Battle Royale! Game Complete!

Battle Royale! Game Complete!
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Whit kept climbing, periodically glancing all ways. Above him, there was a cliff. He payed it no attention, untill he saw a slight movement. Focusing, he saw a large rock appear over the cliff, as it displayed unnatural motion. A chill shot through him as he remembered a similar occurance, back on the Ministry. He knew who was responsible, and that any moment now, the rock would come flying at him...

Whit was focused. The fear still pervaded him, but he used the chills the fear created to keep himself cold and and sharp. Around him, there was no tunnels to the inside- He had to face it head on. He let go with his left hand and felt for the godgun's handle. The rock began to fly at him. Gripping the gun,Whit threw his gunarm up towards the rock, and waited. The rock flew, and was a meter away from him. He hadn't fired earlier because he'd risk hitting the walls as well as the rock, possibly putting himself in danger. Now that it was this close, it was possible for him to hit only the rock. Doing this would be even more dangerous- if he missed slightly, the rock fragments would probably kill him. However... Whit didnt even consider the other method. He could feel it, the rush that he used to feel, that came from each gamble. This time, the rush was several times what it used to be. Of course it would be- instead of chips, he was playing with his own life. Whit tilted his gun away from wall and fired. The rock was crushed, and the fragments shot away, leaving only dust. In the distance, a hole appeared in the clouds. Whit smiled; he had done it perfectly.

He stopped his little celebration and looked up again. There wasn't any more movement the he could see. Quickly, he scrambled to the closest tunnel. If he was going to fight the psycho, he'd do it in a better position. He stood in the tunnel, Godgun pointed at the opening, making sure his aim did not include any part of the wall.

29m in tunnel

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Zeke climbed over the edge to find Itzal waiting for him. "We meet again." Itzal observed.
"So we do"Zeke agreed. They stood motionless for a long while, each sizing the other up. Zeke was less hindered by the hoodoo than Itzal was, but Itzal had been resting for a while, while Zeke had just finished climbing up 20 meters.
"I've been up here for a while, you know I have the upper hand." Itzal said. Zeke started circling him, looking for an opening.

"I've seen what effect this place has had on the others. You are weakened."
"Ah, but I do not rely on my, shall we call them unusual abilities. And you are still tired." Itzal suddenly sprung into motion, tossing six daggers out at Zeke. He twisted away from them and swiped his blades, parrying the rest. But the 20m climb did take its toll on him, however slightly, and one of the daggers grazed his side. "First blood" Itzal taunted.
"Its just a scratch"Zeke replied, unphased. The daggers clattered down the side of the hoodoo, the metal singing out with each strike. Zeke lunged forward, intent on striking Itzal, but he struck a mirror."Again with the mirrors! What is it with you and mirror and smoke!?!"
"It is amazing how versatile that can be if you know what you are doing." Itzal replied, coming at Zeke from behind with a low sweeping kick. Zeke easily flipped over its leg, and came down on the edge of its cloak, pinning it to the ground. Itzal moved to flee, but it tripped over its own cloak. It looked up at Zeke, standing over it, blades extended, and got ready to activate its escape plan.

Zeke and Itzak: 63m, outside

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Korbz.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Korbz.

Grimm continued to fly up. Nothing was happening to him at all, and his journey is very uneventful. He could see Mike, though.

42m, outside(3 from Lankie's turn, 3 from MyifanW's turn, 3 from Mystify's turn.)

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

Zeke stared into the opening of the cloak, it was helpless now, but Zeke knew what was going to happen. Hell Itzal probably knew that Zeke knew. Still, this didn't stop him from trying. Zeke brought his fist down to Itzal, blade extended...
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Itzal watched the blade rushing towards his face. It ignited the powder beneath them. Normally only a pinch of flash powder is used. Itzal had laced the entire ledge with it. The powder exploded in a brilliant flash of light. Zeke could not help but recoil from its glory, and in so doing stepped back of Itzals cloak. The other combatants were momentarily startled as the light reflected and refracted throughout the crystalline structure, lighting the entire Hoodoo as a incarnation of light. The burst of light was accompanied by a flurry of smoke. Zeke stood there, completely blinded, listening for any sign of an attack. None came, and his vision started to blurringly come back. All he could see was white, but after while he realized he was in a giant cloud of smoke.

total distanced:
Zeke: 63m, outside
Itzal: ??

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Mike continued on his endeaver to get higher. He wanted to test out a theory he had n his vectors, and their newly acquired minds.
As he gained hight, he noticed that Grmm's strange form was catching up, and quickly.
'Hm, I don't know much about him. Could I cut him? Shoot him? Argh, it would annoy me to fight an opponant I couldn't cut or shoot. I'll hold back from him, aye. But don't you worry my beauties, He offered sympathy for his vectors, 'Soon, someone has to die soon enough. We may not have the chance to kill them all, ahh, but a man can dream'
Just then, an intense light washed over his eyes, blinding him. Hecovered his eyes with his left arm, shrouding them from the bright light.
When the light was gone, he spent a few seconds letting his eyes re-focus, and looked around.
He could see no sign of where the light had originated due to the transluscent rock, but he guessed it was up.
He continued climbing.

56M, outside
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Whit held his position for several minutes, until it was clear nobody was coming. He had mixed feelings. It was dissipointing to have no targets, but it was also dangerous to have people nearby. In fact, it was extremely dangerous to be attacked, but Whit hardly considered this obvious fact. A certain kind of clairity had gradually set in, a filter over his mind. To him, he was playing the ultimate game- and he was using his life as chips. It was a self destructive way to think, but In Whit's mind, winning the "game" had taken priority over surviving it. And, to win... He needed to play.

"Tsk, tsk... I guess I need to raise... Well, not yet. I don't have a particularly high hand... Right now."

He looked down at the fog. It was closer, but Whit wasn't panicing. It wasn't something that he should fear, he decided. The fog was only a constant; it rose predictably, and, at the rate Whit was going, it wouldn't catch him.

Suddenly, a flash radiated from every angle of the structure. Whit looked for a source, but the light was refracted by the walls and the origin couldn't be determined. Whit pondered the occurence, but couldn't draw a conclusion. Still, the event made him curious, and he wanted to know what happened- he was tired of being a spectator. He exited the structure again, and climbed. He couldnt see anyone else yet, but kept a vigilant eye.


Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Korbz.

Grimm was flying through the air, wind rushing past his face. "Ugh, I hate this place." He hated the feel of wind against his face, and he hated the rocks that drained his power. Just then, a great flash broke out. His vision wasn't damage, as his face was a mask, but it annoyed him nonetheless. "That flash was probably caused by the magic user who I met earlier in that building, the one with the traps." That's when he realized something. "I'm not here to survive, I'm here to fight. If I get to the top first, I'll have to get ready for the others."

55m, outside(12 from Lankie, Drakenforge, Myifan, and Mystify)

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

An unnatural darkness caught Whit's eye- it was Grimm, the thing he helped. He pressed himself again the wall, and slid to the side, towards the flying shadow. It would be easy to shoot Grimm right now, Whit knew. He gripped the godgun. He could easily shoot Grimm, right now. Even if his attack wasn't fatal, he could easily slip inside and avoid detection. But... No, he didn't want to, yet. The shadow owed him, and seemed to have some sort of honor code. Whit could... Use him, later. Still, Whit's own lack of action bothered him. He wanted to make a move, to press his enemies- but instead, he was biding his time and scheming fruitlessly. Sure, having plans was good, but Whit knew that he thought better, sharper, clearly when he was forced to. He was tired of wasting time, being a boring spectator- he wanted to throw himself in the center of it all, and come out on top. Still, as impulsive as he felt, Whit held onto clairity. He wouldn't be able to win here just because he was lucky. Whit continued to climb, pretending not to notice Grimm.


Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

The smoke eventually cleared, Itzal had gone, again. Zeke had a twinge of anger, but it was to be expected, he took a glance outside, seeing a black shadow fly through the air. He figured it was one of the contestants, as long as it didn't interfer withZeke it didn't care.

Zeke began climbing again, however after a while he noticed something different, glancing upwards he could see the tower end. Zeke made an extra effort to go even faster, he pushed himself to the limit, he was so close.

by the time Zeke finally reached the top he barely had enough energy to climb up. He rolled onto the flat surface of the crystaline tower, breathing heavily.

"Made it....finally...made it."

75M The top

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

Creator Lan smirked with satisfaction as its charge finally reached the peak. Is he guaranteed safety for this round, now?

The Composer twirled her digits thoughtfully through the ether, a corresponding action taking place in the fog. A flick of her cosmic paw, and the mist suddenly engulfed the lowest ten metres of the Hoodoo, surging up it hungrily. She smiled back, ignoring the reactions of the contestants. You'd think so, would you not? Noting the infuriation of the Creator, the Composer added peaceably (though in her own sweet time), I've yet to hear what you think, Lan, of the other contestants. Drifting from her vantage point to observe the battle and letting the Creators take a look, she motioned to Creators Kirrin and Sibe also.

Your thoughts? I've yet to hear them.


Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Itzal clung to the edge of the hoodoo. The top was but a few meters above him, but he did not want to face off against Zeke without a fallback.

total distance: 73

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Whit scrambled upwards. He truly hadn't expected the fog to move so quickly. It wasn't a constant, it changed. Whit, although breathing heavily, could think clearly. Scenarios ran through his mind, making it clear that he probably wouldn't be able to escape.

"shit. Shit."

His profanities had no meaning, but they aleviated his fear slightly. He didnt need the fear now- all he thought about was that he didn't have any choice but to go up, as quickly as he could. Movement skitter the edges of his perception, but he ignored them. The slightest loss of focus could lose his race, and his life.


Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Korbz.

"You know, it's kind of humorous to me to see those little people running around aimlessly on that mountain. I feel bad that I'll have to kill them eventually. Oh, look, the top is up ahead!" Grimm was still flying towards the top of the Hoodoo. He saw Whit moving rather fast up the Hoodoo, but that didn't bother him. Grimm knew he was going to get up there first.

Whit- 51m

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.

Cobra continued his steady upwards climb; his head still throbbing, every once in a while giving him a searing, shooting pain through his temples, causing him to fall backwards and fall into the fetal position. Whir seemed to be getting impatient, but Cobra barely noticed at all, he could only focus on one thing; getting to the top of the HooDoo. He climbed, cutting his hands on some sharpened rock in places, rubbing his head, nothing really happened other than that though, thank god. He could no longer see anybody, as they all went outside. He had to find Gadget and reunite Whir with him, so he took a small opening to the outside; it was a tight fit, but he got through (with no help from Whir, who was yelling "JEEZ, LAY OFF THE SWEETS, FATASS!") He immediately spotted Gadget, whom he immediately moved towards. Maybe he would have some healing supplies on him? Cobra could only hope. His head was getting much worse, and he feared that if he didn't treat it soon, it may lead to complications.

