Intense Struggle! (Round 7 - The Database)

Intense Struggle! (Round 7 - The Database)
Intense Struggle! (Round 7 - The Database)
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

The Organizer had his hands full. So many combatants to choose from! How could he pick only eight?

Another entity, calling itself the Monitor, decided to relieve the Organizer of his burden. And perhaps gain some benefits for itself...

Yet another Grand Battle. You can get detailed rules from the other topics, I'll go over a quick summary.


This is a writing collab for eight players. Each of you will come up with a character. Those characters will then be set to face each other in a free-for-all battle to the death.

The fate of your character depends on your writing skill. Every round, the player whose writing has been the worst will be eliminated from the game, and their character will be killed off. A new round will begin, in a new setting.

When posting for the story, it is recommended that you make a post reserving, then edit that post. When somebody else has reserved, everyone else should wait for that player to post; in this game, reserves will be honored for one-and-a-half hours. If somebody reserves but doesn't write in that time, you can feel free to reserve instead. (Although frequently, other players will still respect reserves even after this time is up.)

Character submission form:

Name: The character's name, obviously.
Gender: Typically this will be male, female, or N/A, though some character concepts will allow an "Other" option.
Font color: To more easily separate story posts from general discussion and identify their author, everybody will pick a particular color to put their posts in. List it here (words in that font color will do). Everybody should pick a different one, not black.
Race: What species they are. Be it human, elf, Martian, energy being, werewolf, undead vaccum cleaner... you get the idea. Anything you want is fine.
Weapon: Do they have a signature weapon? Describe it! Or if they fight with their fists, mention that, too!
Abilities: Do they have magic? Specialized skills? Super powers? Describe it! You don't have to be held only to what you list here once you start writing; this is more to establish their "theme" than give a firm list of what they can and can't do.
Description: What do they look like? What's their general view of the world? If you're artistically inclined, you can draw a picture, but it's completely optional.
Biography: What were they doing before they were flung into this battle?

I recommend coming up with a new character for this, or perhaps exploring a character concept you haven't done much with. You are free to reuse a character you've included in something else, though.

1. Telamon - Larus Mutabilis - 877777 - DEAD
2. Aryogaton - Aegis Cupris - Red - DEAD
3. Sleeping Orange - Sister Clara Jungfrau - BF8000
4. cyber95 - B - BF0000 - DEAD
5. Draykon - D'Neya - 8000FF - DEAD
6. snoomanwaff - Bae - 80BF80 on 004080 - DEAD
7. Hijack - Trickster - 004000 - DEAD
8. Ixcalibur - Aph - FF40FF
Re: Intense Struggle!
Originally posted on MSPA by Telamon.

Guess I'll give this shit a try....

Name: Larus Mutabilis

Gender: Male

Font color: Gray text

Race: Human.

Weapon: His body, as described below.

Abilities: Larus has the ability to alter the density and consistency of his body. He can turn into a mist which is immune to most attacks, allowing him to dodge or outmaneuver a foe. He can also harden part or all of his body, both to absorb blows or to strengthen his own. These abilities, however, can only be used for a limited duration, especially full-body changes such as mist form.

Description: While his abilities also include the capacity to change his body's color, Larus long ago gave up attempting to do so, and is now almost always a slate gray color across his entire body: skin, hair, eyes, nails, etc. He is otherwise a fit, nondescript human male, around six feet tall, gray hair medium length and unkempt.

Biography: Larus Mutabilis, original name unknown, was an ordinary human male when a global MacGuffin on his world resulted in a certain percentage of the population gaining super powers. He originally chose to keep his new talents secret, occasionally using them to right injustices while making a comfortable living through shady means. Eventually, however, he turned his energies to a campaign of vengeance, following a series of personal tragedies and insults, some of them imagined. He was eventually captured by the authorities after a few high-profile attacks, and his abilities were exposed, but he escaped and fled to the wilds, where he took up with a band of outlaws. He then fell in to an amoral lifestyle, maintaining a high position with the bandits more through his abilities than his ambition, and gained a reputation as a quiet man, but prone to bouts of explosive anger. He refined his fighting abilities, taking on jobs with his companions whenever it suited him, and soon became the deadliest member of the dangerous bunch. His ambitions, however, were too limited to motivate him to higher things.
Re: Intense Struggle!
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

Telamon Wrote:Larus Mutabilis
Re: Intense Struggle! (7 Slots remaining)
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

I have started a fad! What's my prize?

EDIT: Oh, I can handle two at once. I AM DRAWING because the picture I already had of the character I'll be using sucks.
Re: Intense Struggle! (7 Slots remaining)
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.

Hopefully, eight nine collabs that will make MSPAFA history.
Re: Intense Struggle! (7 Slots remaining)
Originally posted on MSPA by SleepingOrange.

Name: Sister Clara Jungfrau

Gender: Female

Font color: Sister Clara Jungfrau

Race: Necropolitan; a sentient being (in this case, human) who voluntarily underwent a ritual to become undead; little difference from a living human except slightly-increased strength, no need to eat or breathe, immunity to poison, things like that.

Weapon: Clerical magic and a walking stick with a concealed blade; a ceremonial weapon with which she has little skill.

Abilities: The aforementioned magic, which is admittedly more often used for mundane or helpful purposes than out-and-out combat; she's pretty powerful, but nothing especially notable. She does a mean crochet too.

Description: An older (fiftyish) woman; silver hair tied back in a tight bun under her chaste grey habit; piercing black eyes and a perpetual soft grin; very pale, slightly wrinkled, probably used to be modestly attractive.

Sister Clara is a very kind, thoughtful woman; bright, but not genius, clever and well-read but not a scholar, pleasant but not overbearing. She might be your grandma or just the sweet old lady down the street who gives cookies to the neighborhood kids and wins prizes for her begonias. She naturally likes everyone and it takes a lot to get on her bad side; her bad side, honestly, is more of a lukewarm side than anything. She's not much of a warrior, has only technically been trained as an exorcist, and tries to solve problems rationally. Deep in her heart, though, she's always known that a time for violence would come, and if she believes she's gotten to it... Well, she just doesn't know how she'll react.

Biography: Sister Clara worships Schleier, the Grey Veil. Schleier is the Death-God of the Gotsdinest Pantheon; unlike "typical" death-gods, Schleier is a pleasant warden of the afterlife, responsible for safely transporting and sorting souls, and a liked and respected god.

It was prophesied at Clara's birth that she would one day become an instrument of Schleier, and she was given to the Pallid Sisters of Eternal Respite, the order of nuns dedicated to the death-god, to be raised and trained as a member of Schleier's clergy. She was a good and dutiful sister, learning the lore and teachings of her patron god, and rose, eventually, to become the matron of her abbey; it was then that she underwent the undeath ceremony, as is traditional.

She is technically Mother Clara now, but feels Sister Clara is more pleasant and relatable, and tends to forgo titles. She's known for a long time that her future would involve SOME great service to her god, but hasn't thus far had any idea what it would be, and hasn't seen anything particularly unusual happen to her. That is, until one day while giving a reading from The Book of Beginnings and Ends to her congregation, she and the ceremonial tome vanished mid-sentence, only to reappear... Somewhere.
Re: Intense Struggle! (5 Slots remaining)
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

SleepingOrange Wrote:Sister Clara Jungfrau
Re: Intense Struggle! (5 Slots remaining)
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

Name: Officially, his name is 'B'. The few who are close to him call him Ben, though.

Gender: Male

Font color:It's that one in the top left corner of the fourth 5x5 square in the color picker to the side.

Race: Human

Weapon: A blade that changes form with him (See Abilities). In it's natural form, it looks sort of like a straight ice pick.

Abilities: B has the ability to shapeshift into any beastial creature, be it real or fictional. His outfit is special, as it shapes with him, and his weapon tends to manifest itself somewhere on his new body as well (for example, it might take form as his claws.)

Description: [Image: B.png]
Underneath his jacket is also a tattoo of the letter B, exactly where it is on the jacket.
Personality-wise, he's rather shy. Unless he really trusts somebody, they're likely to only know him as 'B'. His full beastial forms have sort of made him have the occasional animalistic tendency, which he tries to suppress, but he can't always. Despite him being so shy, and occasionally agressive, he's a rather nice guy once you get to know him, and he would never harm his friends.

Biography: B was the second of three experiments at a secret laboratory. The first was his 'sister', A, who had the ability to shapeshift into human-animal hybrids, and after him was C, who came from outside the lab and had shapeshifting powers bestowed upon him, with the ability to take both full beastial forms, and partial beastial forms. Also they took C's memory after doing experiments.
The experiment was so that shapeshifting supersoldiers could be produced, and the only reason A and B grew up with any real morals was because of a scientist, Hal, who treated them as his children.
After C was brought in and unwillingly removed from society with the painful experiment and memory erasure, C was enraged. He used his new abilities to kill almost every scientist in the building, whereas A and B both protected Hal. C was thirteen at the time, A was 10, and B was only 7.
It's been five years, and the four had all been secretly living in the laboratory by themselves. Hal had been teaching both A and B proper public etiquette so they could eventually leave the lab and hopefully live real lives, and C spent most of his time searching for his identity.

One day, B went missing. None of the other three in the lab could have possibly known it was to partake in a battle.

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Re: Intense Struggle! (5 Slots remaining)
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

Man, I remember that one. It sure was fun while it lasted.

Like everything of thriggle's, Victor was just plain awesome. I also liked how we all thought of crazy things Greenshift could do with his seemingly-useless power to turn things green.

Anyways! Approved.
Re: Intense Struggle! (4 Slots remaining)
Originally posted on MSPA by snoomanwaff.

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Re: Intense Struggle! (4 Slots remaining)
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

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Re: Intense Struggle! (4 Slots remaining)
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

MyifanW is in Pitched Combat, so Aryogaton is in this one. Please repost your character info here for the convenience of your fellow players.
Re: Intense Struggle! (4 Slots remaining)
Originally posted on MSPA by yousodumb.

This cool?

Name[img]images/smilies/icon_sadder.gif[/img]hris Swerthington (calls self Kappa Chris)
Gender: Male
Color: orange. (#FF8000)
Race: Human
Guild/Alliance: U.L.o.S.H. (ultimate league of Super heroes)
Fighting Style: omnidextrous adaptive Jeet Kune Do/Capoeira/Muay Thai fusion.
Special Equipment: the Weapon randomizer: A seemingly harmless Stick that can turn into any weapon in the multiverse.
Abilities: He is unparalleled in his flexibility and versatility, It is rumored that he can unleash a ultimate attack known only as, "UltraDeathmegakill 2, let the souls weap."
Appearance: A tall, pale man with a narrow face. His hair is long and black, most of it obscuring his face. He wears a simple black button-up shirt, with a pair of jeans with wholes in it. His face always wears a expression of apathy.
Bio: It was predicted that Chris would save his universe from a great evil, and so he did. He was trained by the best masters of the three most brutal martial arts. Through brutal training and long days, his body reached the highest possible rank of fitness. He was then trained in the arts of the mind, in order to pass he created the weapon randomizer. However, the defeat of the ultimate evil and unleashing of his final finisher was only the start of his journey. After his eventual triumph, Chris was called to defeat lesser evils and restore peace and order, after thousands and thousands of times later he found it was impossible for him to ever loose. He became apathetic, not caring, knowing in full confidence that he would always win. He tested this, in many fashions, ranging from not doing anything to outright helping the opposing side, no matter what he did, he would always win. He believes that good and evil are both concurrent to his sway, no matter what he does he will always win.
Saying: "You think you know heroism, or villainy? No? Who cares anyway, we both know it is impossible for me to lose."
Re: Intense Struggle! (4 Slots remaining)
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

yousodumb Wrote:blatant godmodding
Please tell me that was a joke entry. [img]images/smilies/mspa_face.gif[/img]
Re: Intense Struggle! (4 Slots remaining)
Originally posted on MSPA by yousodumb.

Yes! um... No! yes??

Can I try again?
Re: Intense Struggle! (4 Slots remaining)
Originally posted on MSPA by Draykon.

Name: D'neya
Gender: Femenine, though technically genderless
Font color: I suppose this one.
Race: Twilight Sprite. Not so much a life form as a personification of abstract concepts. See below.
Weapon: Clawlike nails, but pretty much unarmed.
Abilities: Limited shapeshifting, see below.
Description: Sapient minds if allowed to develop for long periods of time will gradually begin to associate certain properties together, forming themes. As these sapient life forms slowly die out, their souls begin to merge into stars. From those stars, the concentrated spiritual energies have been known to separate again, grouping together into themes.

The result is a twilight sprite, the effective personification of an archetype. D'neya is a Twilight Sprite of the "Gothloli" concept.

In her human form, she is a very young girl with pale white skin, blond hair, and an ornate black dress. The back of the dress is tied up so that pulling on a single string will open up her back.

As she shapeshifts, carapaced black tentacles are released from her back. She can then shape these tentacles into various shapes. However as she is nothing more than her archetype, what she can turn into is limited to that which would be considered "gothloli." As such, her only two known forms are a giant tarantula, and a much larger, creepier version of her human form.

Her spirit is very limited, in that she is completely unable to think beyond her archetype.

Biography: Like most Twilight Sprites, she was born in a star, then escaped via solar wind. She found herself in a human settlement, which she quickly took over and proclaimed herself princess. Attempts were made to remove her from the throne, however they have thus far been unsuccessfully. Until today. o.o

How's that? Too complicated?

It's not the 'third magical girl,' just a weird character concept I came up with on a whim.
Re: Intense Struggle! (3 Slots remaining)
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

D'Neya is approved.

Also: New people might want to sign up before this becomes a 7-1 split of old and new players. You potential players don't want to miss your chance yet again, do you?
Re: Intense Struggle! (3 Slots remaining)
Originally posted on MSPA by snoomanwaff.

Name: BETA-43 or Bae
Gender: N/A
Font color: #80BF80 [background=#004080:395evcdc]with a background of[/background:395evcdc] [background=#004080:395evcdc]#004080[/background:395evcdc]
Race: Unkown but it's presumeably some sort of water creature.
Weapon: A folding knife. It also has an armoured vest to protect the organs in it's torso. It's favorite method to kill someone is embracing them and then stabbing them through the stomach with one of it's arms or a spike coming out of it's torso.
Abilities: basic shapeshifting (can copy the appearance those who it's encountered before, morphing it's arms into spikes, hardening it's 'skin' and elongating/shrinking it's body to fit a situation), moderate regenration (can survive as long as it's vital organs are intact and those can regenerate to an extent, it's weaknesses are fire, electricity, explosives, generally anything which can destroy or disable it's vital organs without giving them a chance to regenerate), can 'suspend' things inside it self as a sort of inventory but it's body acts as an aquatic enviroment so it can't safely carry biologicals (risk of drowning) or things like chunks of cesium (which would blow it apart from the inside), It can also be quite charismatic and charming when it wants to be.
Description: It's a mass of greeny-browny-blueish liquid, apporximately 50 litres (I'm not sure if that's right but it's enough to fill a small to medium sized bath tub) in volume. It generally looks slightly humanoid, but slides along the ground instead of having legs, it's arms hang down to the floor and its 'head' doesn't have any features other than two slightly darker patches that act as eyes, it is usually opaque but if it becomes translucent or transparent some organs (It's vital ones) become visible in it's 'torso'. When it speaks it sounds slightly mechanical and gurglely. It's disposition is focused but friendly, especially when what it's doing requires it to be friendly.
Biography: It's a mercenary for hire. With the sudden increase of combatants banding together and attempting to escape the battle the moniter decided to nip it in the bud this time and hired Bae to stop this from happening by driving any allying combatants against each other, preferably without them that it's been doing it. It knows what it's getting into and since the deposit alone is enough for it's home town to live in luxury for years so it wants to win to get an even larger reward.
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Re: Intense Struggle! (3 Slots remaining)
Originally posted on MSPA by Korbz.

I might play simply because now that I've learned more about the game, I can play better.
However, I'd rather more new players play this playful game.
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Re: Intense Struggle! (2 Slots remaining)
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

Bae is in. I really like the concept of an "inside man" in one of these, and it would definitely be fun to see it play out.

He'll need a cover story for the Monitor's introduction, maybe he'll even be disguised at that point. Let me know what you want to do for that.
Re: Intense Struggle! (2 Slots remaining)
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

God damn, there is a lot of shapeshifting this time around.
Re: Intense Struggle! (2 Slots remaining)
Originally posted on MSPA by snoomanwaff.

cyber95 Wrote:God damn, there is a lot of shapeshifting this time around.
Re: Intense Struggle! (2 Slots remaining)
Originally posted on MSPA by Korbz.

You know what's funny/sad? I have a character almost exactly the same as Bae, except he is made of silver goo.
Re: Intense Struggle! (2 Slots remaining)
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Should push come to shove and no newer people sign up, i'll make a character so that we have enough people.

Name: Cross
Gender: male
Font color: This should do
Race: human
Weapon: A sword. No, such a weapon cannot be called a sword, but a huge slab of iron. He also uses a variety of knives, and attachments in his false arm. These include a one shot cannon (inside the arm), a repeating (slow) crossbow, and tyhe afct it's pretty painful to be punched with it.
Small bombs with large shrapnell given out.
Decription: Not a huge man by anyone's reasoning, but always leaves a huge impression. His right eye is always closed due to injury, and his left arm is replaced from the elbow down. He always fights with his own strength and will, never forming a plan and always taking initiative. He rarely opens up, save for a few brief moments. He does not sleep often, for fear of spirits that haunt him. He has no special ablilities.
He has black hair with a white patch in his fringe above his closed eye that annoys him.
Bio: Cross was a mercanery in a famous band (of mercs). They were the best of the best. Eventually becoming a state army for the king. However, their leader was captured and imprisoned under the order of the king for a false acusation of treachury after sleeping with his daughter. Cross, being absent on his journery to become the strongest swordsman in the world, quickly rejoined the band to save him. Upon finding their leader, they witnessed his barren, tortured body. His muscles cut out, his skin ripped off, and his tongue removed. A ghost of his former self. After rescuing him, he tried to commit suicide, which failed. However, a small amulet he kept by his neck soaked up some of his blood, and opened up a dimmension very similer to hell.
But not the hell where souls go. No, a hell by every other name. Demon's, known as apostles, rose from the ground over the world because of this. The 4 most powerful, with strength's with no equal, gave him the offer to be their new member, to be the strongest of all, to be a god among demons, with the sacrifice of everyone he knew. Includning cross.
He accepted.
Everyone was slaughtered, eaten, crushed, ripped apart and basically just had a really awefull death.
Not cross though, he got his eye cut out and his arm bitten off, but he got saved by a rogue demon. After recovering and getting a new arm forged, he went off to fight demons in search of a way of finding the five strongest to kill them.
Eventually, he came across an old blacksmith with the slab of iron he calls a sword. Cross took it in glee, swinging it with one arm when it took two men to lift it. Longer and wider than his body, he carries on his back in a thick sling. One day, he came upon the demon who saved him. Upon opening a rift, Cross was thrown in, to save him from the horrors of the demonic world he knew.
Only little did the demon know that Cross would have to fight even harder battles to survuve in these new worlds...

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Re: Intense Struggle! (2 Slots remaining)
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

Okay, here's the plan: I'll wait a couple of days, maybe send some PMs around for recruiting, and if that produces no new entrants whatsoever, Drakenforge and Korbz are in.

For now, the last two slots are still open.