Eagle Time Secret Santa Art/Writing Exchange: (Most) Gifts are in!

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Eagle Time Secret Santa Art/Writing Exchange: (Most) Gifts are in!
Re: Eagle Time Secret Santa Art/Writing Exchange!
Okay! It's just about December 1 here, but I'm in no rush.

So here's what I'm thinking. At about noon tomorrow, my time, I'll assign people to give gifts to other people. If anyone wants to sneak their way in at the last minute, now's the time!
Re: Eagle Time Secret Santa Art/Writing Exchange! Last call!
And that's it! I'm going to assign people now. Check your PMs to find out who you're making something for!

If you're stumped on what to make for someone, ask me and I'll talk to them on your behalf.
Re: Eagle Time Secret Santa Art/Writing Exchange! It's start
So there's a little over a week before the 25th, I think this is a good time to send out reminder PMs.

And may I just say I'm looking forward to seeing what you've all put together.
Re: Eagle Time Secret Santa Art/Writing Exchange! It's start


quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.
Re: Eagle Time Secret Santa Art/Writing Exchange! It's start
It is the 23rd by my count, and I'm still waiting on 14 people.

So how are those gifts coming along?
Re: Eagle Time Secret Santa Art/Writing Exchange! It's start

(It's 3 a.m., please disregard this advice)
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
Re: Eagle Time Secret Santa Art/Writing Exchange! It's start
I am one of the terrible few. XD

I was going to work on it this afternoon but obviously that didn't happen.
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
Re: Eagle Time Secret Santa Art/Writing Exchange! It's start
I am inordinately glad to hear that I am not the only one who hasn't finished yet.
I'm getting there, I guess. Life is being a bitch and for some reason I decided to do hourlies today but yeah I can consecrate time to gifts!
quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.
Re: Eagle Time Secret Santa Art/Writing Exchange! It's start
Mine's done

I just can't exactly save it as a .gif and slap it on imgur, though

so get off my arse because I will have it done before your precious deadline
Re: Eagle Time Secret Santa Art/Writing Exchange! It's start



Re: Eagle Time Secret Santa Art/Writing Exchange! It's start

quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.
RE: Eagle Time Secret Santa Art/Writing Exchange! It's starting!
my apologies to the person my gift is for, your stocking shall be empty christmas morn, however there is always boxing day!

(it will not be ready by boxing day)
RE: Eagle Time Secret Santa Art/Writing Exchange! It's starting!
I have, as usual, been A Butt about Doing Things, and am unlikely to have my gift ready until sometime tomorrow or (possibly but less likely) the 27th. Apologies all around, and particularly to my giftee. okay look I will have this in before the new year but as it turns out I am kind of terrible about taking initiative and doing things and also gauging the difficulty of the things that I try to do. "Before Jan 1" is frankly the closest I can get to an accurate bead on getting to a completed state with this project, and even then it's a bit optimistic. This is a sort of thing that happens a lot with me and yet I somehow never see it coming.
RE: Eagle Time Secret Santa Art/Writing Exchange! It's starting!
Mine is also going to be late. Was a bit too ambitious about timing, sorry :(
RE: Eagle Time Secret Santa Art/Writing Exchange! It's starting!
It's Christmas, and I have 14 gifts ready to go.

If I get another one tonight, I'll send them out. Otherwise, I'll see what I get tomorrow and send those out. Either way, hopefully we can get the rest of the gifts in soon afterwards.
RE: Eagle Time Secret Santa Art/Writing Exchange! It's starting!

this was my gift

[Image: 24pvx3m.png]
RE: Eagle Time Secret Santa Art/Writing Exchange! It's starting!
[Image: RipperBlackmask-3.png]
This is what I got for my gift! The person who was going to do it lost the image data, so they had a friend do it, and I think it turned out great!

Many thanks to both the person who was assigned to me, and to their friend-- as well as for the heartfelt message they sent me alongside the picture. Minion

( in related news whoops I feel like I should have sent a heartfelt message with mine! so anyway PERSON WHO GOT THE PICTURE I DREW: your writing is great and I also remember you having a cool adventure and you are also generally a cool guy so merry christmas and I hope you enjoy my lousy art! )
RE: Eagle Time Secret Santa Art/Writing Exchange! It's starting!

Times what have you done.
RE: Eagle Time Secret Santa Art/Writing Exchange! It's starting!
[Image: jaELj.gif]
I am guessing this was Aryogaton, I don't know anyone else who makes 3D things!
Thanks <3
RE: Eagle Time Secret Santa Art/Writing Exchange! It's starting!
So as you might guess from the above posts, I've sent out the gifts. Check your inboxes!

And if you didn't get your gift in to me yet, you might like to do that soon.
RE: Eagle Time Secret Santa Art/Writing Exchange! It's starting!
[Image: pypschars.jpg]

Akumu you are amazing
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
RE: Eagle Time Secret Santa Art/Writing Exchange! It's starting!
It's okay I can wait.

RE: Eagle Time Secret Santa Art/Writing Exchange! It's starting!
I got a puzzle string from Sruixan! What a fantastic gift!! Thanks so much, Sruixan!

I am not going to show it off yet because I want to figure it out first!

PYP, I am glad you like yours! I was going to stop at Red and Klendel (since I also have characters in the same GBs as them), but then I decided to go for all of your canon characters! I used markers!!
RE: Eagle Time Secret Santa Art/Writing Exchange! It's starting!
Here is mine

[Image: KNDir.png]

It is equal parts creepy and cute and I love it so much <3

RE: Eagle Time Secret Santa Art/Writing Exchange! It's starting!
I got this amazing interactive comic from Pyp who is the best