 2! Free Falling!]
07-25-2009, 01:49 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.
After a bit of exploring, Aeon found the elevator, attempting to ignore the sounds of a battle below. The elevator only had the downwards option, and Aeon knew that in going down he would be entering the battle as well. He turned around, seeing that Alcarith had followed him there.
"After you," Aeon said.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 2! Free Falling!]
07-25-2009, 01:55 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by OddGuy.
Nathan, now alone in the bland restaurant, was at a loss as to how he would get over to the barn. Not only was everyone gathering there, presumably against Lutherion, but there was also the matter of the bomb still near him in the restaurant. Deciding he would rather take his chances with his dying fish stoke trying to get over to the barn, Nathan jumped off of the restaurant's patio and began making his way over to the barn.
He was, of course, a bit disconcerted when the barn crashed into the seemingly floating store. Regardless, he attempted to flail his way over, and after a few embarrassing minutes, managed to land on the barn's edge and pull himself up.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 2! Free Falling!]
07-25-2009, 09:11 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
The skeletons piled upon Eximo. It was able to disable three of them with its tools, but the rest grabbed its arms. Their grip was too strong to retract the arms and try again, also.
"Hahahaha!" Lutherion cackled, pushing away another VC that wanted to vacuum him. "Now the only question is, which of you should I destroy first?"
Wonderful, thought Amethyst. He can't decide if I've given him more trouble than a vacuum cleaner. I think I'm insulted.
Lutherion savored the moment, glancing back and forth between his victims. The remaining vacuum cleaners were still a nuisance, but they lacked Eximo's defenses. He knocked another one away as he made his decision.
"I'll take the girl first. She'll be a more interesting servant, hahahahaha!"
That was the old woman's voice! Lutherion turned to face her.
"So, you're here as well? Perhaps I'll kill you first, then!" He laughed again, as he prepared to retrieve another bone splinter...
and felt a sharp pain in his shoulder. He looked to his side; Alcarith stood in the doorway, aiming her pistol at him. Aeon was beside her, looking serious, and holding out his strange tool.
"Well, well, well! I believe this means everyone's here except that boy with the butterknife!" Lutherion cackled. "This is going to be the most fun I've had in a while!"
"It's not a butterknife." Lutherion turned around; Nathan stabbed him in the gut almost immediately. Lutherion glared at him, and prepared to strike back, but Aeon tackled him to the ground.
Emily ran past the melee, towards Amethyst, and began healing her.
Amethyst stood up. "Thank you. I was in need of that." She looked at the struggling Eximo. "Perhaps we should help it, as well?"
Emily looked displeased. "That thing is demonic in nature. And it's not even remotely alive. I can't say I care what happens to it."
It didn't matter. Nathan and Aeon's struggle with Lutherion caused the skeletons to reflexively rush to their master's aid, ignoring the vacuum. The nearest two were immediately destroyed as the vacuum countered; the rest fell to Alcarith's bullets and Emily's magic.
Just then, there was a loud noise, and the building shook.
"What was that?" Alcarith asked.
Aeon turned to her, still fighting off Lutherion. "Another building probably crashed into the store. The same thing happened to this barn."
Amethyst suddenly seemed alarmed. "Excuse me. I need to check something." She closed her eyes and concentrated. Then she suddenly opened them, shocked.
"Aeon is correct. The restaurant has collided with the store. I imagine the bomb is still inside it, but even if someone were to retrieve it, that would be the least of our worries."
"What do you mean?" Nathan asked, as he swung at Lutherion's normal arm. Eximo joined the melee; apparently he considered Lutherion especially disruptive to the cleansing by now.
"You will recall the device in the restaurant controlling the rate at which it descends? This barn and the store have objects which serve a similar function. They generate fields which control the entire building..."
Alcarith looked puzzled. "What does that have to do with anything?"
"The fields from the three buildings are interfering with each other and becoming unstable. Unless we find some way to stop it, this will produce an immense explosion. I cannot say just how large, especially if another building collides with us; there may not even be a safe place in this entire void."
Even Lutherion seemed alarmed by this news. Or perhaps it was by the fact that one of Eximo's arms had found its way into a sensitive area. Either way, the vacuum was the next to speak.
"The cleansing has been re-prioritized. Primary objective: Ensure there is still a location to cleanse."
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 2! Free Falling!]
07-25-2009, 10:06 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by fait.
Alcarith ran to one of the vehicles and climbed in. She raised her hand and shot a quick jolt of ethereal energy into it. The machine sprang to life and the control panel lit up. It had many gauges and buttons, but it all flowed together and could be easily understood, at least most of the machine could. The eye-catching part of the machine was were the weapon options. It was currently set to "Beam Cannon." Other options included "Heavy Machine Gun" and "Plasma Deflector."
She started moving around and could walk pretty easily. "This isn't too bad. Let's see how well they can get me in this!"
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 2! Free Falling!]
07-25-2009, 10:29 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by dexexe1234.
Lutherion looked over his melee situation: he was fighting hand to hand with two people and a vacuum cleaner. "Wait! explosion? As in, BOOM?! Oh damn! KA-SPLINTER!!!"
Lutherion himself began to turn into splinters and fell through holes and cracks in the floor. Aeon and Nathan just watched surprised at his "sudden" collapse.
"Wait, did we kill him?" Nathan asked. "No. He just merely thought this was not worth it." "Damnit! why cant my power amount ANY type of damage?!" Nathan yelled, he looked like he was about to explode with anger. "Why cant i have any abilities? or even knowledge of the correct use of this weapo-" "Quiet." Aeon stopped his rage. "As Amethyst said, we need to stop the three buildings from crashing together and exploding. this is our first priority."
Meanwhile, Lutherion has begun reconstructing himself below the barn. After his head was complete, he looked around to savour the moment and get a grip of the situation. He could see the restaurant, it had crashed into the store at a lower angle.
Trough the window he saw the bomb: 09:21.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 2! Free Falling!]
07-25-2009, 10:47 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by bobthepen.
bobthepen's favorites:
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SpoilerRound two:
2.Dragon Fogel
4-7: fait, Pawn2d4, Oddguy, Aryogaton
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 2! Free Falling!]
07-25-2009, 11:07 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.
Aeon picked himself up from the floor, staring at the spot where Lutherion was a few seconds ago. He went into the restaurant, he thought, perhaps to retrieve this "bomb" that Amethyst had mentioned. Speaking of which...
"Amethyst, you seem to know a bit about the forces that govern this world. What do you suggest in preventing or escaping this 'explosion'?"
Amethyst thought for a moment, then remembered the demonstration she gave to Emily and Nathan. "Earlier I had mentioned with the others that your device--that is, your adaptive weapon--may be able to create a portal to escape."
"Not quite. It can't directly just create that kind of portal. It can, however, create a situation suitable for creating one. What do you need?"
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 2! Free Falling!]
07-25-2009, 11:12 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by fait.
Alcarith walked over to Aeon and Nathan.
"There's two more of these vehicles if you want something to ride in," Alcarith commented. "I see an 'aerial mode' button. That could mean these fly. I'm not sure how."
Nathan eagerly hopped into another of the vehicles. Unfortunately, the ignition had no key in it. "How does this thing work?"
Alcarith walked over to the machine Nathan was riding in and shot ethereal energy into it. The machine started up and the control panel became accessible.
"Whoah! How does this thing work?" Nathan yelped as he was walking already, a bit out of control.
"You must not know much about machines," Alcarith responded stoicly.
"Make it stop!"
"Quit pressing things."
"...Okay, how do I move forward?"
"Look for a large lever on the left. What letter is near?"
"Uh, D?"
"Okay, press the pedal on the bottom."
"It's moving again."
"Apply less pressure. You move slower."
Nathan eventually got comfortable moving around. He asked what the other buttons and levers did but Alcarith simply advised that he didn't press them or something bad could happen.
"You there!" Alcarith shouted to Aeon. "Will you ride the last one?"
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 2! Free Falling!]
07-25-2009, 11:15 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.
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SpoilerI smell continuity error/paradox...
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 2! Free Falling!]
07-25-2009, 11:17 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Draykon.
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SpoilerYeah, but I see one small edit I can make to fix it. Edit: Edit made.
Also, thankye Bobthepen. [img]images/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]
"I see, in that case might you be able to use it to provide us with large amounts of multidimensional matter?"
"Erm, I can't actually change the material like that. I mean, if you had a bit of whatever you need already, I could probably multiply it. But..."
"In that case, the alternate plan remains our best course of action. It has become apparent that Dokuromets remains fully "alive" at this point. Or at the very least, his consciousness is still present. However...
Would it be possible to utilize your tool for the sake of increasing a supply of organic matter without harming the life form at the time?"
"Well, I guess so but..."
"In that case our objective is clear. We are to neutralize Lutherion. If my analysis of his casting method is accurate- and it still has an ETA of 3 minutes before finalized- then "killing" him will result in the total neutralization of all magic on his artifical arm. In such a circumstance, Dokuromets' corpse would likely be annihilated. Therefore our objective is to complete a successful hijack of his arm..."
She paused, again looking melancholy.
"I am not able to do this under my own power, and I understand I am the only one present is capable of hijacking such magic. In which case, we are left with two options of survival. The first is through Lutherion's cooperation- a feat I have judged to be of astronomically low success rate. The second is through the neutralization of the gravitational devices throughout this area. Total neutralization of all devices is necessary, this feat is also of low probability, and would leave us without a means to actually escape this space."
She closed her eyes.
"It is not a situation I am certain of how to 'succeed' in."
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 2! Free Falling!]
07-25-2009, 11:19 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.
The portal can wait, then, Aeon thought, "I suppose we do have the last option: We play this 'game', and wait until we have found an environment we can more easily escape from."
Without another word Aeon turned towards the third vehicle in the building. Nathan was still fumbling with the controls, and Alcarith had already left. She was kind enough to imbue the last vehicle in advance, however. Aeon immediately hopped on. These controls are intuitive enough.
Aeon flew out, leaving Emily, Nathan, Amethyst, and the vacuum cleaner inside the barn.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 2! Free Falling!]
07-25-2009, 11:46 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by OddGuy.
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SpoilerAugh. I'm sorry.
Nathan, after a short while of ambling about aimlessly, managed to figure out the basics of the machine. After, he went to the barn's exit, ready to exit.
“Ok… Now, I've gotta do what that other guy did. But ho-aaaauuuuugghh!†Nathan started before he accidentally walked of the edge of the barn, going into freefall once again.
“God dammit! Why! Augh!,†Nathan yelled as he fell, the machine turning and making Nathan feel rather sick, “ Um. Uh. Augh.†He began panicking and pressing buttons and random, despite just being explicitly told NOT to do so.
“ ARMING BEAM CANNON,†a robotic voice from inside the machine said, causing Nathan to go into a greater panic, pressing more buttons. “ ASDFIUNBEVOIBCAKEAVN,†the machine started, obviously malfunctioning.
“AAAUGHH!,†Nathan screamed, certain he would die. However, after five seconds of not pressing anything, the machine then seemed to stop moving. It took Nathan a few seconds to notice that the machine was, in fact, floating, and had stopped falling.
“Ha… Oh wow,†Nathan said, obviously surprised to be alive. He then slowly made his way back to the restaurant, as he remembered the pinball machine in there had control over the gravity here.