Battle Royale! Game Complete!

Battle Royale! Game Complete!
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

You got reSERVED!
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

also reserved.
... well, sorta. I mean, I don't really care if anyone else posts, as long as it doesnt have to do with Whit and Zeke, I suppose.
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

"What's that?"
The mountain was shaking violently, and from not far above, a large chunk of mountain started falling.

"Shit! Run!"
The three made a mad dash for the side, and the falling part of the mountain tore off a large chunk of plateau.
"I don't think it's done."
"What? Why?"
"The mountain is still shaking."
The plateau they stood on started cracking from where it was broken off. From above, yet more boulders of the mountain continued to fall.
"We've got to find a safe place! It's like the entire mountain is collapsing!"
Almost right upon saying that, another boulder hit the plateau, knocking a large chunk of it out. The cracks split out to right underneath Gadget. "That was close! Let's get-" and it collapsed underneath him.

"Gadget! Cobra, you've got to help him! I can't do anything!"
Gadget looked down, while hanging on to the ledge. The fog was getting dangerously close. He wouldn't be able to hold on for very long, but he didn't need to, because Cobra easily grabbed him and pulled him up onto the now rather minuscule plateau. Moving to the other side of the mountain, the three found a relatively safe position, where the falling boulders passed by them with no incident. They all took a moment to catch their breath.
"Hey, wasn't the top a lot further away before?"
Indeed, they found that at this point, the top was no more than a few feet above their heads. The climb was very easy from there on.
"I think... we're finally safe. Or at least I hope. If a sizable portion of the mountain came off, true safety might not be possible any more. However this works, we're as safe as we're going to be."
He laid down. For a while, he could rest.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Whit was dizzy. He had gotten beat down... Nothing that hadn't happened before. Calm down, he thought to himself.
What was I thinking? Shooting this thing around like that, yelling like that. Tsk tsk, Whit. That's not smart at all. You're better than this... In fact, you should be the best.

Whit rolled onto his side, crawling away, admittingly pathetically. Zeke's words didn't mean anything to him, but he didn't want him to have the wrong idea. This was probably going to be their final meeting, after all. He spoke his thoughts, as scattered as they were.

"You know, I was a pretty good boxer too. It was fun, beating fists into people. It gives a rush, doesn't it? Destroying people, that is. Same thing with cards, destroying people through their wallets. Yeah, destruction is fun. And, the closer you are, the more beautiful the crash is. That's probably what makes people great- We can be so close to each other, get it?"

"Don't babble. It's pathetic."

Whit glanced around. He was inside a tunnel now, and Zeke was in the inner part of the Hoodoo, walking after him.
"...But you know, boxing is such a concrete sport. There's only one real way to win. And, once you're done, you're done. You shake hands and leave. There's nothing to it, at all."

Zeke was tired of talking to Whit. What nonsense was he spouting, some wayward philosophy? He stepped forward.

"My point is..."

Whit pulled the trigger inside his jacket. A 500. calibur bullet ripped out of the side of his jacket, smashing into Zeke's Gauntlet. A crack went through it, and the shock sent Zeke back and made his arm numb. It surprised Whit momentarily that Zeke was alive, and that there didnt seem to be any damage, but his hand was already on his Godgun. He made a decision he would have considered foolhardy a moment ago.

"...we're not sportsmen here! Let's destroy each other."

Flipping upright, He fired straight at Zeke. The invisible bullet scrapped against the edges of the tunnels, and sent dust shooting out of the tunnel. Zeke quickly spun to the side, narrowly dodging the wave. The wave hit the other side of the Hoodoo. The entire section of the Hoodoo began to slide outwards, emitting an incredibly painful screeching sound.
Whit, still focused on Zeke, looked around. The top was still to far, and the fog was terrifyingly close. Still, it seemed... slower. Everything seemed slower. The screeching of the rocks drowned out all senses.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Itzal quickly came to a decision. It rushed into the tunnel after the blast emanated from it. Zeke and Whit were facing off. Zeke rushed towards Whit, blades raised high, and plunged them into Whits chest.

Only the blades weren't there.

Whit fell backwards from the punch, but his chest was intact. Zeke whirled around to see Itzal wearing his gauntlets. Itzal was slightly weakened by the effort of teleporting them, but it was not nearly as strenuous as shape shifting was. "You know, I really don't like you. You are so arrogant. 'oh, I trained my entire life to be awesome!'" Itzal mocked. "Do you think we are just some random schmucks? How do you think I got my abilities? I studied the art of illusion my entire life. I studied it well enough to give me advantage over you, mister 'master warrior'. Did your studies allow you to surpass your normal human limitations, or merely hit them? You think you are so much better than us because you you are relying only on your own strength. But you are weak, because you have no surpassed your limitations."

Whit slowly stood behind Zeke and brought up his god gun. Zekes was entirely focused on Itzal.

"One thing I did learn during my studies: how to distract an audience from what I want to hide" Itzal said, and he leapt to the side as Whit pulled the trigger. The gravity wave rushed forward. Zeke whirled to dodge it but it was too late. The blast caught him halfway as he tried to leap out of the way and sent him flying across the Hoodoo. His body impacted th crystal as the rest of the wave blew another whole through the wrecked structure. Zeke managed to catch a handhold before falling back into the fog. He almost passed out, but regained consciousness through concentration. It felt like he broke a rib, but no other major damage. If it had caught him full on that might be a different story.

"Nice shot" Itzal remarked.

"Thanks for the save. And the distraction." Whit replied, wiping blood off his face.
"No problem. I really don't like that guy. He killed some of my doves." Itzal looked over the edge. "The fog is getting rather close. This would have to be the top for us to be safe. The amount of destruction you have done to this environment is rather impressive." Itzal looked up. The top was now 14 meters above them. "I think I can get us to the top, if you agree to protect me once we get there. It would take all of my effort to us up there, and I won't be able to defend myself."

Itzal and Whit, 48m
Zeke, 47m
fog, 46 m

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Korbz.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

"Yes. I guess you know you can trust me. You can see it too, right? How this is all a game. I can't win against you if I owe you like this."

Whit pulled out a pistol, and slipped the GodGun back in his sleeve.

"I know."

It was true. Itzal's first step in mastering illusions was the comprehension of people. Whit was deceptively easy to read, his entire being in agreement. His mindset made him a reliable tool, but at the same time, a strange kind of dangerous. Itzal made note of it and began twisting, and becoming smaller, tighter.

"Hold on."

Itzal grabbed Whit's coat, as it coiled into a spring. It maximized it's potential energy and released it in one motion, firing both of them over the top. They both caught a glimpse of Gadget and Kobra as they flew upwards, but ignored them when they realized Itzal had overshot slightly. Whit freed himself of Itzal's grip and landed hard, scrapping desperately so he wouldnt slide off. Itzal landed slightly further, but had not the strength left to cling. It slid over the edge, but Whit managed to grab it's sleeve. He hoisted Itzal back onto the top, muttered
"you're light", and they both turned their attention to Gadget and Kobra.

Itzal and Whit: Top, although I have no idea where that is anymore
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.


Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Korbz.

Grimm awoke, and realized that the environment around him was falling, and his non-existent heart sunk when he saw Mike rushing at him. "I don't have the strength to fight this guy...I only have the strength to follow through with my race's tradition." Grimm took off his mask, revealing nothing but shadows, and two yellow eyes. He threw the mask onto the top of Hoodoo and yelled as loud as he could. "IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO FIND OUT WHY I'M CALLED AN ECLIPSE!" He sank into the Hoodoo and began smothering it in shadows. "What the hell is this?" Mike's vectors stabbed the shadows, but nothing happened. Only holes were created which were very quickly filled. Mike kept attacking the shadows to no avail, and he saw the yellow eyes. Meanwhile, Grimm was covering most of the Hoodoo, including over by Zeke, Whit and Itzal. The shadows were creeping over to Whit and Itzal, but they bounced away to the top of the mountain. They started creeping down towards Zeke, who was still hanging on a ledge. He climbed up and started to go up the Hoodoo, but the shadows had him by the foot."We're not letting you escape..."Zeke was being pulled into the shadows. He kicked furiously at them, but it didn't work. He was going to die here by being dragged into the fog. Meanwhile, Mike was still attacking Grimm."That won't work against us...""How's this?!" He pulled out a gun and shot Grimm's right eye. An ear-shattering screech pierced the area as the shadows were recalled back to Grimm. The second eye was turning dim, but turned to Mike and said one last thing. "I hope you are killed in the most ironic way possible." His shadows vanished, and at that moment, Grimm was gone forever.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

Gadget wasn't worried about the two who had arrived at the top. He picked up Grimm's mask and put it into his backpack.
"...if we get to a better place, we'll have to do something good with this. I'm not quite sure what Grimm was, but he helped us a bit back in the Ministry. I want to respect him."
He turned to Itzal and Whit.
"So, what are you going to do now? Wait for another inevitable change in scenery? Attack right away? Try to get that mask from me?"

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Grimm's mask clattered on the rock. Whit watched it, unsure of what had happened. Still, he knew one thing: Grimm was dead. Whit was bothered by his death. This wasn't what he was used to, where every action had a consequence. He had saved Grimm's life, and gained nothing from it. Whit's effort was wasted... was it? Not entirely... because he brought Grimm up, his mask was here now. Whit was sure that some way, some how, that mask would mean something. Whit watched Gadget take the mask, and smiled. Maybe something would be born from his action, something interesting, something worthwhile...

"So, what are you going to do now? Wait for another inevitable change in scenery? Attack right away? Try to get that mask from me?"

Whit thought about it. One shot would probably end the small man... but the other one, the wolfman, he was dangerous. As useful it would be to end another contestant's life, it wasn't worth having to fight another supernatural being on such a small stage. He put on his best smile. It wasn't very good.

"No, we're just here... resting."

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.

Cobra, like Gadget, paid no attention to Whit and Itzal. He felt a strong feeling of remorse for Grimm. Sure, they were enemies, but still, Grimm had helped him... He had protected him. But there was no room for remorse in such a battle. He straightened his shield on his back and tightened his belt, then stood next to Gadget, who was facing Whit and Itzal now, eyeing them suspiciously. Cobra was thinking ahead now, way ahead.

I could die here. I could honestly die. Or, just as bad, I may have to kill somebody else.

Sure, Cobra had killed before, he's been in wars, no doubt, but he's never been in something like this. All the contestants, they were just like him. Warriors, brought up in a hard life, come to do one thing; win, and only win. Losing was no longer an option for Cobra, he had to be more careful, or careless, rather, attack when he could, else he may die. He turned and looked at Gadget, who looked back and smiled solemnly at him. What if Cobra had to kill Gadget in the end? No, he wouldn't think of that now, all he needed to be thinking about was focusing all his energy to healing himself. Even though he treated himself with plenty of supplies, he was still injured, and that won't help in Battle Royale. Cobra walked out to a particularly soft spot of the hoodoo and stabbed his sword into the ground. He then knelt, and paid his respects to Grimm, the Eclipse who kept him safe, and allowed him to live to die another day. After a few short minutes, and after Cobra prayed to his own god, he got up, re-sheathed his weapon, and stood at the ready. Ready for another change of scenery, ready for anything.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Itzal watched the commotion. That pesky shadow is dead. Good. It wasn't sure how well its hoodoo arsenal would work against the others, but they may still be a trump card. It watched the short man pick up the mask. Itzal had a mild interest in it, but was far too weakened to care. It lay there, relieved that this was almost over.
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Korbz.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Korbz, I hate that egg in you sig and everything it stands for.

Well, I guess it was a good thing Gadget got it. Definitely has the potential to be interesting.
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

MyifanW Wrote:Korbz, I hate that egg in you sig and everything it stands for.
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Korbz.

I put it in there so that I could annoy the people who actually clicked it.
If you don't want to sit through 150 bubbles, you can just hold down enter [img]images/smilies/mspa_face.gif[/img]
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

Creator Ko let out a horrified noise as Grimm got an eyeful of bullet, throwing his arms up in frustration as the Eclipse went out in a burst of glory. "Well, that's me done."

It played well, the Composer consoled him. Perhaps... it played too long in the shadows, though. An impressive final oeuvre on its part, though.

Returning her attention to the six still scrambling to escape the fog, the Composer altered its composition subtly with a twirl of her hand, before dragging it in a rush up the pillar. Quietly savouring the look on their faces as they imagined their awful demise, The Creator swiftly and efficiently warped the world while the contestants could not see it.

The mist parted, to reveal each contestant standing beneath a thick canopy of tropical trees. No matter where the contestants came from, it appeared some natives from their own lands were coexisting with this paradoxical, transdimensional jungle. Other than the occasional drip of water or murmur of breeze, the place was silent. Not a single bird's cry pierced the stillness, nor cry of larger animal.

If one was not acquainted with the normal sounds of a rainforest, you could be forgivven for thinking it peaceful.
Knowing how it should've sounded, though, made it unberably unnerving.

Some contestants swiftly climbed a tree to get a better look of the battlefield, and found two things of interest: Firstly, they appeared to be situated in the bowl of some enormous, long-extinct volcano. Its crater was long-engulfed by the impossible medly of trees and flowers and shrubs and vines from across the universes and galaxies and dimensions the Composer had evidently scoured to search for her contestants.

Second, and slightly more interesting to some; was the shape which loomed in the sky above them: The moss-and-vine encrusted hull of a gargantuan ship, floating with no visible means of support. Every plank on it looked like a centuries-old sentinel of the forest had been flattened into rectangular submission and pinned in place by monstrous arms.

It was too big for any of the contestants to ascertain from the ground whether it posessed sails or not. On cue, the Composer sang out from nowhere in particular,

"Welcome, contestants, to Sanctuary. Or, it was," the Composer adds in afterthought tones, before brightening up again. "I tired of the homogeny of the landscape last round, and offer you... variety. Enough to be swallowed up by it."

"Let the Third Act begin."

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

"Alone. Again."
"Forgetting about me!? I haven't been much help, though, so..."
"Hah. You've been plenty helpful, Whir! Still... this place... I get an odd sense of, I don't know what."
Yes, for amidst all the unfamiliar plants, there was the occasional element that looked as if it was pulled directly from back home.
Whir was a little more curious about the large ship up above, though.

"How d'ya think it stays up there?"
"I don't know. I'd like to take a look later, if I can get up," Gadget continued looking around, seeing that there were many varieties of plants from back home, and he got an idea, "Hey, let's go see if there are any Pod Snappers around here."
"Well, okay, but if I get eaten again-"
A friendly argument broke out between the two as they explored a little bit.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Mike had ascended a large tree, one that was obscure to him. From his vantage point he could see a far ways away.
He recognised his return to full power, and sat back on a branch to recollect his mind.
'So, two down five to go. Those shadows, those eyes, that horrible screech...
How I loved every second of his death!
This gun has killed two of them now. Better not get used to it, I only have half of my ammo left.
Of course, I still have the shotgun, and my vectors.'
He vaulted off of the branch, his vectors launching him from the tree. He soared through the conopy and landed in the branches of another mystery tree.
He hung down from the branch by his vectors, and dropped to the ground.
He listened.
"Too quiet" He mused.
He leaned against the trunk, and waited. Listening, for the others.
