WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA N5: nothing happened

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WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA N5: nothing happened
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
Originally posted on MSPA by Palamedes.


I underestimated you Ix. Godspeed.
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
Originally posted on MSPA by A Killer Cuppa Tea.

@Pala - I never voted you...? In fact, I think you're pretty town. Also, where do you get "laying low" from in my behaviour :s

MrGuy Wrote:How about the part where he flipped on me for expressing suspicions and not immediately voting based on them

And then continued to flip on me repeatedly rather than look to other avenues of conversation
It got us out of RVS and doing actual productive stuff, didn't it? I mostly revoke my suspicion of you. My suspicion of you - which, remember, was barely a page into the game - was as light as suspicion can be that early in the game. Part of it was my finding your comments skeevy, sure, but just as much of it was reaction fishing. And look! We got a whole bandwagon and polarised opinions out of it!

Since then, you've gone up a lot in my estimation. Not so much of your own volition, but because other, far more scummy people crawled out of the woodwork. Scumminess is relative, and whilst at the time you were the scummiest thing on the table, now you are much closer to null than a lot of others.

Others like MV. MV, having weak opinions is far, far better than refusing to state your opinions at all. That - the refusal to share with town for fear of stepping into shit - is by far the most skeevy thing I've seen this far in the game. If you're town, why do you care? And if you do care, why are you harming town by NOT stating your opinions, and giving scum a nice pool in which to fester? The answer, of course, is that you AREN'T town after all. The rest of your stuff is jut icing on the cake, as far as I'm concerned. At this point, even if we lynch you and you're town - which looks unlikely - we are merely ridding ourselves of an unhelpful townie. A much smaller opportunity cost than is usual. Vote: MV
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

Somebody Tell Me Who Para's Actually Voting For Votals

Konec0 (1) - seastormjt
Mr. Guy (2?) - Paranoia?, Mister Visceral
Namboto (2) - Mirdini, absoluteCertainty
A Killer Cuppa Tea (3) - Solaris, Luneix, Namboto
TehPilot (3?) - konec0, seedy, Paranoia?
Ixcalibur (2) - anacreon, Ixcalibur
Palamedes (1) - Mirdini
Mister Visceral (3) - Palamedes, Mr. Guy, Tea
No Lynch (1) - curiousCat

Abstaining (3) - Schazer, cuttlefishCuller, Agent 1022,tehPilot

Day ends January 26th, 5 PM EST. It takes 11 to hard lynch and 6 to soft lynch.
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
Originally posted on MSPA by MrGuy.

Fogel: Obviously he is actually voting for Schazer, as part of a scumlicious plot to help Ix
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
Originally posted on MSPA by Mirdini.

And after those technical difficulties, the mafia channel is back! We now return to your regularly scheduled programming.

<span style="font-family: courier new">

Two flashlights scan the crumbling walls of the factory. MIRDINI and SOLARIS look at each other, then back towards the factory. A large TRESPASSERS WILL BE HAUNTED sign hangs on the fence in front of them.

You ready for this? It's your first mission in the field since you were a hero at SOME GUY'S HOUSE.

I'm no hero. I'm just an old ghost hunter... hired to do some wet work.
They toss their backpacks over the fence, then clamber over themselves. Mirdini points towards a nearby fire escape door leading to the factory floor. They form up on either side of it. Solaris reaches into his backpack to retrieve an EMF INDICATOR. The needle is in the RED SPOOK ZONE.

Ignanoo, that thing's going crazy.

Yeah. Place be spookin'. You bring the Tenderizer?

You know it.
Mirdini pulls THE TENDERIZER out of his bag. He flicks the switch to turn it on. The vacuum tube attached starts to hum.

He SLAMS it into the door. The door FLIES off its hinges. Dust clouds the air. SOLARIS dashes inside, ANTI-SPOOK NET GUN at the ready.


Solaris and Mirdini stand by a conveyor belt. Robot parts litter the floor. Both stare at the giant steel STATUE OF MALKYTOP looming over the rest of the factory.

Metal Malky...?

I'd hear Palamedes had a thing for Malkypoints, but this...
Solaris spits on the floor.

That's... pretty sick, man.
They proceed further down the factory floor, heading towards the MANAGEMENT OFFICE. The EMF INDICATOR is beeping wildly. No ghosts are in sight.

Forlorn pictures of CREPUSCULARDISSEMBLER, MRGUY, Paranoia and LUNEIX hang on the "Employee of the Month" wall they pass. They reach the door of the management office. Enraged beeping and booping can be heard coming from within.

Sounds like Palamedes never left his factory. Then again, it could just be a different 'bot. A coincidence.

Well, I don't believe in coincidences.

PALAMEDES beeps wildly, smashing desks, chairs and various other office furniture. Solaris and Mirdini BREACH the door, with Solaris firing his ANTI-SPOOK NET to hold Palamedes down. Palamedebot is undeterred, ripping the net apart.

Well shit.

(to Palamedes)
You want eternal rest? I got it right here!
Solaris grabs THE TENDERIZER out of Mirdini's shocked grip. He slams it into PALABOT.

Palamedes flies into a wall. Dropping to the floor, the red goes out of his ROBOT EYES.

Mirdini grabs the EMF INDICATOR and points it at Palamedes. Display is in the green NO SPOOK ZONE.

Looks like he wasn't a spook after all, just an angry robot.
(To Solaris)
A cardboard box? Why are you...?
Solaris has found a cardboard box, and hidden himself within.

I dunno. I was just looking at it, and suddenly I got this irresistible urge to get inside.
No not just an urge - more than that. It was my destiny to be here; in the box.
Suddenly, the EMF INDICATOR goes haywire while pointed at a nearby desk. Mirdini opens it, only to find an unexpected HAUNTED NOTEBOOK.

I refuse to answer your questions!
Solaris climbs out of the box in alarm. He grabs the ANTI-SPOOK SPRAY and goes to town on MisterVisceral.

Now you're a mere mortal, just like us.

But can you kill this mere mortal?
Cackling, MisterVisceral and the notebook containing him fly away. MIRDINI, SOLARIS and PALAMEDES are alone in the now SPOOKLESS office.

Well that sure was something.
We'd better get out of here, this hasn't taken more than a few hours

Home in time for dinner.
Suddenly, spotlights light up the entire factory. Megaphone feedback screeches loudly before a familiar voice starts talking.

This property now belongs to Schazbux Industries after a contract signing with Ixcal Property.
Any trespassers will be incinerated in 20 seconds.

Schazer! What's she doing here?

Schazbux is conglomerate. Likely wishes to use land for creation of more Schazbux.
Has no use for my factory. Recommend immediate escape.

It's showtime.
The three dash for a nearby window.


The Schazbux Industries Zeppelins surround the factory. SCHAZER stands in the control room of the largest one. IXCALIBUR is nearby, looking rather nervous. Schazer presses the ACTIVATE FLAMETHROWERS button with obvious glee.

The factory explodes.


Solaris, have you seen the "Ghostbusters" series?

I don't like those movies. Real ghost hunters are nothing like Peter Venkman. It's pure fantasy.

Solaris, I don't think Beruru's going to like you saying that.

And even though it's fiction. I can't help but comparing myself to Venkman.

(Over the radio)
What exactly don't you like about Ghostbusters? Is it the fantastic gadgets? The ghosts? The proton packs?


Solaris, wouldn't you like to have a pair of ectogoggles?

What good are ectogoggles going to do me in combat? I'd look like a fool.

Then what about a slime blower? You could make it look like you're cleaning something and then get a shot in on the ghosts while they're distracted.

Ok, now you're being ridiculous.

Schazer gingerly steps through the flaming wreckage of the factory. Ixcalibur trails nervously behind.

Yes, this will make a perfect location for Schazbux next industrial complex.
Ix, be a dear and make sure the mayor agrees to our tax exemption request.

Right away boss.
Ixcalibur walks away, hailing a nearby chauffeur.

Schazer notices something in the rubble, pulls out a slightly roasted EMF INDICATOR.

Spook Hunters...? But that would mean...
Schazer whips out her CELL PHONE.

Get me in touch with our Anti-Spook Department, now.
A few moments pass.

It looks like some spooks are hanging around my future factory.
Spooks are bad for productivity.
Who's your best man for the job?
konec0? Yes, he'll do fine. Deal with them. Extreme prejudice is authorized.



Vote: MisterVisceral
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
Originally posted on MSPA by absoluteCertainty.

bears and now ghosts????? what???????????
[Image: tumblr_mk1k02xkyr1qfnp4zo4_250.gif][Image: tumblr_mk1k02xkyr1qfnp4zo4_250.gif][Image: tumblr_mk1k02xkyr1qfnp4zo4_250.gif][Image: tumblr_mk1k02xkyr1qfnp4zo4_250.gif][Image: tumblr_mk1k02xkyr1qfnp4zo4_250.gif][Image: tumblr_mk1k02xkyr1qfnp4zo4_250.gif]
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
Originally posted on MSPA by Solaris.

imcrying thssi us the best thing i love everythign
i ove everyone
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
Originally posted on MSPA by curiousCat.

I want a part :'(
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
Originally posted on MSPA by Namboto.

hey yo tea I'm feeling better about you now so Unvote (I thought I'd done it already but oh well)

and yo mistah visceralalalalalal you have done nothing to improve my opinion of you. In fact, it has probably lowered significantly but Imma go back through your posts in the morning to confirm things before slapping a vote on yo hiney (['d do it now but Imma sleep)

Also, how is dini voting for two people I don't understand?
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
Originally posted on MSPA by anacreon.

dini fiction is bet fiction.
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

Dang It Votes Are Hard To Keep Track Of Votals

Konec0 (1) - seastormjt
Mr. Guy (2?) - Paranoia?, Mister Visceral
Namboto (1) - absoluteCertainty
A Killer Cuppa Tea (2) - Solaris, Luneix
TehPilot (3?) - konec0, seedy, Paranoia?
Ixcalibur (2) - anacreon, Ixcalibur
Mister Visceral (4) - Palamedes, Mr. Guy, Tea, Mirdini
No Lynch (1) - curiousCat

Abstaining (5) - Schazer, cuttlefishCuller, Agent 1022, tehPilot, Namboto

Day ends January 26th, 5 PM EST. It takes 11 to hard lynch and 6 to soft lynch.[/QUOTE]
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
Originally posted on MSPA by anacreon.

this game it seems when ever some one does a read wall they have to do it in the form of fan fiction or some other silly way.
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
Originally posted on MSPA by crepuscularDissembler.

that was incredible oh my goddd

anyways yeah I still don't really like MV but until TehPilot says a thing I'm 'aight with just keeping my vote on that slot
I don't know how to feel about Tea, on the one hand he is reminding me of madmafia with his "oh yes why did you find me scummy? *listens attentively*" response to Pala (? might have been to someone else)
but on the other hand his vote on the MV wagon feels like a bus spot sooo much
I guess I'd still lean scummy since meta vibes are laaaame
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
Originally posted on MSPA by konec0.

also i forgot it's a thing i have to do now godammit


I cannot decipher Paranoia's quirk. Or rather, I can, it just takes too friggin long and gives me a headache so AUHGLKJ
Ix seems to be quirkin or something becuausue voting for all of us is not a thing ix but you insist on doing it ok w/e

@Luneix: I suggest we keep discussion about anacreon's claim to a minimum because a miller claim is equivalent to screaming "PLEASE DO NOT COP ME" (if a cop exists). That said whether he's a miller or not if we do discuss it we'll just go round and round in circles so really we should just look at his posts and see if he is scummy scum buckets.

Namboto Wrote:I'd be stepping off the wagon pretty quick if... uh.. it starts looking... oh dear
you were seventh on the wagon you could have just not gotten on it
but yeah i'm not going to harp on this crap i'm-a gonna watch you tho

Palamedes Wrote:Also guys guys think for a second there's no way Namboto's the scum on that wagon. (Well I mean there are ways but come on think about it[img]images/smilies/icon_smile.gif[/img] So bears says 'this Tea wagon sucks why is it here', then Nambotoscum immediately has the cojones to jump on and add to it. Do you see it because I don't.
also yeah that's a good point

Mister Visceral Wrote:Why can't they just let me live?
welcome to mafia
by that i mean whining about how people suspect you is clearly the best way to live
that was sarcasm in case you couldn't tell

Mister Visceral Wrote:Because at this point, I have about two definitive reads on people.
2x definitive reads is better than 0 definitive reads get those out here

i'm ignoring the godamm bear wrestling becuase what even

Pala is kinda aggressive yes but so far I quite like him
not nearly as happy with MV
on the other hand don't really feel like voting MV right now, sometimes feels wrong about the wagon.
I could just be tired. Will check back tomorrow to see if I'm missing something or like

Mir and Pilot are you guys quirking

by the way where the hell are CC and seastorm

Unvote for the moment because of Sanzh replacement.
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
Originally posted on MSPA by Solaris.

anacreon Wrote:this game it seems when ever some one does a read wall they have to do it in the form of fan fiction or some other silly way.
walls are the devils balls
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
Originally posted on MSPA by Luneix.

@konec0 Was that in reference to me derping around on Page 7, or the post-Bear-Wrestling conjecture?
Because I had kinda figured from Anacreon's SUPER BEAR WRESTLING EPISODE that his power made him way more likely to be town, and therefore truthful in his miller-claim.

Anyway, due to new discussion over Tea and his actions, specifically the (now quite likely) suggestion that he was reaction-fishing, leads me to believe that I was too hasty in my voting.
So yesh, Unvote.
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
Originally posted on MSPA by curiousCat.

I posted on this page catboss :c
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
Originally posted on MSPA by absoluteCertainty.

im sad that i used my fakequirk wigglies in dinigame
they would have been much better here
[Image: tumblr_mk1k02xkyr1qfnp4zo4_250.gif][Image: tumblr_mk1k02xkyr1qfnp4zo4_250.gif][Image: tumblr_mk1k02xkyr1qfnp4zo4_250.gif][Image: tumblr_mk1k02xkyr1qfnp4zo4_250.gif][Image: tumblr_mk1k02xkyr1qfnp4zo4_250.gif][Image: tumblr_mk1k02xkyr1qfnp4zo4_250.gif]
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
Originally posted on MSPA by konec0.

curiousCat Wrote:I posted on this page catboss :c
i meant cuttlefishCuller
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
Originally posted on MSPA by konec0.

Luneix Wrote:@konec0 Was that in reference to me derping around on Page 7, or the post-Bear-Wrestling conjecture?
page 7
i still have no idea what's up with the bear so i'm not going to speculate on that
becauase how HIGH do you evne hanv ebot.
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
Originally posted on MSPA by A Killer Cuppa Tea.

Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
Originally posted on MSPA by Mister Visceral.

A Killer Cuppa Tea Wrote:MV, having weak opinions is far, far better than refusing to state your opinions at all. That - the refusal to share with town for fear of stepping into shit - is by far the most skeevy thing I've seen this far in the game. If you're town, why do you care? And if you do care, why are you harming town by NOT stating your opinions, and giving scum a nice pool in which to fester? The answer, of course, is that you AREN'T town after all. The rest of your stuff is jut icing on the cake, as far as I'm concerned. At this point, even if we lynch you and you're town - which looks unlikely - we are merely ridding ourselves of an unhelpful townie. A much smaller opportunity cost than is usual. Vote: MV
Fuck that question. Seriously. You know how fucking enraged I am when people set this fucking standard for me where if I'm town I can just not fuckin censor anything I do "because town shouldn't care if hey look scummy". That always gets me in a hug pile of shit and you fucking KNOW IT. Don't you fucking DARE vote me on the premise that if I were town I wouldnt be cautious. That never ever works for me.
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
Originally posted on MSPA by Mister Visceral.

Palamedes Wrote:So Visceral.

Why exactly did you go on about how you had links and theories but didn't want to reveal them, and then as soon as you started taking flak from people besides me you come in and say 'lol secretly I had nothing'. You going after Mr. Guy for agreeing with me doesn't help you either because Guy is town as hell (my strongest townread by far anyways).

As for Guy vs. Tea remember that town can go after town just as easily as scum can. I still think Tea keeping his head low is suspicious but at this point so I'm still thinking he's got a good chance of being scum, but if he's town it by no means means that Guy is scum. Also he's so town because he's not and if he is then I'll be going through Mirdini in Avatarfia-level heartbreak and it also means that somehow Visceral and Tea and (if I remember correctly) Sanzh are all town.

Agent I'm not seeing Tea and Visceral as being strongly anti-aligned either? Tea voting me for suspecting Visceral but not immediately voting him would have been the only thing missing for me to call them scumbuddies (though to be fair they both know better then that).
When the hell did I ever "go on" about how I had all of these connections? Most of the reason I didn't give anything was because i didn't have anything. I figured you'd be able to come to that conclusion after I talked about how if have to "bullshit stuff" when I said things about cat.

This isn't the first time you've misconstrued my words and intentions either (hating Anacreon) (something else, can't be bothered to look; on phone) and its weird and I don't like it.
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
Originally posted on MSPA by Solaris.

malky malky i have school and work and i dont want to please save me
malky i want to just post here forever help
i dont want to
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
Originally posted on MSPA by A Killer Cuppa Tea.

You're missing my point, MV. It's not so much "town doesn't care of they look scummy" (altho I insist that worrying to much about this is scummy - which, come to think of it, might be why you always come across as scum?), more that refusing to have opinions - any opinions - is, at best, useless town. And... Well, I'd advise you to look over your posts this game and see for yourself why people think you're scum.