Battle Royale! Game Complete!

Battle Royale! Game Complete!
Re: Battle Royale! (FULL) (one way or another)
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

Schazer Wrote:within 24 hours
Re: Battle Royale! (FULL) (one way or another)
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

Lankie Wrote:
Schazer Wrote:within 24 hours
[background=#80BFFF:1zuqye1n]Turn that frown upside down my good friend. It will not be that long to wait; the summons for Seek were sent approximately twelve Origin-Hours ago.
In the interim, I ask you all to express your opinion on the possibility of admitting one more to our tournament.
Re: Battle Royale! (FULL) (one way or another)
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Player name: Itzal Argi
Race: Unknown. He(?) hides his(?) features under a hood.
Gender: He(?)
Post colour: Red
Weapon/Equipment: Has many pouches hidden away in his(?) robes, from which he(?) can produce many small trinkets. Can also produce an array of small daggers from various hidden locations on his(?) body.
Abilities: Main ability is shape-shifting, but also possesses minor teleportation powers; can teleport small objects short distances. IS also a master of illusions; nothing magical, stage magic illusions.
Description: A tall figure, who's features are perpetually shrouded by the cloak he(?) wears. His(?) cloak falls all the way to the floor, masking his(?) entire body, and his(?) face is perpetually shroud in shadows.

[Image: mystify.jpg]

Bio:Itzal Argi started as a widely popular, if mysterious, stage magician. No one knew much about him(?), even then. His(?) popularity waned when his routines became stale. He(?) had mastered every possible illusion available through conventional means, and turned to more questionable means to generate illusions. While experimenting with extra-dimensional warping, he(?) got sucked into the interdimensional folds. This gave him the ability to change his own form, but beyond that his influence over time and space is limited to minor modifications.
Re: Battle Royale! (FULL) (one way or another)
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

I'm just going to note that there will be more of these in the future, so if somebody does get left out, they'll have another chance to participate in one.

That said, I'm sure this will be an entertaining read, no matter what happens with the number of participants.
Re: Battle Royale! (FULL) (one way or another)
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

[background=#80BFFF:9o4f1qbh]The Composer radiates impatience as the assembled entites wonder when Creator Seek will finally make his appearance. The Observer asks the Composer:[/background:9o4f1qbh]

"Composer, have you decided where will your first... Act, be set?"

[background=#80BFFF:9o4f1qbh]"Well, I'm rather a fan of dystopias... But then again, they're all about the people, are they not? I suppose it would be somewhat pointless without them...
Nonetheless, I'm not one to pass up a good setting. I found a lovely little... homage which is certain to have a few things to make it interesting; civilians or none."

The Composer smiled serenely as Creator Myst strode in. She gave the stage magician a full look-over, and then nodded at the Creator with a small smile.

"He'll do nicely."


Re: Battle Royale! (FULL) (one way or another)
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

"So hey...composer/creator/observer person thing whatever...
when we gonna...ya know, send our creations to kill each over, I only ask because the charge on my celestial nintendo DS has ran out."
Re: Battle Royale! (FULL) (one way or another)
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

[quote="Schazer"]"Not to worry, I've already relieved you of your charge. He's presently in a holding dimension until we are all assembled."

Re: Battle Royale! (FULL) (one way or another)
Originally posted on MSPA by yousodumb.

*slap* don't question the almighty one!
Re: Battle Royale! (FULL) (one way or another)
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

Schazer Wrote:
Schazer Wrote:
Re: Battle Royale! (FULL) (one way or another)
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

yousodumb Wrote:*slap* don't question the almighty one!
"Ow! Jeez, ya meanie!"
[joke]mental note: kill xeno first...¬¬[/joke]
Re: Battle Royale! (FULL) (one way or another)
Originally posted on MSPA by yousodumb.


I'm the only one allowed to hit him, observer. please give me back my shovel, he's gonna wake up soon.

Sorry I slapped ya, If we're not careful, we'll get booted.
Re: Battle Royale! (FULL) (one way or another)
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.


The Composer spirits the eight contestants off into a little pocket dimension. Each finds themselves standing alone in utter darkness. The silence is enveloping, un-nerving. Every breath, every creak of a weapon against its sheath fills each contestant's ears. The atmosphere offers no clues to the scope of this room. Without any light, it seems both infinitely huge and claustrophobically small.

In this warped darkness, the calm, cultured voice of the Composer chimes out.

"Welcome contestants. This is the Battle Royale, an orchestrated deathmatch in seven Acts, and you are the noble players in this fight. Only one of you will survive to see the end of this, but I assure you that once your part has been played you will be returned home.

Let us begin." The contestants feel rather than see the dimensions of the room changing until it approximates a stadium. A pillar of light suddenly pierces the room, extending upwards into infinity and with a startled looking Cobra at its foot.

"Our first contestant is the Fang Layonin, Cobra." The Composer seemed to pause, as though waiting for applause, but none was forthcoming, so it contined. "Cobra volunteered for this tournament to rescue his love. Will his quest end in triumph or tragedy? The choice is yours."

A second beam of light tore through the darkness, resting upon a man with a dog-mask.
"Please welcome Xeno Photon. He fights for a promise to remove his cursed mask and return home. I am certain you will discover the nature of the curse, and his sword, without undue delay."

Beam three swallowed up the figure standing in it, he being smaller than the other contestants.
"Contestant three has a gift I hold dear to my heart - the power to forge life. Please welcome Gadget Solune to the Battle.

Here, we have a practitioner of vectorial psychokinesis, Mike Shaun. Sources inform us he is highly unstable, so I recommend you exercise caution."

A green-eyed man with bladed gauntlets was lit up next. "Next is General Zeke, an experienced soldier. If he survives this, he plans to take down the master of his own world."

In the next pillar of light, there was only a black, masked shadow. "One of our participants harking the non-human realms today is Grimm, the Eclipse. Another experienced fighter."

"Whit O'Donal, you've joined us today because supposedly you're the luckiest man alive. We'll see how that works out for you."

There was a pause, and the sound was cut off, as the Composer grumbled to Creator Fawn: "You gave him a gun?" The Creator replied unintelligibly; the Composer continued in a tone that was only marginally more irritated:

"And our final contestant is... Itzal Argi. He is somewhat of an enigma, and a master of illusion.

Well, now that you are all acquainted, we shall begin." The lights extinguished in unison, before the whole world suddenly lit up. The contestants were divided into four pairs, each pair suddenly appearing atop a different building in a huge, grey, deserted city.
The four buildings were the biggest, towering over the others. A voice drifted out of nowhere and everywhere:

"Welcome to Airstrip One, Oceania, Nineteen-Eighty-Four. Big Brother is always watching."

The game had begun.

Re: Battle Royale! (FULL) (one way or another)
Originally posted on MSPA by yousodumb.

Xeno slowly opened his eyes and tried to remember what happened to him. "That You guy, knew I couldn't trust him. Anyone that pure is up to no good" He reached up and felt his head, "he hit me with a shovel, and he lied. great. Where am I anyway?" he took in the surroundings and gathered that he was atop some sort of building. "well, now what's this now? It seems he did not lie, however I have no recollection of my opponents, or their purity so I guess I have to wing it" He laughed, this was not the first time an otherworldly entity had promised him something in exchange for something, but this time was different, "How are you, my creation?" what did he mean by that? Xeno was sure to find out, but for now, he would make preparations for his opponents.
Re: Battle Royale! (FULL) (one way or another)
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

Re: Battle Royale! (FULL) (one way or another)
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

Re: Battle Royale! (FULL) (one way or another)
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

Gadget found himself on top of a building. A very, very tall building. It was known as the Ministry of Peace to many, but to him, it was simply 'Way too high up' and 'Hopefully easy to get down from.'
The last thing he remembered was a strange being taking him, before he found himself in that strange stadium, and then on the roof of this building.
"The Battle Royal, huh? Whir, what do you think about this?"
Suddenly, from Gadget's backpack burst a small device with a propeller, a tiny grapple, and an LED light in a plastic ball, looking somewhat like an eye of sorts. Despite having no obvious source of audio output, it responded,
"It occurs to me mostly that we're in deep shit."
"I wouldn't put it that way, Whir," Gadget looked somewhat disappointedly at his companion.
"I'm just saying that you aren't much of a fighter. We should watch out. The others might really be into this as a real competition."
Gadget looked around a bit, and spied a figure on the rooftop with him that he didn't notice before. He pointed at it and looked at Whir.
" mean like that guy?"

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

Zeke didn't seem fazed from the transportation, he was a little knocked back at the sudden wind that hit him but it was nothing that he didn't expect. He walked to the edge of the tall building he was on, desolation as far as the eye could see. As far as he could tell there were only three other buildings left standing.

"So, I must kill to survive this." Zeke quietly talked to himself "No different to what I was already doing." He turned round to face a wall of the building there was dilipated sign on the wall, barely readable. Zeke wiped some dust away from the sign, the only thing he could make out was...


" mean like that guy?"

Zeke snapped round and withdrew the blades attached to his gauntlets, entering a combat stance incredibally quickly, as if done a thousand times before. He saw Gadget and the small device flying round him.

"oh shitshitSHIT!"
"Calm down Whir!"


Zeke withdrew his blades, while he know that Gadget was his enemy but he figured he was no threat. Zeke trained in tactics under Alexander, he knew that he should first analyse every enemy there is, study there weaknesses, strenghs, skills. From this you strike. A mixture of confidence in his own skills and arogance made Zeke come to the conclusion that this enemy is not top priority: yet.

Zeke proceeded to explore the other side of the building

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by yousodumb.

Xeno could sense the entrants, Their purity was, Intoxicating. One was pure, the other corrupted, how would this effect the blade? this he did not know. He looked down upon the Soul saber, at this moment it had no charge, but this would soon change. He poured his very soul into the empty blade and it glowed it's ghostly green hue once more. "neutrality Will in the end prevail, As purity and corruption will always seek their own ends. While the others will claim that my Neutrality will be my death, it has been my life." He chanted. Soon, the combatants will know the power of Neutrality.
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Whit opened his eyes. Before him was quite a view- a large city with three buildings on level with the one he was on. He took a brief moment to take it all in, then started going over the past few... minutes? Hours? It certainly was a lot to take in- he was living his mundane life one instant, and suddenly was thrust into a world where the rules were entirely different. However, all he could think of was the one moment where he agreed to come. It was, probably, the first time anyone had tricked him so thoroughly. That moment replayed itself in his mind over and over, and he started to yell at himself.
"Oh, damn it WHY?!? I was so STUPID! HOW COULD I HAVE LET THAT HAPPEN?!? HE LIED TO me-... no, he didn't lie..."
Whit started to compose himself.
"He told the truth, right? My life. It's the ultimate gamble. I wanted this. Heheh..."
He slowly stood up straight. He was accepting what had happened to him quickly- maybe even too quickly. He had very likely tricked himself into thinking that everything had gone the way he wanted, forcefully disorganizing his thoughts. Such a state of mind is no good for Whit- he needs to be in control to work at 100%. Still, he had regained some composure, and his attentions quickly changed to his gun.
"This gun... what does it do?" He said to himself.
He raised the gun and started toying with it like a child.
"hmmm... I've never seen anything like this before... How can you use this? There aren't even sights on this thing...Hmm."
His gaze turned to the tall building closest to him. Although his vision wasn't perfect, Whit could make out some figures. Suddenly, he pointed his gun at them, with his eyes wide open.
"Alright... I should test it out... and what better target than an enemy?"
He pulled the trigger. Whit was knocked back by a surprisingly soft recoil, but still lost his balance. In front of him, the air suddenly distorted, and a wave of gravity flew at the figures on the building like a giant cannonball.

((The gravity wave works like a giant, invisible bullet. It makes no sounds.))
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

"Let's get the hell away from him!"
"I don't think he's going to bother us. Right now I think our biggest priority is finding out about this place."
Gadget took off his backpack and started rummaging through it. From it, he pulled two propellers, A small metal box, some LEDs, and a few other knick knacks. The backpack was able to hold a lot, due to one of his friends. She had the ability to create extradimensional containers, and Gadget felt it would be useful to have one of those for, well, most anything.

Whir helped as Gadget stated quickly putting a device together. The propellers mounted on the back of the box, and two arms with clawlike appendages were attached to the front, below where the LEDs were placed. In the end, it came out as a rather simple looking device. The body was the size of the backpack, and the arms were about human length.
"I made one of these a while back based slightly on you, Whir. It's got mostly the same primary function, too. Carrying things from point A to point B."
For a few minutes, the device simply sat on the ground, lifeless. Then, it's 'finger' twitched. Soon the two propellers started up, and it began to float."

"Wh-what is this."
"Welcome to the world, Carrie."
Whir butted in,
"If this is even the world we're familiar with."

The lives that are created by Gadget's power quickly gain a basic understanding of the world, and basic instincts, because at the start of their lives, they have to live off of Gadget's own, they gain basic knowledge from him as well. Language, etiquette, self-preservation. If it needs to know it, chances are it does.

"What are you planning on doing with this thing, Gadg?"
"Easy. Carrie, do you think you can get me through a window of this building, or at least down the the ground? Or maybe-"
He looked over at the building that he didn't know was the Ministry of Truth. A thought went through his mind, 'Me and that other guy ended up on a rooftop... perhaps the others have as well.'
"Carrie, I need you to take me over to that building."

The new creation understood, and grabbed Gadget, carrying the small man with relative easy in the direction he was told to go, with Whir following closely behind.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by yousodumb.

As Xeno stood alone, he heard a distant "Whup, Whup, Whup" sound. He knew that someone was coming, But who or how, he could not be sure. *thup*, the sound of a landing, the sound of....kindness. This one was pure, Which was almost as bad if he where corrupted. Ah, might as well talk to this, thing and attempt to gleen some information from him, Who he was, what his goals were and why he was here, perhaps even an alliance, if Xeno was feeling particularly generous. As he approached the small man, Something hit him, something improbably big and invisible. Xeno cried out in pain for an instant, than quickly hid the pain. He knew that this wound would prove to be, troublesome. "I, am Xeno Photon, and judging from the gadgets that rotate you, you must be an inventor." Xeno said as he did a small bow. "who are you calling a gadget?" said the small helicopter-like contraption. Xeno smiled, This was starting to get interesting.
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Itzal Argi found itself standing on a skyscraper. Looking around, it took in the entire setting. Three other towers stood around. In the distance the same scene could be seen repeated, an infinite tessellation. Itzal deduced that this was a dimensional pocket from which there would be no easy escape. It took in the locations of the other combatants, and deduced their viewing angles. Then, with a flourish of its cape, Itzal Argi disappeared in a cloud of smoke, from which rose a flock of doves.
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

"Sorry about that. Are you all right?" Gadget tried to help Xeno up, but he got up by himself.
"I'm fine. You're Gadget Solune."
"That's right. I think I remember you from the stadium, too. Xeno, right? Anyway, this right here is Whir. He's my friend. The knocked down one is Carrie, and I just made it."
"Why do I feel pain without a nervous system." Carrie had obviously taken the full force of the impact.
"I see."
Whir spoke quietly into Gadget's ear, "This guy looks ready for anything. We'd better be careful around him."
Gadget could easily see Xeno's serious demeanor. Even with the mask obscuring his fact, it was obvious. Taking a quick look around, Gadget saw there were four towers total. Four tall buildings, and eight contestants. It was fair to assume there were two contestants on each rooftop.
"So, who else is up here with you?"

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

Zeke saw Gadget fly towards the second building thanks to some sort of contraption. He figured that he couldn't do anything stuck on this god forsaken skyscraper.

So he jumped off.

Zeke fell through the air head first gaining speed very quickly, his emotion unchanging, he spent all his life in training, in combat, in danger. Such insane actions were pretty standard and mundane for Zeke.

Silently Zeke flipped round to face the wall and plunged his hands and legs into it. There was a lot of noice and dust kicked up as Zeke's decent was slowed down, His gauntlets were clearly powerful, Zeke felt no pain from such an action. By the time he had reached the floor he was going at a rather slow pace, he nonchalently leaped from the wall and landed without a sound, his gauntlets and boots smoking from such resistance.

ground level was desolated, there was much ruin and destruction all around. There was an ominous stillness in the air down here, stagnent, like it hdn't been walked through in the longest of times. Zeke saw a ruined sign ahead of him.

Here: Ministry of Peace
South: Ministry of Truth
East: Ministry of Love
South-East: Ministry of Plenty.

Although Zeke realised it didn't matter which direction he headed in, since this place looped infinitely, he began to head South-east. He swore he saw Doves rise from that building and was keen to investigate.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

The swarm of doves swirled around in the air, seemingly chaotic. As the only obvious sign of life in this desolate wasteland, they were bound to draw some attention. However, they were used to attention, and preferred it. In fact, they thrived on attention.

When you know where others are looking, you know also where they aren't looking.
