Intense Struggle! (Round 7 - The Database)

Intense Struggle! (Round 7 - The Database)
Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 1 - The Abandoned Base)
Originally posted on MSPA by The Dr..

Flames and shrapnel crowded the passageway that Aegis and Trickster were making their way through. Trickster shoved his arms up as he was assaulted by a barrage of shrapnel, and fire seeped through his arms. He kneeled and absorbed most of the blast through his arms, though he retained quick damage.

God... damn it... Trickster's mind started to quicken, to hasten, and started acting all on it's own. He had no idea what he was even doing, and time became a blur. All of this battle being shoved on him was really killing him, and he knew that; the fact that he was laying motionless on the floor signified it just enough.

He snapped into an upright standing position. Trickster would have been amazed at the speed that he had just demonstrated, but he wasn't Trickster anymore. No, no, he was something... different. Something wretched, sick, twisted.


His sanity started slowly draining from him, as he bobbed his head to the side, letting out a loud crack. A grin spread across his... it's face.

Trickster, or what was left of him, leapt into the control room and saw the Larus character motionless on the ground. He cackled demonically as the ground started to tremor and fire seeped around the edges of the room. Aegis jumped back from the doorway that ignited before him. Trickster levitated up and stared, wide-eyed, towards Larus, who was getting up, and laughed.

"Come on, come on Larus! I say that it's time that we end this little grudge now...! I don't like people who hold grudges, do you? I sure don't... Wait, didn't I just say that? I digress.

Come on, Larus! I want to hear your face break."

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Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 1 - The Abandoned Base)
Originally posted on MSPA by Telamon.

Larus was getting seriously tired of this crap. He felt like he should have known the kid looked like too easy a target. The ones that seem the most harmless always prove to be the biggest pain in the ass.

Coiling his body, he kicked the nearby table over, scattering the pile of grenades. Scooping up the rifle, he leapt behind the new cover while firing a random burst in Trickster's direction. Landing deftly, he pressed up to the metal surface, and popped up to fire again, only to be forced back down by a lazily thrown firebolt.

"You'll have to do better than that," Trickster said mockingly.

Dropping the rifle, Larus scrambled around for grenades as taunting spurts of flame burst around him. Finding two, he tensed, pulling both pins with his teeth. Counting carefully in his head, he sprang over the desk and dashed directly at the floating mad man. Grinning, Trickster raised his fist for a swipe, intensifying the flame around it. At the last moment, Larus changed direction and jumped in the air, then vaporized. The grenades fell a quarter of an inch from his vanished hands, then detonated. Larus reformed in the wake of the blast waves, and dashed for the door, only to be greeted by a wall of flame barring his path.

The shield of fire around Trickster receded, and his grin widened. Larus was breathing heavily, transforming powers nearly exhausted. Unbowed, however, he turned to face his adversary and adopted a fighting stance. "Well, come on then," he said, wearily. "If you do manage to break my face, it will be a seriously impressive sound."

Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 1 - The Abandoned Base)
Originally posted on MSPA by The Dr..

Trickster lowered the fire from his hands. He may have been insane, but he wanted a fair fight at that.

"Likewise." He launched a fist Larus-ward, who quickly dodged it. He felt a rock-hard blow to the back of the head, which sent him knocking about the room. "That's not my face!" Trickster lashed out and leapt up in the air, intensifying the flame barrier that surrounded them. Slowly, the fighting space the two had began to wither. Trickster charged at Larus again, fist at the ready, though this time with fire engulfing his wrists. Instead of dodging it or turning into a fine mist like before, however, Larus hardened his skin and stopped Trickster's fist in his tracks.

"You'll have to do better than that yourself."

Larus sent a haymaker straight into Trickster's face, and he resounded across the room, ramming into the fire barrier that he himself had put up. He was getting himself killed by his own weapons.

"You piece of shit!" Trickster leapt up and lowered the barriers, just a few seconds before promptly raising a flame shield and ramming into the ground, which cracked and caught fire. Trickster slowly stood up again, hearing Larus's footsteps in the hallway. He was too tired to run out after him.


Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 1 - The Abandoned Base)
Originally posted on MSPA by SleepingOrange.

The old nun was idly pondering abjurations while her hovering companion's face cycled through several expressions. Sister Clara wasn't sure what was going on in Aph's head, nor was she even more than vaguely aware of how nymphs "worked", but the pink woman's vicissitudes were a little worrying. Still, someone with a blade was currently not trying to kill anyone else, so Clara figured she was ahead of the game at the moment.

She brightened when D'Neya approached. Even the little girl was safe; quite a relief. Now she just had to find Larus, but that could wait a moment while she made sure D'Neya didn't wander off into trapped hallways and insane men again.

Sister Clara smiled again. "Well hello there."

Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 1 - The Abandoned Base)
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

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Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 1 - The Abandoned Base)
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.

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Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 1 - The Abandoned Base)
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

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Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 1 - The Abandoned Base)
Originally posted on MSPA by The Dr..

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Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 1 - The Abandoned Base)
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.

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Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 1 - The Abandoned Base)
Originally posted on MSPA by Ixcalibur.

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Aph floated there and fumed, forgotten, uncared for, derelicted by the one person she had thought to be above all this. The girl, who Aph was really taking a dislike to, was looking up at both her and Sister Clara. She looked so innocent and helpless... It was so over the top... she might as well have pigtails, and be clutching a stuffed animal to her chest and giving them big sad puppy dog eyes. Aph hated her immediately.

"This place is scary. Will you be my friends?" The kid asked.

"Of course we will." Sister Clara reassured her. "Won't we Aph?"

"Yeah, whatever." Aph said bitterly.

"Come on dear." Sister Clara said, taking the kid's hand. "We should go find Larus, make sure he's okay."

Sister Clara and the brat started to head off down one of the corridors. Aph hung back and watched them. She floated there brimming with anger. It was one thing to worry about a defenseless little brat. It was another thing to be concerned over the fate of some guy who can turn his skin into metal. Aph's hand tightened around her blade, again. She silently raged at Sister Clara and her inability to be even slightly bothered about the one person who cared about her more than anything in the world. And she raged at that brat. That annoying little child. The one who Sister Clara cared so much about. Well she'd see what would happen when Sister Clara didn't have pathetic little kids to worry about any more. When all that Sister Clara had in the world was her. Then she'd be forced to love her. Then everything would be just right. If only that kid wasn't in the way.

Sister Clara paused, suddenly noticing that Aph was not following her and D'Neya. She looked around for her, to see her rushing up the corridor, her blade drawn and white hot fury in her eyes.

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Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 1 - The Abandoned Base)
Originally posted on MSPA by Draykon.

D'Neya's small size worked well to her advantage, as merely ducking caused Aph to go flying by overhead. The girl stood back up, and tilted her head slightly to the side, clearly more curious than scared.
Then she remembered she was supposed to be acting weak to earn their trust- at least, the idea seemed to make sense- and made herself burst into tears.

"Wh-why is the pink lady being so meaaaaaaaan?"

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Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 1 - The Abandoned Base)
Originally posted on MSPA by Telamon.

Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 1 - The Abandoned Base)
Originally posted on MSPA by The Dr..

Trickster, sitting motionless on the cold concrete control-room floor, waited for either Aegis to come back or for Larus to come finally off him. He still had some of the insane fighting spirit left in him, but he was quickly coming back to his senses. And with his senses also came the flooding sensation of bad decision. He lifted up his shaking hands to smack himself across the face, firmly.

You idiot!

He scolded himself over and over again, exaggerating his stupidity.

I can never learn, can I? I already knew Larus was dangerous, and yet I come after him anyways. I can't blame my more brutal side for deciding to follow the guy in the first place!

Trickster was still thinking about poor strategy when he heard a firm clanking sound in the corridor adjacent to him, wherein he and Aegis - Where was that guy, anyways? - had entered. He looked over to see a sword clang to the ground, held firm by a rather angry...


Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 1 - The Abandoned Base)
Originally posted on MSPA by The Dr..

Oh goddamnit.

EDIT: So I don't triple post - Should I just edit that out or are you willing to work with it?
Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 1 - The Abandoned Base)
Originally posted on MSPA by Telamon.

I'll work around it, reserving again.
Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 1 - The Abandoned Base)
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.

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Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 1 - The Abandoned Base)
Originally posted on MSPA by Telamon.

Larus was breathing heavily as he rounded the corner, his whole body aching, including muscles that had never ached before he'd gained his powers. Unable to run any more, he stopped, leaning against the wall, hoping that Trickster was as tired as he was. After a moment's rest he heard a commotion back from the way he came. Exploring cautiously, he discovered quite a sight. Back in the control room, he found two of his former foes, Aph and Trickster, staring at each other uncomfortably and warily, Down the other way, he saw Sister Clara and the strange "Twilight Sprite" creature, watching the other pair apprehensively.

"Um, Sister, should I be attacking someone?" Larus asked tentatively.

"Oh, hopefully that won't be necessary," she answered.

Larus obliged, hoping for more time to rest, but adopted a defensive stance next to Clara, just in case.
Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 1 - The Abandoned Base)
Originally posted on MSPA by Ixcalibur.

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Aph looked over at Trickster. As if she wasn't angry enough already, he had to come back. How she had loved him. How she had thrown herself at him and all he had done was reject her, time and time again. She hated him.
"What?" she snapped angrily. "I am a little busy here. Make yourself useful and kill the brat or get out of my face." She turned away from Trickster trying to dismiss him from her mind to find that Larus had turned up with Sister Clara and that brat. Perfect. Everyone she wanted to violently dismember all in one place.

"Calm down dear." Sister Clara said, clutching up the brat into her arms. "There's no need for this."

"No need?!" Aph yelled. "I love you Clara! And all you care about is that fucking brat." Aph was almost hysterical. "Her and your boyfriend there. You know what I will do my love? I will rip them to peices in front of your eyes. I will bathe in their blood. I will kill them. Then you. Then me. Then we'll be together love. Then we'll be together for eternity. Just you and me, forever and ever."

There was a pause where neither side moved. Aph felt her grip tightening around that blade again. Sister Clara didn't say anything. She didn't have to. There was nothing left for her to appeal to.
"Fine." Aph said. "Let's do this." She went to raise her blade in earnest this time, but found herself stuck. "What?" she yelled. "Paralysed me again?! you undead whore!"

Clara turned to Larus and passed D'Neya to him. "Take her away from here." she said. "Keep her safe. She doesn't need to see this." Larus nodded and he and D'Neya headed off down the corridor in the other direction.

Aph thrashed wildly against her invisible bonds as Sister Clara walked slowly towards her.

"If it helps I really don't want to do this dear." she said. "I don't want to be killing people, I just want everyone to get along. If you would just calm down. Prove that you can get along with everyone. Then I wouldn't have to."

Aph thrashed and screamed and anything Sister Clara might have said was lost under the otherworldly wails of the nymph. "Help me you bastard!" she screamed at Trickster, but he just stood there, uncertain of whether it was wise to get involved and whose side he would want to be on if he did so anyway.

Sister Clara sighed. There seemed little point in continuing stalling. Aph was not to be reasoned with.

Aph screamed, still thrashing with all of her might. "You bitch! You damn bitch. You suckered me in. Made me feel like I was special. Made me feel like you would look out for me. But you lied! You damn whore. You lied through your teeth. You used me! I hate you. I wish you were dead." Suddenly a bolt of lightning arced across from Aph to the approaching Sister Clara, knocking her off her feet, throwing her back. As her concentration broke the spell broke and Aph fell to the floor. She lay there, electricity sparking across her body. She knew she had some latent magical ability but it had never manifested anywhere near this strongly before. It had flowed through her, like the rage she felt. Still pulsing with electrical energy Aph grabbed her blade and pushed herself to her feet.

She walked towards Sister Clara, slowly. Clara was still lying there, caught off guard by the bolt.

"I loved you." she said and raised her blade.

Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 1 - The Abandoned Base)
Originally posted on MSPA by The Dr..

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Trickster stood up, shaking and confused. "You want me to strike down an old woman? My human mind is still limited by morals," he said weakly. "And besides, I- I..." Trickster slowly trailed off before collapsing to the floor, out cold.
Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 1 - The Abandoned Base)
Originally posted on MSPA by SleepingOrange.

Sister Clara thought quickly. She didn't want to hurt anyway; she also had no illusions about her current position, and frankly she didn't want to be hurt. She hoped this would work; she'd never had much experience dissembling, but maybe if Aph wanted it to be true badly enough...

She looked up at the nymph with wide, tear-rimmed eyes. "Oh, Aph... Don't you understand? I needed to keep everyone safe, so I couldn't give you the attention you deservem but... I thought you knew! I thought you could feel how much I cared for you, without me having to prove it... Isn't our love stronger than a little bit of neglect? Can't you give me a chance to show you what you mean to me?"

Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 1 - The Abandoned Base)
Originally posted on MSPA by Ixcalibur.

Aph stopped in her tracks. For a second she hovered there, blade raised, electric crackling through her body. As she hovered, deep in thought the electric sputtered and died along with her anger. The blade fell to her side.

"Sister Clara!" she wailed plaintively, tears running down her face. "How could I have done such an awful thing to you?" She rushed over to her fallen love and helped her up from the floor. "I should have known my love. I should have known in my heart that you loved me. I will make amends for my behaviour. I will prove how much I truly love you, this I promise."

Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 1 - The Abandoned Base)
Originally posted on MSPA by snoomanwaff.

Bae had shapeshifted back into 'Cabaret' and wandered off down a corridor towards the last place it had seen the B child, it had murky intentions for him.
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Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 1 - The Abandoned Base)
Originally posted on MSPA by The Dr..

Trickster rubbed his head as he sat back up. "I seriously have no idea what the hell is going on in this room right now."
Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 1 - The Abandoned Base)
Originally posted on MSPA by SleepingOrange.

What in the world have you gotten yourself into, Clara? The nun embraced the nymph, wondering how on she was going to maintain this facade, and worrying that the poor girl might just be too unstable to leave alive. She smiled, warm as ever, and released Aph.

"Come on, we should get somewhere safer. I'd hate to see anything happen to you."

She shot a glance at Trickster, motioning with her eyes that he should go the other way before Aph remembered he was here, then led her new partner back to the courtyard.


Larus held the hand of the vaguely-disconcerting little girl as they walked back to the courtyard; he wasn't really sure why, but it seemed like the right thing to do. He felt like he wanted to please Clara, which was a bit weird for him. He mentally shrugged and stopped musing on it, since they were in a building filled with lethal traps. He was paying so much attention to the floor and walls that he didn't hear the scraping and banging until he opened the door to the courtyard.


Sister Clara, starting to calm down after the excitement of nearly being hacked to bits by a mad pink woman, noticed a prickle in her hand and looked down. Black necromantic energy was arcing between her fingers. She pursed her lips and stopped.

"What is it, sweetheart?"

"I... Hmm... When you shocked me back there, was that some sort of naturally-generated electricity, or was it magical?"

"Magic, I think. Why?"

Clara didn't answer for a moment. She wondered if the nymph's brand of wild magic had somehow been partially-deflected by one of Clara's abjurations and traced back along to an old spell. Mixing different types of magics always had odd effects, and the nun was beginning to notice she was gradually losing energy. Not really enough to make a difference at the rate it was going, but some.

"I'm... I'm not sure."


This grey guy didn't look so tough, but he wasn't a wrinkled old lady or a silly pink girl. D'Neya was pondering whether she should try to "befriend" him or kill him quickly as they walked back to the courtyard; he probably wasn't as powerful as a firey demon thing or whatever that guy with the awful clothes was, or some sort of fisty knight. Probably best to pretend to be his friend for now. The sprite did hear the odd noises coming from the courtyard as they approached, but didn't really think anything of them They were just weird noises!

The ratty-looking grey guy pushed open the doors. Looked like he was having to push pretty hard, and he was scowling a little, apparently confused. He shoved it open and there was a thump. D'Neya skipped out in front of him, and saw most of a corpse laying on its back on the ground. Had it been propped up against the door?


Aph was distressed: Clara was clearly worried or confused about something, and it seemed like it had something to do with her! What if she'd somehow damaged her love in that heated moment? She just couldn't bear the thought! As she watched, a small black lightning bolt sprang from Clara's left index finger and grounded on the wall, leaving a small scorch mark and the smell of sulphur. That... Didn't seem promising.

Something seemed to occur to the woman, judging from the expression that flashed across her face before it settled back to its usual amiable countenance.

"Come on, dear, we should hurry."

Aph glided quickly after Clara, who was now moving as fast as it was possible to while still being described as a walk. She became increasingly worried as her beloved's hand arced more and more often, filling the halls with a smell that was increasingly... corpsey.


Larus moved out after the girl, and saw her staring at a corpse. Must have been blocking the door. Weird. His head whipped around as he caught some movement on the ground out of the corner of his eye. A severed hand with only three remaining fingers was dragging its way across the ground towards him. He stepped on it, making his leg dense and heavy, and looked up.

All around him and the girl, corpses were rising off the ground, loose limbs and scattered intestines writhing and crawling across the stone. His lips curled back as what appeared to be a disembodied bicep or something like that oozed across the ground like a slug. He pulled D'Neya close, stopping her from continuing to poke the nearby corpse's face.

There was a click behind them. He turned around to see what amounted to about two thirds of a person pushing the door shut, bloody rictus of a face staring at them.

Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 1 - The Abandoned Base)
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

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