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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 2! Free Falling!]
07-18-2009, 04:09 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by PawntoD4.
Emily looked out the window and noticed the demon girl had landed on the patio outside. Perhaps she could be useful in identifying this aura. Although Emily despised the thought of working with a demon, she knew hat this beffudling aura was a priority over her hatred.
"Girl," she yelled as Amethyst entered the building," Aid us please."
"What are you talking about?"
"Surely you can sense this strange aura. I need help figuring out what it is and if need be cleansing it. This magic seems likeit might fit your style." She turned and pointed to the pinball machine. "I have determined that this machine is at least part of what's producing the aura."
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 2! Free Falling!]
07-18-2009, 04:13 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Draykon.
Amethyst briefly looked over the machine, before turning back to Emily. "It contains a localized gravitational influencing device." She said, as though it should have been obvious. "It is linked to the device's 'High Score' function. That variable is skewed so that the current value would equal the universal gravitational constant. With the current data network, this variable may only be increased."
Emily nodded slightly, only barely understanding. Nathan on the other hand looked completely confused.
"Effectively, with the current structure of this space, achieving a 'High Score' on this game will increase the speed that this building falls."
Now they both understood, Nathan commented, "That sounds... incredibly dangerous."
Amethyst responded bluntly, "I would not be so certain." She glanced down at her armband, "There is still an ETA of approximately 7 minutes until my influence nodes conclude their analysis of this realm, however unless there is a very complicated structure, this is effectively a looping space with various exceptions set. It is difficult to interpret logically, however effectively falling below a threshold will simply take us back to a point high in the sky."
She paused, looking somewhat melancholy, "With my current resources alone, escape will be impossible. Thus..."
She looked at Nathan- no, at the sheathed dagger on his waist. "I would like your help as well."
She began muttering various incoherent commands. As she did, a hologram formed in the center of the room, it depicted two tubes facing each other. In between them, was a doughnut shape of roughly the same width.
"This is a rough three dimensional diagram of what I believe to be this current four dimensional space. We are located roughly here"
A small red dot appeared inside the doughnut shape, and began slowly moving down it."
"Wait," Nathan looked confused again, "We're moving?"
"We are falling yes, however..."
The dot continued to the bottom of the doughnut shape, went around the curve, and began moving upwards.
"The looping shape allows us to move infinitely within a finite plain. Escape via three dimensional means is impossible, and unfortunately, my own abilities are insufficient for four dimensional travel."
She closed her eyes, the hologram changed to depict the original 8 contestants.
"My analysis has been rough, however I have estimated two individuals who may posses the ability to pass through alternate dimensional plains, and therefore assist us in escaping this realm."
Most of the figures faded, Dorukomets and Aeon remained.
"The first is Aeon, who I understand possess a device capable of shapeshifting. Though I do not know the limitations of this device, I suspect it may be able to form a sort of dimensional portal generator. However, this is merely a guess."
She shifted her gaze to the hologram of Dorukomets. "The other possibility is, or rather was, Dorukomets. Though I am not certain, I suspect his semi-material structure may be able of use for penetrating this spacial anomaly. Though he is deceased..."
The hologram changed again, now it depicted Lutherion.
"...His material remains in the battlefield."
Emily looked disgusted. Was this girl's plan seriously to use the remains of Dorukomets as some kind of spell component?
"I have located within this arena what I believe to be a timed explosive device containing a powerful magical adhesive. I suspect this was placed here by the 'Director' of this tournament as a device to encourage our combat. The adhesive will activate when in contact with any of the combatants of the tournament, and not deactivate until it has bound to another. Effectively, once it has been activated, it must always be in contact with one of us. I have attached this device to Lutherion, however I cannot guarantee he will not be able to detach the device before it activates."
"How long until that happens?" Emily asked.
"ETA is approximately 25 minutes. Most likely less accounting for my explanation."
She paused, "Nonetheless, even if the device is successful, I am uncertain the effect it will have on the "Weightmaw Arm" containing Dorukomets' remains. It is entirely possible that our one method of escape will be lost. Hence, attempting to hack the spell keeping it in place is the method with the highest probability of success." She paused again. "However, I have already attempted this, subtly when I assaulted his plant minion in the previous round. The defenses keeping it in place are of chaos type- A solid barrier of magical energy. While ordinarily this is inefficient, Lutherion's own internal energies are of a massive level. With my power alone, I cannot break it."
Again, she looked at Nathan's dagger.
"I have isolated only one structure in the area of equal or greater magical potential."
Nathan looked down at his dagger, still confused.
"I am asking that you lend me that weapon, so that I may take over Lutherion's cache of undead, and make use of Dorukomets' body in order to establish a non-spacial pathway out of this realm."
She looked at Emily, who had seemed concerned this entire time.
"I have every intention of releasing all of the souls he has captured except for Dorukomets. His sacrifice is an unfortunate necessity. Please consider this plan, I feel it is our only way of escaping without..."
She didn't finish that sentence. Instead, she looked back at her armband.
"One more thing, I have attached an influence node to the explosive device so that I may track it. If it is still attached to Lutherion, he is currently approaching this building."
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SpoilerThis MIGHT be a bit too much of a textwall, but it's mostly magibabble, so meh.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 2! Free Falling!]
07-18-2009, 05:16 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by dexexe1234.
Lutherion had flown out of the convinience store full of vacuums and was approaching the restaurant, while thinking: "I HATE ticking noices! especially the noices who leads to a big BOOM at the end! what part of me was this thing connected to again? Oh right. The side of my stomach... Wait, the side? This is perfect!"
Luther crashed into the restaurant, glansing over Amethyst, Emily and Nathan, in that order. "Now! little miss raspberry, can you please pull of this ticking noice? its getting rather irritating! If not you, then how about you, lady who smells like bacon? Or maybe the kid with the butter-knife?"
"Butter knife?! what is he talking about Emily?" "I have no idea." She replied. "Well if none of you wants to take it off me..." He showed the bomb on his side; "thne ill guess ILL TAKE IT OFF MYSELF!!! HEHAHEAAA!!!" His wightmaw arm sharpened and with a swift motion, he had cut the piece of himself where the bomb was sitting.
He held up the slice, and said: "whos up for volleyball!" He then threw the bomb with glue and all into the air and smashed it towards the three others, but before it even began to fly, a sword cut through his normal arm and plummeled both the bomb and his arm to the ground. "thats what you get for calling my sword a butter knife!" Nathan shouted and lifted his dagger for another swing.
"Now now! Play nice boy!" Lutherion replied and stood ready with his sword formed wightmaw. "what are you gonna do?" Amethyst said. "Youre standing at a 3 to 1 against yourself!" "I have thought of that!" Lutherion replied, and with the words came a terrible silence in the room, and everything started to become colder and darker.
"I have brought a friend with me in here! say hello to misses shadows!" A figure rose out of Nathans shadow, it quickly became the form of a woman, but entirely black with white glowing eyes. "i live to serve you Lutherion." she proclaimed.
"You see, my little miss shadow here, is a shade wight! These beloved creatures of mine, can bind people by being part of their shadows! Now, who wants the ball?" He said and raised the bomb with his wightmaw arm.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 2! Free Falling!]
07-18-2009, 05:54 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by OddGuy.
After using the knife, Nathan felt an odd tugging in his right arm. At first, he dismissed it as nothing, but after raising his arm once more, he felt his shoulder muscles and ligaments begin to tear. It was excruciating.
" GYAAA! AUGH!" Nathan incoherently screamed. A large cut was now apparent on his arm, and blood spwed out like a grotesque fountain. Lutherion then began to laugh at his plight.
"HEEEEHAAHAAH! The boy doesn't even know what he's doing! He's so bad at it, he might do better had he stabbed himself! HAHA!" Lutherion cackled, and the Shadow Wight did the same in an unearthly tone that sounded like Nathans own voice if it was convoluted almost completely beyond recognition.
Emily looked at Nathan. " What an odd wound. However, I may be able to heal it later, so quit whining, unless you want to die." she began to say, perhaps to reassure him.
"I... I'll try..." Nathan managed to say, knife upraised. As he lowered it once more, he felt his arm muscles simultaneously rip in multiple areas, managing to cut a decent wound on the Shadow Wight and have the proceeding shock wave knock the ball of flesh from Lutherion's hand onto the floor, timer reading 21:05.
After the swing, his arm hung at an odd angle, misshapen. Nathan bit his tongue until it bled in order to stifle another scream.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 2! Free Falling!]
07-18-2009, 07:11 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by bobthepen.
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SpoilerReader Comments: OH SNAP! (And where is Aeon and Alcarith in all of this?) *sits back down and waits paitently for updates*
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 2! Free Falling!]
07-18-2009, 07:32 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.
Aeon watched as most of his opposition gathered in the restaurant. Through the windows he could see Lutherion summon two shadow creatures, with a fight commencing between them and the rest. It seems that everyone is going for Lutherion, then.
Not wanting to get caught in the crossfire, Aeon glided upwards to a house. It seemed ordinary enough--other than the fact that it was falling indefinitely. The inside was also fairly normal, a bedroom, a kitchen, exactly what one would expect from a residential home. After Aeon familiarized himself with the place, he pressed a glass bead into the base of his adaptive tool and it became a glass telescope. He watched the battle take place in the restaurant beneath.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 2! Free Falling!]
07-18-2009, 09:14 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by PawntoD4.
Emily turns and faced the shadow woman. No doubt this magic ans dependant on its connection to the victim. The solution was simple enough since she was here.
She raised a light barrier right behind Nathan in order to seperate thr shadow from him. The shadow didn't appear to be phased, but Emily could tell it was growing slowly weaker. Now all she had to do was keep it off of Nathan until it faded.
"Boy! Be careful with that dagger. It's dangerous. You have to use it wisely and precisely."
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 2! Free Falling!]
07-18-2009, 09:37 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by fait.
After a time of resting and some time to her thoughts, Alcarith transformed back into her human form. The transformation was much more brief than the change to dragon form. Her dragon form gave off a vibrant flash of light and then her human form stood in its place. It didn't take any effort to change back.
Alcarith walks over to one of the machines and examined it. The vehicle had a single seat with with protective glass in a similar shape to the wind shield of a motorcycle. The control panel had a steering wheel, numerous gauges, and countless knobs, levers, and sliders. The vehicle had two short legs, currently bent and at a height of 4 feet tall. On the front were a few head lights and a large weapon barrel.
Alcarith examined the vehicle fairly well, but was still amazed with what an eldritch race created. She's seen more sophisticated vehicles, but knew little aside from the more basic, user-friendly functions meant for civilian use. This vehicle in front of her, and the other two nearby were combat vehicles, not particularly built for leisurely travel.
The vehicles eventually got boring to look at and Alcarith turned towards the elevator. It wasn't an elevator in an office building or at a shopping mall. It was a simple elevator shaft with a door, the walls were lined with diamond-weaved grates, and the actually elevator itself wasn't an elevator cart but a simple metal floor that could be suspended and lowered.
Alcarith approached the door, pressed the nearby button marked with an arrow pointing up, and the door opened. Alcarith walked in and saw that there was only one button in the car. It was another button with an "up" arrow. Alcarith pressed it, the door closed, and the elevator ascended.
((I'll post more about this strange barn-garage later. I have Pantheon Gamma rules to type up.))
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 2! Free Falling!]
07-20-2009, 04:44 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by bobthepen.
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SpoilerIt's quiet...too quiet...
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 2! Free Falling!]
07-20-2009, 04:49 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by fait.
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SpoilerEveryone's going to the restaurant. Some people should go to other buildings to even the distribution of interaction. Poor Alcarith is all alone. T_T
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 2! Free Falling!]
07-20-2009, 06:04 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
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SpoilerSomething to keep in mind: You can have another character come over to where you are. I've done this, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one.
Just remember, though, this game is based on writing skill. If another character is in the middle of a fight, and on the other side of the battlefield, you probably don't want to bring them over to you unless you can write well enough to make it convincing.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 2! Free Falling!]
07-20-2009, 06:49 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by fait.
Dragon Fogel Wrote:
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SpoilerSomething to keep in mind: You can have another character come over to where you are. I've done this, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one.
Just remember, though, this game is based on writing skill. If another character is in the middle of a fight, and on the other side of the battlefield, you probably don't want to bring them over to you unless you can write well enough to make it convincing.
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SpoilerI'm still not used to using other people's characters. I don't know 'em very well except for Lutherion, since he's been quite the popular character.
Anyways, I'll probably type a little bit more tonight.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 2! Free Falling!]
07-22-2009, 02:47 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by bobthepen.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 2! Free Falling!]
07-22-2009, 03:04 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by fait.
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SpoilerWow, so much for posting later. I'm posting MUCH later.
Alcarith reached the second floor of the garage-barn. Up on the second floor, there were numerous workbenches with tools and materials littered all over the place. Further back were office cubicles, one of the office spaces visible from where Alcarith stood.
Alcarith approached one of the workbenches and browsed the contents upon it. There were numerous, unrecognizable tools that were very small. There was a device with its casing off being worked on but there was no sign of any recent work on it.
Alcarith quickly grew tired of looking at the different work benches and walked over to the cubicles. The cubicles weren't out of the ordinary. The cubicles had desk space, writing utensils, office supplies, a computer, a printer, extra stacks of printer paper, but nothing extravagant.
"A computer!" Alcarith immediately took notice. "Perhaps I can call for help."
She sat down at the computer desk and started the computer up. The operating system looked fairly old and it didn't help that Alcarith was unfamiliar with how the GUI worked. After the computer started up, it prompted her to type in her user name and password.
"This isn't good. I need a user name and password. I have obviously never worked in this abandoned place. I'll just keep looking around."
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 2! Free Falling!]
07-22-2009, 09:51 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.
Did the other players die without me knowing? I find this unlikely, since I'm supposed to be the one advocating it.
You aren't allowed to die in the game or in real life without my consent!
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 2! Free Falling!]
07-22-2009, 09:52 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by OddGuy.
I can't really think of anything that I could post without someone else interacting with my character guy.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 2! Free Falling!]
07-22-2009, 09:59 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.
OddGuy Wrote:I can't really think of anything that I could post without someone else interacting with my character guy. Well then, post something with somebody else interacting with your character guy. You aren't limited to writing only if your character is the only one involved. You can use your knowledge of other characters to guide their actions as well as your own.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 2! Free Falling!]
07-22-2009, 10:25 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by OddGuy.
As the shield was raised, the Shadow Wight began screeching and slashing at the shield as it's energy was sapped without a connection as Nathan stood behind it, out of breath, barely holding onto the knife as blood dripped down from his arm, falling from it's point.
As he stood, immobile, Emily moved the shield when necessary, blocking the Shadow Wight from touching him. As time passed, Lutherion, looking amused with the situation, made a sort of miming gesture like he was eating popcorn before laughing hysterically once more, a tooth falling out this time.
" HEEEHAHAHEHAHO! How entertaining! The boy is so useless, he needs an old lady to protect him from his old shadow!" Lutherion said before letting out another long belly laugh, taunting. Eventually, the Shadow Wight let out a final, ear-splitting shriek before dissipating like steam with a faint hiss. After, Emily raised a larger, stationary shield for Nathan to stay behind as she turned her attention to Lutherion, a look of utmost disgust on her face.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 2! Free Falling!]
07-22-2009, 10:30 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Draykon.
Amethyst reached down at the bomb, looking intrigued. She placed the palm of her hand against it. The chunk of decaying flesh slid off, and the metal orb stuck to her hand.
"I must confess a degree of admiration. I hadn't considered such a loophole."
Lutherion just kept up his usual grin, looking perhaps a little proud. Amethyst's icicles began to swirl around him.
"But we cannot allow your own masochism to grant you an unfair advantage."
She mechanically walked forward, and turned to face Nathan and Emily.
"Priest girl, please tend to the human's wounds. Your own abilities are not currently required."
The icicles moved closer to Lutherion. He curiously poked one, judging it to be held to tightly to move without considerable effort.
"Tell me necromancer, are you familiar with a basic levitation spell?"
Lutherion kept grinning. "Ya mean a floaty spell? I know that they're pretty much useless for anything but showing off. You plannin' on dazzlin' me to death girl? I've seen some preeetty weird stuff in my time. *cackle*"
"Then you are aware they require minimum concentration to maintain, even with large objects, provided the objective is to prevent solely the effects of gravity. It is a very basic spell, but surprisingly difficult to resist."
The icicles were almost touching Lutherion's stomach.
"Are you aware of the nature of our current space?"
She stepped closer, still holding the bomb.
"Set gravitational influence: Total neutralization."
At those words, Amethyst's icicles and Lutherion all shot up, slammed through the ceiling, and flew up into the sky.
Actually, they had been completely stopped in midair, the building had simply continued to fall without them. Amethyst held her arm out, holding the Bomb at a certain point in midair. A brief moment passed, before there was another loud crash. Lutherion crashed up through the floor, and slammed his head into the bomb. As he did, it separated from Amethyst's grasp. Waiting for this signal, the icicles stopped, and Lutherion fell back onto the floor. However they continued flying.
"Run preset: LandQuake III"
More air solidified into crystals, and flew towards the walls, drawing a line around the corner of the room, before breaking the entire area off into a floating chunk of wood.
Lutherion leapt off the platform almost immediately, hovering with his own wings.
"What's this then raspberry girl? You think you stand a better chance at not dieing in the air? Or are you trying to protect Bacon Lady and Butterknife Boy? Hahahahaha! Either way."
He thrust his arm forward. Several splinters of bone launched forward. As they did, they began to split apart, as though depressurizing.
"Lifeless Dragons! Rise for your God Lutherion! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
The splinters finished rearranging, and now 4 winged beasts flew gracefully through the sky. Three headed off towards the rest of the restaurant, while one flew straight at Amethyst. Still wearing her crystal shoes, she quickly dodged to the right, the dragon crashing into the chunk Amethyst had taken with her. The crystals abandoned it, flying off as the structure fell apart.
Lutherion causally touched the metal sphere now bound to his neck with his Weightmaw Arm, find as he did that it detached itself, and resealed to one of the bone splinters.
"Well now that's convenient! Hey pink girl! CATCH! HAHAHAHA!"
He slung the splinter from his arm, it glowed a bright green, and began flying directly towards Amethyst. About halfway there, another of Amethyst's black crystals intercepted it.
"It is mental tug-o-war then." She said as she dodged the bone dragon once again. "I do not often lose these."
But Lutherion just grinned more broadly, as he effortlessly forced the bomb directly towards Amethyst. She dodge slightly to the left, and the bomb sailed back into the restaurant.*
"Really now?! *cackle cackle*"
"I say not often." She said almost casually, "For it is difficult to move a large building."
For all of three seconds, Lutherion had a look of confusion. For the next several seconds, he was far more preoccupied with the large barnhouse, now covered with black crystals, being slammed repeatedly against him. After several hits, Lutherion found himself inside the now hole-filled barnhouse. Amethyst drifted in through one of the large masses. The crystals around the outside detached, and formed a case around Lutherion's arm, binding it in place.
"Hey, just what the hell is this supposed to be?!"
"Second hacking attempt. If the dagger carries a demonic penalty to its use, my own power will have to suffice."
After saying this, she began whispering various commands, all far too fast and too soft to be understood. bolts of green light fired from Lutherion's arm as he struggled.
Amethyst's body began to go limp, her eyes began to drip with some strange black liquid. Her race's equivalent of tears. Not her own, but the regrets of the countless beings Lutherion held captive. The green light intensified, as the crystals began to crack.
And with a burst, the light became blinding, the crystals shattered, and Amethyst was knocked against the far wall, completely as a ragdoll. She looked up weakly at Lutherion, who now stood grinning, almost completely unharmed.
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SpoilerSowwies, I couldn't think of much to do. Until like, just now.
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SpoilerAmethyst originally didn't dodge, the bomb slammed into and stuck to her shoulder. This one edit should fix the continuity.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 2! Free Falling!]
07-22-2009, 10:49 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.
As the battle below commenced, Aeon switched his gaze towards the bare, grey barn across the sky. He remembers seeing the dragon-girl land there and enter, but not much else. From the looks of it she was likely trying to wait out the battle in the restaurant, as was he. From what I know of the relations of my opponents, the dragon-girl currently is neutral in regards to possible alliances, as am I. If I were to communicate, it would still leave me room for further relations.
As Aeon contemplated this, he entered the kitchen of the house. There was a stove, a refrigerator, a microwave, various cabinets, everything one would expect in a kitchen. Aeon opened the fridge, hoping for a quick meal. As soon as he did, he felt an instant slight decrease in weight. Looking out from the window, he could see another house; this one seemed to fall slightly slower than the other. Aeon then grabbed a microwavable meal and closed the fridge, noticing that the house seemed to fall at a normal rate.
After the quick meal, Aeon exited the house and glided towards the grey barn.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 2! Free Falling!]
07-23-2009, 01:43 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by PawntoD4.
Emily healed Nathan up and sat down. She was glad to be rid of the demons. "Boy come here for a second."
Nathan walked over and sat down next to her. "Giveme the knife boy." She noticed his reluctancy. He was probably scared of losing his little power. "I will not keep it. I merely want to examine it." Carefully he handed it to her.
Emily concentrated her power on it. Yes this was indeed a powerful demons prison. Though the structure was questionable. It probably wouldn't hold for long.
She looked at Nathan again. This boy looked familiar. No doubt she must have known his father somehow. if only she could recall. He couldn't have been a member of her order, for she knew all of them by heart. Who was he?
"Boy. Did your father ever go away for a long time without a trace."
"Sometimes. He was a demon hunter after all. He was busy of course."
Emily nodded. No help there. "What about to another dimension? Did he ever get involved with something called a demon world or gate?"
(I'll leave the rest to you oddguy.)
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 2! Free Falling!]
07-23-2009, 02:50 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by OddGuy.
"Huh. Probably, considering. Whenever he went out to go and seal demons, he would tell me, simple as that, but never where, exactly. When they were going to be especially long, he sometimes called them his 'business trips'. There was some stuff about where he went in his study about that, but I never really was interested enough to read it," Nathan said, " Although I did leaf through them a bit, after he died, to see what I should do with the knife, stuff like that. The word demon gate appeared a few times, but I never really read that much about it."
Nathan paused to laugh shortly. Emily shot him an inquisitive glance before he said, " The reason I have this knife is partially because of him being unable to sell it, and he didn't want anyone else to have it, considering. I guess he thought I would be the best person to hold onto it, or something."
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 2! Free Falling!]
07-23-2009, 03:05 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
Unit VC-035 was now complete, and well ahead of schedule. Eximo decided to check the status of the other units before continuing, in case unforeseen errors had occurred. Besides, this would be a good opportunity to participate in the cleansing itself.
As Eximo patrolled the store, it noticed the fallen form of VC-012. Further examination suggested it had sustained damage from an attack, rather than a malfunction. Fortunately, it was not beyond repair.
Eximo took out its strange tools and began repairing the unit. At the same time, it began scanning the store, looking for a new section to assign 012 once it was functional again; this section was now clear.
And that was when the anomaly became apparent. Eximo paused for a moment, confused, then finished its work and sent 012 over to the washing machines. Eximo then headed towards the source of the anomaly: One of the cash registers.
Eximo was puzzled. None of the VC units had been in this area, so there was still considerable dust on the floor and counter; yet, the register itself was completely clean. Why would this device already be cleansed, when it was surrounded by such filth?
Perhaps the answer lay inside. Eximo identified and pressed the button to open the register. There was money inside, which was not surprising at all. Eximo removed a ten-dollar bill and inspected it - perfectly clean.
Suddenly, Eximo was pushed towards the ground. It picked itself up, surprised, then put the money back in the till.
Then it found itself a few inches off the ground. A moment later, there were a series of loud thumping noises as Eximo and the VC units landed.
Eximo had not been programmed to understand the details of gravity. A more trained observer might have realized that the building's rate of descent had slowed when the money was removed, and increased when it was replaced. But the demonic vacuum merely decided to leave the cash register alone and return to its work. It had become clear that investigating the device would not assist with the cleansing.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 2! Free Falling!]
07-23-2009, 01:39 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by PawntoD4.
Emily nodded. So the boy's father had known about a demon gate. It would make sense that there were portals to it in other dimensions after all.
It was certainly possible that he was the son of that strange man she had seen long ago. And that demon in the knife did seem to give off a familiar aura. However in this situation it really didn't matter.
"Be careful with that knife boy. You probably don't quite understand just how powerful it is." She stood up. "Now I must go find the others that need help." She put her hand on his shoulder and cast a good luck spell. "Follow me if you want." With that she headed out the door and hopped off of the pation. Slowly she began to ascend using her shield she was heading for the barn.
bomb timer. Since noone has measured it for a while I'm gonna say.
13:21. Emily will reach the barn in two minutes.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 2! Free Falling!]
07-23-2009, 02:02 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
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SpoilerSounds reasonable. I was estimating that Eximo finished VC-035 at around the 15 minute mark.