The Savage Brawl [Round 5: Battletopia]

The Savage Brawl [Round 5: Battletopia]
The Savage Brawl [Round 5: Battletopia]
Originally posted on MSPA by MalkyTop.

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Why yes, this is the eighth battle. And the last one before All-Star, so all you newbies should go join in this 'un now. Before it's too late and all. So let's begin this sucker with...

The Rules

Rather than just roleplaying, this is collaborative storytelling. You can write as your characters, you can write as other characters, you can write as a random passerby haplessly caught in the fray. Though I suggest that you wait until you understand other characters. Still, don't be shy! If you get something wrong, it's no big deal! The character's creator will correct you (nicely) and we'll all go on our merry way.

Since this is storytelling, how you write is what matters most. Write well. Write often, too. Don't join and then just not post ever. That's annoying. There is no limit to how much you can write or, really, how little you write. Just write as much as you think should be written. Play off others' ideas. PM each other to bounce off ideas. All that jazz.

At every round's end, one unlucky combatant will have to be eliminated based on storywriting skills. I will ask for your opinions (yes, the readers can tell me as well) on who is the worst writer. Whoever I decide is the worst will be told so. He or she will write a death scene, or I can if you'd like, and then we move on to the next round.

Now I'm sure you hate it when you're writing this real long post and you're on a roll and you hit the submit button only to find that somebody has ninja'd you. Not to worry! You can reserve so that other people will have to wait while you finish! The reserve will not last overnight, though; three hours and then the reserve is null. Please don't start a reserve chain. It's very confusing.

Character Creation

As the Director has told the Cultivator, only villainous types. My definition of a 'villainous type' is loose, though. I'd probably accept a guy who thought he was righteous but is really nothing more than a serial killer. Just think of people who have violent tendencies or are natural schemers or master thieves or whatever. Villainous types.

Your character can be anything. A towering tree-plant being? Sure. Sentient nothingness? Why not. A carton of orange juice? That's fine by me. Your imagination's the limit. Just use common sense. Your character has to be your own original one. Your character cannot be a god or some other omniscient being who can trounce the other guys without breaking a sweat and blah blah blah. Be imaginative. And villainous.

...Is that it? Alright then, here's the form.

Username: (I'm sure you can fill this in just fine. If not, who let you on the computer unsupervised?)
Name: (Not yours. Your villainous character.)
Gender: (Male, female or neutral. Simple, no?)
Race: (Your character doesn't have to be human after all. I'm sure humans don't commit the only evils in the multiverse. If it's some sort of alien species, you can put a brief description of the species here if you'd like.)
Color: (Everybody needs a different color post. This[/background:1glqbtgj] of course, is taken.)
Weapon: (Not necessary, though it could be helpful in a brawl.)
Abilities: (What makes your character special enough that the Cultivator would choose him/her/it? Firestarting? Fruit conjuring? Speed reader?)
Description: (What's your villain/ess like? Greedy? Gluttonous? Put personality and appearance here. Try to be descriptive.)
History: (Just tell us your character's story. What turned your character to villainy? You don't have to talk about it if it's private.)


1. Knask - [background=black]Calm

2. slipsicle - Hoss (background silver)
3. SleepingOrange - Ekelhaft (#408000)
4. Ixcalibur - Ziirphael (#BF0000) Soulmother Ajota (#65000B)
5. Lankie - Dr. Anarchy (#0000FF)
6. Dragon Fogel - Konka Rar (#400040)
7. Not The Author - Gormand (#804040)
8. MyifanW - Diego "The Earworm Killer" Red (#808000)
Re: The Savage Brawl
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.

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Re: The Savage Brawl
Originally posted on MSPA by MalkyTop.

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Re: The Savage Brawl
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.

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Re: The Savage Brawl
Originally posted on MSPA by bobthepen.

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Re: The Savage Brawl
Originally posted on MSPA by Not The Author.

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Re: The Savage Brawl
Originally posted on MSPA by SleepingOrange.

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Username: SleepingOrange
Name: Ekelhaft
Gender: Neutral
Race: Ancient Ooze
Color: 408000
Weapon: Only its natural ones
Abilities: In addition to everything a creature made of living slime can normally do, Ekelhaft is surrounded by an aura that weakens magic and slowly bends and breaks sanity. Short exposure causes slight irrationality, longer causes paranoia and hallucinations, and too long can cause permanent and massive destruction of rational thought and normal functioning.
Description: Ekelhaft is composed of a viscous green ooze, nearly opaque and about the volume of a refrigerator. Anywhere between zero and hundreds of eyes might be visible on the surface at once, and sharp teeth form and disappear at will. It is strongly acidic and full of virulent bacteria, meaning a gentle touch or bite can be painful and dangerous. It smells strongly of decay and mold. It tends to maintain an approximately hemispherical shape when not doing anything in particular, with eyes and teeth appearing and sinking back into its body at, apparently, random; it can form speech organs at will, and its voice is deep, gravelly, and punctuated with bubbles and slurping sounds.

As an avatar of decay, life is anathema to Ekelhart. It seeks, either obviously or subtly, to kill all those around it by its very nature; it is intelligent enough to use others to serve its own ends, but is unlikely to try unless there is some dire need. It isn't needlessly sadistic or prone to gloating, but can be seen as cruel, due to its endless attempts to end the life of everything around it. It's not very communicative, but is oddly knowledgeable about a number of things, likely due to its divine origins.
History: A nameless, forgotten god, eons ago, was bored. He, she, it, or they created a world, designed to amuse it for centuries. It was created with two avatars; one of creation, life, and order, and one of entropy, death, and decay. The god populated the world with armies and minions and creatures, turning it into one enormous battlefield; the war stalemated seemingly endlessly, the god ensuring that no one side was ever fully able to conquer the other. Inevitably, however, the fickle deity abandoned its project, and the dynamic changed. Ekelhart, Avatar of Destruction was able to destroy its counterpart and eventually all the minions of creation; left with nothing else to kill, it turned on its own forces. Unable to overcome their leader and the embodiment of the concept they stood for, they fell. Then the animals. Then the plants. Eventually, Ekelhart was alone, with nothing left to kill. Over the endless eons, it gradually destroyed itself, going from the colossal, nigh-omnipotent demigod it was to the shadow of itself it is now. Had the Cultivator not found it and taken an interest, it would probably have completely obliterated itself. Eventually, anyway.
Re: The Savage Brawl
Originally posted on MSPA by Ixcalibur.

Oh well I guess I will try again.

Your character's name: Ziirphael
Gender: Male
Race: Human/Ancient God of Death
Color: Red again.
Physical description: A very tall man wearing a black suit and red tie. He is bald and his face completely featureless. His hands and suit are perpetually covered with blood. When not in a body he appears like a floating black spark.

[Image: Ziirphael.png]
NOTE: he usually has both arms as normal arms unless stated otherwise. I just wanted to demonstrate some transformations.

Personality overview: Surprisingly quiet and contemplatative. He does not like to fight any more. He is reasonably amiable nowadays. If he does end up actually fighting someone he will do so in more of a resigned way. He is not bloodthirsty and he does not enjoy the fight.
Abilities: Ziirphael has the ability to enhance his physical form by daubing himself in blood in the shape of runes. These runes almost always alter him physically, for example making him larger, tougher, or transforming him in some way. Such as turning his arm into a blade made of bone, or even a gatling gun analogue.
Equipment: A suitcase with legal documents.
Backstory: Ziirphael is an ancient being from back before the light existed. Formed in the darkness he is pain, death and misery. Since the world was made he has walked the planet many times, taking the body of a man and destroying everything he comes across in a relentless orgy of blood and horror. He has murdered and maimed and eaten the souls of the dead so many times over the years. Occasionally when feeling ambitious he would burn whole cities to the ground or lead whole civilisations to war and ruination. He has done this for hundreds of years. As long as there has been people to kill he has killed, slaughtered innocents hopping from one body to another never being punished for his crimes. But as the years went by he changed. Where he found a giddy pleasure in ripping someone limb from limb he began to find only a grim satisfaction. Eventually even this feeling wore away and he found he was only continuing his campaign of blood out of habit. He was no longer deriving pleasure from the suffering of others. He tried to change. He took a new body and decided to try and live a different kind of life. It was during this pursuit of a normal life that he was snatched up and deposited into the Epic Clash Savage Brawl.

I know I said about moving from body to body and everything but I figure he can probably be locked into one body or something. So if it dies he dies.
Re: The Savage Brawl
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.

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Re: The Savage Brawl
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

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Alrighty I think I can handle a second one! Plus I wanna try a different type of character, should be fun!

Username: Lankie

Name: Dr. Anarchy (Real name Jessica Vesper)

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Color: Blue! #0000FF

Weapon: A death ray! A magnificent weapon which can fire lasers and doesn't require ammunition. Used too much though and it will over heat. (the laser is like a pew-pew laser, not a constant strem kinda laser, think star wars)
plus a variety of mechanical doodads

Abilities: Dr. Anarchy is nothing short of a genius! She can create what many great minds thought were impossible in mere days, chemistry, biology, physics. Any type of science she is a master of it!

[Image: Dr.png]

Description: Dr Anarchy is a blonde woman of age 23. She wears a scientist coat, a common t-shirt and a pair of jeans underneath. She sports industrial rubber gloves, a pair of converse and some industrial goggles on her head. Finally a backpack, full of scientific stuff of death! She looks like a pretty normal 23 year old. Stray bit of blonde covering one eye, quite pretty. Her eyes are a piercing green. HOWEVER, Dr. Anarchy is anything but normal, she is a scientist of the mad variety, although only by default. She wishes to rule the world, but only because the world is 'dull'. Effectivley she wants to live in a comic book, as such she is incredibally over the top and nigh on never acts her age, much preferring a childlike persona. Don't let that think Dr Anarchy is harmless though: She has killed alot of people and caused many a catastrophy all in the name of making the world a more exciting place, she openly welcomes heroes to do battle with her, so that she may execute her flawless plans, which are terribly efficient and terribly over the top. Because she is a hyper genius she sees the plots to take her down as simple games and after the first 100 times it got a bit samey for her. Dr. Anarchy wanted something more chalenging and fun; the Cultivator answered her call.

History: Jessica Vesper was a normal girl with a normal life. When growing up there wan nothing to say that she was going to become the (arguably) crazy mad scientist to come. She enjoyed comic books immensly and was quite a tom boy. When taking maths amd science classes she found that she was the top of her class everytime, she would get perfect scores in the hardest of classes and still say it was too easy. It was never really explained, it just seemed to click effortlessly with her. She quickly went through school, high school, college and University, never slipping up with anything, perfect grades every time (except for PE...she wasn't very good at PE...). Finally at the age of 20 she was working with a top secret government agency to develop new weaponry. Jessica did so easily, but found herself increasingly bored. She knew the creations she were making wern't going going to be used in years time, or for anything 'cool' for that matter. In a flash of memory she remembered all of the comics she read, the exciting worlds within them, the tales of heroes and villains. So, in a spontanious action, Jessica began stealling a variety of equipment and prototypes and began hiding them in a disuded secret goverment base. She didn't want to become a hero, because quite frankly, villains were much more fun to play as! At the age of 21, she pulled her first heist of a bank, armed with a jetpack and a death ray. Dr. Anarchy was born, all from simple boredom.

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Re: The Savage Brawl
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

Aryo, I kind of meant that message I sent you as a "you may want to double-check if you're hosting, and here's what may be going on if you are". I should have made that explicit, though. Sorry for causing the mess.

How about a joint hosting? Baphomet and Myifan are working together on Epic Clash.

Also: Reserving a spot, Konka Rar will be my character.

Edit: Copied over. Have not checked for color conflict yet.

Name: Konka Rar
Gender: Male
Race: Cyborg Lich
Color: I guess I'll go with this one.
Physical Description: Skeleton in a black cloak with a mechanical left arm, a cybernetic right eye, and various patches of metal all over his body.
Personality overview: First off, he's evil. However, he's not "backstab-you-for-the-sake-of-backstabbing-you" evil; if you manage to form an alliance with him, he'll generally uphold it unless you outright betray him. He also has an intense curiosity about both magic and technology, having expertise in both and a desire to learn more.
Abilities: Very advanced offensive magic, necromancy, somewhat advanced knowledge of technology (it's newer to him, but he's picked up a lot fast). He also knows how to install cybernetic parts in any undead minions he has the opportunity to create.
Equipment: Cybernetic arm and other implants, a magic staff with a ram's head on it.
Backstory: Ages ago, he was one of the most talented wizards in his world. He was also incredibly ambitious, seeking to rule the world.
To this end, after usurping control of the kingdom he lived in, he summoned an army of demons and used them to invade neighboring lands.
Eventually, however, he was defeated, and killed.
But, his knowledge of magic allowed him to become a lich upon his death - a form of necromancy unknown in his world until that time. He was nevertheless defeated in this form, and though he remained "alive", his body was severely damaged beyond his ability to regenerate it. He lay dormant for thousands of years.
Until his descendant, the mage Sorsa Rar, found his remains.
As the end result of a process that would be a story in itself, Sorsa Rar managed to reconstruct his ancestor's body with cybernetics. Konka Rar had become a cyborg lich, and was fascinated by the technology that had brought him to life once more.
He immediately began experimenting with cybernetic undead (Eximo Pulvis being an early result), and slowly built an army of them.
He has been biding his time in his castle, waiting for the right moment to send out his army, seeking to rule the world once more.
Until one day, when he was suddenly pulled into a contest...

(Real short version: thousands of years ago he was human, then a lich, then relatively recently brought back as a cyborg lich.)
Re: The Savage Brawl
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.

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Re: The Savage Brawl
Originally posted on MSPA by MalkyTop.

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Re: The Savage Brawl
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.

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Re: The Savage Brawl
Originally posted on MSPA by MalkyTop.

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Re: The Savage Brawl
Originally posted on MSPA by Not The Author.

This profile, I realized, is going to be really long and amount to nothing, so I think I'll call a reserve.

It probably will not be up tonight.
Re: The Savage Brawl
Originally posted on MSPA by Baphomet.

Re: The Savage Brawl
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

SleepingOrange Wrote:nigh-omnipotent demigod
Ixcalibur Wrote:Ancient God of Death
Baphomet Wrote:most influential being physically and spiritually in his world.
seeing a pattern here... [img]images/smilies/pc_tense.gif[/img]
Re: The Savage Brawl
Originally posted on MSPA by SleepingOrange.

Hey now, mine is a crippled remnant of what it once was; that's all just backstory. Now it's just a slime monster that messes with your mind.
Re: The Savage Brawl
Originally posted on MSPA by Wojjan.

Can I get me a spot? I probably won't win Epic Clash anyway because I myself am not that happy with my character anyway.
quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.
Re: The Savage Brawl
Originally posted on MSPA by Kaitostrike.

Y'know,I'm going to join in on this;I need to get my evil on.
Re: The Savage Brawl
Originally posted on MSPA by MalkyTop.

Alright, that's eight vets already, it seems. Knask's working on his (I hope) so that's already one extra. Geez.
Re: The Savage Brawl
Originally posted on MSPA by Not The Author.

MalkyTop Wrote:Your character can be anything. Be imaginative.
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I... think that's everything. Ping me if anything needs clarification, ha!
Re: The Savage Brawl
Originally posted on MSPA by MalkyTop.

Not The Author Wrote:Gormand

I'm getting some weird stuff here.
Re: The Savage Brawl
Originally posted on MSPA by Knask.

Username: Knask
Color: [background=#000000:set0e360]black'n white[/background:set0e360]

[Image: calm.gif]

Name: Calm
*Race: Human / Demon
Gender: Male

*Weapon: A hellknife. It's extremely sharp and sturdy. But, what makes it unique from any other knife is that once it's blade hits something hard enough, it's temperature will temporarily increase to an extreme temperature (normally slightly above 1000 degrees celcius). It's black, with glowing veins that lava flows through. Weapons as these are said to only belong to those who fight in the army of the devil.

Abilities: Not much is known about Calm's abilities, what is known is that he can take a great deal of damage and heal grave wounds abnormally fast. He possesses great strength, although he looks a bit feeble. His skin is also especially sturdy, it will take some extra strength to cut him with a knife or a sword.

Description: Calm is a man, looking like he could be in about his twenties. His height is pretty normal, about 1.85 meters high. His body is thin, and not very muscular, yet he is peculiarly strong. Nobody knows how old he is, in fact, very few even knows he exists. He could be between 1500-2000 years old, and there's no sign of aging. Calm seems like he has a grudge against everything living. He loves to make others suffer, and he has started countless conflicts between humans without them even knowing it. You can't trust him, nobody can, he is cold, calculating and deceptive, and he often spends years just to make a single human as miserable as possible. However, calm is extremely unlucky. Everything that can go wrong, will go wrong. With Calm, there's a constant struggle against the environment. Animals hate him, wind always tries to throw deadly objects at him. If he walks close to a street, you can almost be certain that some car is going to slide of the road towards him. Because of this, he has become extremely watchful and observant. Calm is allways on guard, and he's so skillful he could he kill you with a sheet of paper. Rumors say that his powers and abnormal life-length originates from a deal he made with the devil.

History: very few knows where and when Calms story begins. It's said that he was living a pretty ordinary life with his beloved wife and his daughter, but then something happened. Nobody knows exactly what, but he somehow got in conflict with the gods. As a result, they sent upon him an endless stream of misfortune , making him the most forsaken man on earth. His wife suddenly died of a heart attack, his friends turned against him, his daughter got raped and murdered, and finally his house and workshop caught fire and burned to ashes. Then, in a long chain of unfortunate coincidences, the whole country turned against him, and he was banished from his land.

Full of spite, Calm's only wish was avenge upon to gods, so he teamed up with the devil, the master of the underworld. As Calm became one of the his soldiers, he was given eternal life and mystical powers. *It is also said that this was how he got his hellknife. Calm has one of the higher grades, and is one of the few who joined the devil's army and got to stay on earth. He will be there until the day when war breaks loose between heaven and hell, finally giving him a chance of revenge.

Well, that was until someone plucked him out of his universe.

(* edited or added)