Battle Royale! Game Complete!

Battle Royale! Game Complete!
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

Zeke dodged the wave of destruction coming towards him. The sound of the breaking trees and plants made the God Gun's shot easier to detect. Zeke climbed the closest tree, gaining a good 5 metres above the ground and continued his pursuit.

Zeke ran across the branches and leaves with such nimbleness and balance that it was just like running on the ground.

Whit glanced up to see Zeke above him and gaining ground much more faster than he first anticipated. He fired some rounds from his God Gun, he didn't bother aiming directly as he was too busy running.

Zeke continued his advance , occasionally dodging blasts from Whit's gun. The sound of water was getting louder.

Whit finnaly found the source of the water, he didn't realise it at first but before he knew it, it was too late. Whit ran through a strang black liquid and began to sink slowly. He glanced down, noticing the liquid was getting thicker and stickier. He glanced over to the right to see a waterfall of this black substance, flowing freely.

Zeke slowed down his run and climbed back to ground level. Seeing Whit in the liquid, struggling to get free, he couldn't help but crack a smile. He walked over to the sinking Whit, his legs were almost gone. Zeke grabbed Whit's God gun, there was a struggle as he had it wrapped round his arm, not to mention Whit did not want to give it up. But after a while Zeke managed to pry it out of his hands and took a few steps back.

"I'll give you a choice: You can either have an instant death at the hands of me, or you can drown slowly in the 'Abyss'"


"Thats what it's called in my world. It mimics the properties of water, but when you go in it, it becomes viscous and sticky. Like a tar pit."

"Help me!"


"Because I can help you! The Illusionist I can help you kill him!"

"I'll help you, but only if you agree to kill Itzal for me."

The Abyss was at Whits chest now "Alright, I'll do it!"

"And would you agree that your whole luck stratergy is foolish?"

"Yes ok fine! Now help me!"

"Hmth" Zeke begins to walk off, Whit's God gun in hand.

"Hey! HEY! You said you would help!"

"I lied."

Zeke continued to walk but stopped just short of going back into the forest. Whit just had his head and his arms above the Abyss.

Without looking behind, Zeke threw the God Gun behind him. It lands just in the reach of Whit

"Consider yourself...lucky."

And with that Zeke runs off.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.


Whit felt fairly foolish, sinking in the tar. Still, at least Zeke had been more foolish in telling him the properties of the tar... and even returning his gun. As much as it annoyed him to beg, he really was lucky: His opponent was a cocky fool. The tar became harder when it was touched, which meant that it reacted to movement. He needed to be still, to let it carry him until he found a something to drag himself out with. It wasn't too bad, he figured. He could hold his breath for a little over 2 minutes. Considering the speed of the fluid, he'd cover a lot of distance, and would definitely lead... to something. There was no doubt in his mind that something would catch his grip. Still, he had one thing to do before diving. He grabbed the Gun, and aimed it near Zeke's retreating figure. A familiar tree caught Whit's eye, and he fired. The wave ripped, again smashing through the trees.

Zeke had expected this, of course. Why did he leave Whit the gun? Just to toy with him, to give him a wasteful hope that he could avenge himself. Zeke jumped to the side, and the shot passed by him, afflicting him with only a slight breeze. Then, he heard a crunching sound, and realized that Whit had hit a large tree nearby... a stout, large one with spiral leaves. An entire portion of it's trunk was gone, and it fell towards Zeke. He rolled outwards, away from the main body of it, but was still buried under thousands of leaves. Pain shot through him. The leaves had hit him hard, he felt his entire back to be covered in bruises. Zeke attempted to rise, only to find that his legs were trapped. Gritting his teeth, he shot out his wrist blades, and used them to crawl out from the weight. He glared back at where he had left the Gambler. He was gone, like planned... but earlier than expected.

All of Whit's senses went black. He had tucked the Godgun and his other weapons into his inner pocket to keep them clean, took the deepest breath he could and went limp. He was carried through the darkness, the current strong. he occasionally felt contact with his fingers, but ignored it. He had to concentrate on... nothing, to keep from drowning. He continued to flow down the stream... when he realized that he had stopped. Carefully, he slowly felt around. He was caught on a large root. Slowly, slowly, he climbed it out. Gasping, he lay down on the ground. He was alive... exactly as it should be. Somehow, the liquid had hardly stuck to him, and quickly flowed out of his clothes. Whit was dry, and clean- he felt good. He celebrated by allowing himself to rest there for a while... but this time, with vigilance.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Itzal spun around as it heard Mike land on the deck. "You are her early" Itzal said, annoyed. "I'm not ready" Mike started to stand, but was obviously winded. Itzal drew its Hoodoo crystals. "I remember you had odd abilities. I'm guessing these would work on you as well. But..." Itzal paused. Mike's Vectors, unseen, waited for Itzal to step into range. "I'll give you a choice. You can help me set up a trap for those still below, or I can test these crystals."
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Mike vision coulded around him. His body shook and he was comepletely out of breath. He lay on the floor, gasping for breath. He felt as though he had been hit with a hurricane while a boxer struck him in his solar plexus.
Itzal's voice flowed through his head, and it took him a few seconds to recognise his question.
As soon as he did, he smiled. His breathing slowed down to a better pace, and he managed to move into a kneeling position.
"You made three mistakes. One: They can't reach this place, even I had trouble. Two: I never accept deals, I just kil people."

"And three. You should have killed me when I was winded"
Mike suddenly kicked of the ground, backwards. Itzal wondered why, as he was moving further than he could reach.
Then it hit him. Mike had a gun.
He quickly moved above deck before Mike could get a shot at him.
"Clever" He remarked, waiting for Itzal to attack.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Itzal hid behind the mast. This opponent was obviously not open to chitchat. Very well, two can play at this game. Itzal silently slipped round behind Mike, darting from cover to cover, using the skills he developed to hide his movements from his audience. Darting around a corner behind mike, ITzal let loose a barrage of knifes. The Vectors snaked out and batted them out of the air. But one of them was not a knife, but a Hoohoo shard. The shard sliced into the Vector, damaging it. Mike whirled at the unexpected attack, raising his gun to fire, but Itzal was nowhere to be seen.

"Where are you hiding?" Mike asked, cautiously stalking the deck of the ship.
"Behind you" Itzal said, throwing its voice. Mike whirled around to face the perceived threat, and Itzal threw another volley of daggers at his back. Mikes vectors once again leapt to protect him, knocking the daggers out of hte air. The hoodoo shard hit the other vector, wounding it as well. Mike felt his vectors writhe in pain.
"What are you doing?" Mike demanded, whirling around and firing a shot. The bullet whizzed through hte space Itzal had been standing but a moment before. Itzal stalked behind Mike again. Mike was turning around, semi-paranoid. He backed up against a wall, protecting his back, gun in hand. Itzal darted out from behind a mast, and Mike fired as Itzal threw daggers. Mikes vectors darted to block the daggers again, but they were weakened form the hoodoo wounds and weren't fast enough. They blocked 5 of the daggers but the sixth slipped past, grazing Mikes side. Itzal darted beck behind the mast, and examined himself. There was a bullet hole piercing his cloak, but it had missed his body.
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

"Interesting", Mike mused. He was intent on learning Itzal's pattern. He was learning, as it were. Itzal could throw daggers with skill, and was ambidextrous.
He grasped his side with his free hand. Blood soaked through and dripped over his fingers.
The two voices in his head told him not to worry, that they knew what they were doing.
The simple fact that they allowed him to come to harm annoyed him.
They were selfish bastards.
The vectors suddenly vanished. Disapated completely. The shards of the rock fell to the deck with a clatter.
A second later, they appeared again. Strength regained.
"Time for a lesson in psychokinesis, it seems."
The vectors picked up every knife Itzal had thrown, including the sharpened rock fragments. They launched them at the mast, creating a clear line of handles going vertically up it.
They were fully embeded into the woodwork.
"Even out of my range of two meter's, I can kill people very easily. That is my first lesson, magic man. Now, let's get serious!"
Mike vaulted from his position from the wall, choosing to not stay in the same place, he zigged and zagged around the deck, and threw himself towards the mast.
The vectors climbed it for him, before proplleing him from it and onto rigging supporting the floating devices.
'One misplaced dagger, and this baby pops. 'that's the theory, anyways'

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.

Cobra watched as Zeke disappeared into the trees. He wanted him to win if he was killed. Cobra felt a new sense of hope for winning this competition; it was no longer about saving his lost love, it wasn't about surviving anymore, it was about proving that he was better.

No! I can't get cocky like that, I have to try and stay selfless in this competition, I have to do it just to survive. It's not about proving anything, it's about surviving at this point, and it's about saving Naomi.

He followed along with Gadget. He now realized that he didn't have anybody he could kill at this point. Zeke was after Whit, so Whit was taken care of, and the illusionist was way too high up in the ship for him to get there. Mike was the only one, and he didn't think he had a quarrel with Mike. Cobra spotted a particularly large tree from his realm.

"Hey, Gadget, hold on for juust a second, I'm going to climb this and see what I can see."

Gadget nodded in agreement and sat down on a rock nearby. It was no trouble for Cobra to get to the top of the tree in his half wolf form, for his claws were sharp enough to dig into the soft hide of the tree. He climbed swiftly, reaching the top in only about a minute (Mind you this was a pretty big tree, 75ish feet) he looked around a little bit. Most of the area was completely capped with trees and bush, so he couldn't see much, although he did see somebody rocket up into the ship.

That's Mike.

And he heard some trees getting crushed as well.

Whit and his godgun...

Cobra got down from the tree. Gadget and him kept walking.

"Gadget... I don't want to fight you at all in this competition. I have a lot of respect for you, and if it DOES come down to just me or you, I don't think I could go through with it. I may be an old warlord in my realm, but that's my job, and I sure as hell don't kill for fun, every life I take is another portion of my soul gone, another part of my heart that goes dead. That's why I'm trying not to kill anybody here. You see what I'm saying, right?

Gadget looked at Cobra intently for a little bit, almost opening his mouth to speak a few times.

"Yeah, I know what you mean, I really do. That's the thing though. If it does come down to us, it's going to be difficult."

Cobra stopped Gadget and extended a hand to him.

"If neither of us make it past this round, I want you to know, you're my favorite out of everybody here, and I'd never wish harm on you. I know it's sort of sappy in the middle of a battle royale, but I couldn't not tell you and have one of us die. You've become my friend through this competition."

Gadget took Cobra's hand and smiled. They continued walking, trying to enjoy this paradise while they could.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Itzal examined Mike climbing the riggings. Itzal did not know what those floating spheres were, but it preferred not to find out the hard way. It took a chain of time-delay firecrackers from its cloak, cut the fuses to random length, lit them, then teleported them to random locations around the deck. That should keep Mike guessing for a while. Itzal then stole away, and was entering the door to the lower decks when the first firecracker went off.
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

Cobra and Gadget kept walking together, when a shuffling was heard from a nearby bush.
"I'll go check it out."
Cobra started to head towards the source of the noise, but something emerged before he even got there.
"I got it, mates!"
Jim made a rush for what emerged, biting it hard.
"Ow! Get off! Ow! Gadget, are you here!?"
"She's still alive?"
"Well after you disappeared, I found myself completely alone with Debree. A lot of strange stuff happened, almost as if some higher powers were playing with us. Debree didn't make it."
Carrie pulled a chunk of one of the Ministries out from the bush she was hiding in. The remains of Debree, with only a tiny bit of shadowy essence still present.
"So who's this?"
"This is Carrie. I built her back in round one. Cobra, help me get Debree into my bag. The weight will be pretty negligible once it's in there."
Cobra helped get the debris into the much smaller bag.

"How does that work?"
"Magic, pretty much. Every member of my race has a different special power. Mine is to create life. Somebody I knew had the ability to create space where there was none before. Basically it meant he could create impossibly fillable bags. Ah, there we go."
Debree was fully in the bag, and at the top of it was Grimm's mask, shifted as to not be crushed. Seeing it gave Gadget some ideas, but he dismissed them for the time being.
He looked up at the Ark.
"We're probably going to have to go up there if the fire spreads too much. Carrie will be able to account for me, but what about you?"

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

Zeke streached and audably cracked. "ungrateful cretin." He took a glance to the right and saw the fires getting dangerously close, he quickly took a dash to get away.

The flames then licked the 'abyss' and burst into flames. He watched as the tar like substance flared up and went down the river like a flaming tidal wave. Zeke had a thought that if Whit was still in there he would very much so die. But he didn't write him off just yet, he was tricky that one.

Speaking of tricksters, he was more interested in Itzal and the floating ship. He needed to get up there, but lacked any method. "Hmm, perhaps I should seek aid from the small one..." Zeke gave it some thought, after a while he decided to disclose it. Itzal could wait. right now Zeke had to confirm Whit's death. He began running by the side of the now river of fire.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Mike turned to stare at where the first firecracker went off, then reeled around to notice the second.
After the third, well, his instincts told him that they were harmless.
Guessing Itzal really didn't want to harm the unkown blimp like attachment, Mike dropped off of the rigging backwards, the vectors absorbing the impact from the drop to the deck.

Itzal's hand fell upon the door handle, and quickly turned it around. The door opened silently and he quickly moved inside, shuting the door behind him. In front of him were a set of stairs that dropped onto the deck. The wooden walls around him bore strange markings, sketches and writing that he could not contemplate the meaning of.
Some of them look like wildlife, but without any knowledge of such alien markings they held little insight to whom had built the ship.
Further down the deck, another door stood. This one darker in color, and thicker too. He strolled up to it, and saw that a bar had been lowered over it, securing whatever lay inside.
He raised his hand to lift the bar, when a creaking sound reverbrated through the ship. He stayed his hand, something felt off here.

Mike shot a hole through the door Itzal had just used with the shotgun, and kicked it open. He saw Itzal, hand outstretched to the barred door.
He had heard the creak, and followed the sound. Now, he could hear more.
After had shot, more noises had began to eminate from behind the door. Sounds of scratching, movement. Mike and Itzal were not the only ones on this boat.
For once, Mike had nothing to say. He struggled to think of any compromise to the situation.
"... Right," He finally said, "Looks like we got company. And you got no exit's, unluss you wanna blow a hole though the walls an' get out that way. But, I suggest you let me open that door. Who knows what the hell's in there. What have ya got to lose? Just stay out of my way and you won't die. My curiosity is overpowering the bastards in my head. Move aside" He gestured to Itzal, cocked his gun and re-slung it over his shoulder.
As a side note, he clicked the safety on his sidearm, to prove he ment a small token of honesty.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Whit got up, the smell of fire in his nostrils. towards the center of the forest, Whit could see a visible column of fire. He needed to go somewhere else soon. Looking up, he spied the Ark. Somehow, he wasn't even surprised. it hung there, as if suspended in the air... Whit disregarded it. He couldn't get to it, no matter what he tried. looking opposite to the fire, he saw a rock wall rise high into the sky, higher, it seemed, than the hoodoo. In fact, the wall stretched all the way around; Whit was fairly sure that it surrounded the entire forest.

"I'll go through that, then."

His course was fairly obvious. He'd shoot a hole in the wall. It might take some time, but it would definitely work. and, judging from the size, it seemed structurally integral enough to withstand the hole. Whit then checked his guns. His smaller ones were fine... but the Godgun somehow got several rocks in it. Whit pointed it at a tree and fired, hoping to clear it out. He felt the slight, initial recoil, but didn't feel the wind. In fact, it seemed nothing had happened. Whit inspected the tree he had shot. there was no damage... or was there? upon closer examination, there were minute holes in it... about the size of the pebbles. Looking at the other side, there were corresponding holes where the pebbles went through. Whit was excited. There was another use for his weapon... he picked a bunch of strange looking pine cones out of the tree. They were heavy, and incredibly thickly formed. These would make very good ammo... suddenly, the river of tar caught fire. The flame was so close...
Whit began running towards the wall.
