
RE: Swamped
Your best chance is to figure out how the spell actually works. Checking the ether only tells you that it's light-based, but what does light have to do with holding still?

An illusion, perhaps. Something only he can see, and seeing it compels him to stay still. His vision seemed to be especially good, which might even make the spell more effective.

Sound opposes light, but both types of spell are based on perception. The blind can't be affected by light magic and the deaf can't be affected by sound magic.

For just a moment, it crosses your mind that you might be able to break it by blinding him, but that's obviously too cruel. You can't even be entirely sure it would work - he might have to realize he's blind for it to actually affect his perception. It's certainly not a theory you have any desire to test.

What if you thought about it outside of magic for a moment? Light and sound oppose each other inherently, but part of the reason why is that they affect different senses, and so sound magic will emphasize the sense of hearing and distract from the sense of sight. So perhaps a very strong smell would do the trick. You're a bit skeptical - it didn't work with touch, or he would have reacted when you shook him - but it also wouldn't be that hard to test if you had a strong enough smell. But where would you...

Fish. Mortimer mentioned the smell of fish earlier.

"I've got an idea, but I can't guarantee it. We need to take him near a fishmonger's. Whichever one's closest."

Black nods, and points his arm in a different direction.

"About three blocks away. I'll take his legs, you take his arms."

You walk over, Black giving you more specific directions as you get closer. You reach a shop with a large fish painted on the sign.

"Now we need to get in, to wherever it's smelliest," you say. "Let's put him down here for the moment. You watch him and I'll try to figure that out."

"Be fast," Black says. It sounds a bit like a threat.

You start by walking around. Maybe there's an open window somewhere with the odor wafting out.

Or... the back door could be open just a crack. And a worrying thought strikes you. What if this is the same place Mortimer ran off from, and what if whoever he ran from is still here? You did catch a glimpse of the guildhouse from the street...

And then you hear voices. Quiet ones. You inch closer to the door and listen in. It doesn't take you long to realize what they're talking about.
RE: Swamped
The holy festival
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"Still don't see why this festival is such a big deal," one of the voices mutters.

"Gods are a big deal to some people," says the other. "Not you and me, maybe, but that doesn't matter so much when the people who do give a damn about 'em have a pile of money to pay you."

"I guess," says the first. "Still seems sketchy to me. I mean, more than our usual work. I mean, what even is this stuff? And we're just gonna burn it?"

Burn it?

"We'll be fine if we have our masks on. They told us that a hundred times."

"Maybe we will. But, like, this is different from usual. Sure, we're in a rough business. But it's only rough for a few people who are already tangled up in this. What's this gonna do to the townspeople, if it's so bad we need masks? I mean, it already smells awful. Worse than the fish."

Some kind of foul-smelling substance, that burns and produces a gas. So one of your guesses was right. They must be keeping it here so the stench of the fish keeps it from being noticed.

And maybe this isn't the only place. There's a lot of fish shops in this town, after all.

"You know by now that it's no use asking questions in our line of work. If you really gotta, though, just hold tight. The Lady's due here in fifteen minutes to check in."

You have a hunch as to who this Lady is. Though if you want to confirm that, apparently you just have to wait.

You think you've heard enough for now, so you head back to Black and tell him what you overheard.

"That's all well and good, but it doesn't help Sunflower, does it?"

"It could if the Lady on her way here is the one who did this to him. She left the bell on him, so she probably didn't intend permanent harm. We might be able to convince her to stop the spell."

Black folds his arms.

"I don't like that idea."

You think a little harder, then.

"It might go better if we could get in there, deal with the underlings, and set some kind of trap for her when she arrives." You think a moment longer and sigh. "But we don't have a lot of time to do that in, do we."

"Especially since we can't just leave Sunflower out here on his own. It'd take two or three minutes just to carry him."

So that means you either need a way to pull off the plan fast, or try a different one.
RE: Swamped
Well, one thought crosses your mind.

"We'll frighten them. Let's take Sunflower to the back door. I'll convince them I did this to him."

Black frowns, but dutifully grabs Sunflower's legs.

"Fine, but if it goes wrong, you're going to help me get him out of there. I can't carry him myself."

You carry Sunflower over, and swing the door open as loudly as you can.

And then you see six people, all looking rather muscular. Apparently, only two of them were especially talkative.

Well, that's unnerving, but it doesn't really change the plan. It just changes how bad things can get if it doesn't work.

"Begone! I am here to put an end to your wicked ways! Leave now, or you will face my magical power!"

They all glance at each other. Three of them seem worried, two seem calm, one is looking defiant.

"Don't know what you're trying to pull, old man, but we weren't born yesterday. You ain't got any wizard's gear. No hat, no robes, no big stick. And I know you guys don't just wear 'em for show, you need 'em for magic."

"Weaker wizards might need that sort of aid," you reply. "I do not."

No particular change in reactions, except the man yelling at you seems even more upset.

"Yeah, like I ain't heard that bluff before. Maybe not from a fake wizard, but plenty of hucksters have tried to tell me they got more power than they really do. And you ain't no different."

"Mock me at your peril," you say calmly. "You wouldn't want to end up like this poor fellow, after all."

You step aside, revealing Sunflower's paralyzed form and his startled expression. Now the worried ones are glancing for the exits and the calm ones are looking worried.

The defiant one is a little bit shaken, but still seems unfazed.

"Good move having your friend there fake it. Maybe he's even got a talent for stayin' still. But if you really can knock someone flat like that, why don't you do it to me? Right here, right now?"

You hoped you could just pull a sneak attack if one of them called your bluff, but that was when you were expecting two of them. For six, you're going to need something much better than that.
RE: Swamped
So you'll start by dragging out this bluff for every second you can, in hopes that an idea strikes you. Or perhaps Black will think of something he can do. The important thing is to act confident, so you raise your arm and point directly at your heckler.

"Well, if you insist," you reply calmly. "In fact, if you're going to be this much trouble, I may as well just freeze the lot of you and save myself some time."

That's one thing about facing six instead of two. The more of them there are, the more likely one of them buys it enough to panic, which is exactly what happens. One of the most nervous ones rushes away to the front of the store, knocking down another on her way out. Two of the others rush to the downed one and try to help him up.

The man talking to you hasn't backed down an inch, but now there's only two with a shot at reacting fast to anything you do, and one of them looks like his first inclination will be to get out of there. You take a step forward to heighten the effect, and he panics. He rushes to the same door the other one went through, but shoves the other three aside and knocks one of them into a pile of fish.

"He's bluffin', you damned fools!" the last one shouts, turning towards the front door. Which means he's not looking right at you. Now's the time to make a move.
RE: Swamped
Sweep his legs out from under him
RE: Swamped
At your age, your throwing arm isn't what it used to be. But it's not so hard to aim low.

You grab a moderately large fish, and fling it at the man's legs. He falls over. Now nobody's standing up. Which means you have time to pull another scare tactic. You spot a cauldron on top of a pile of wood, and make a run for it. This must be the mixture they were talking about.

"Stay back or I burn this," you say calmly as they all start getting up.

"We got masks," says the most defiant one. He still doesn't seem very worried. "And if the best you got is flinging a fish at me, then..."

He doesn't finish, because he's interrupted by another fish striking him in the back of the head. He falls over.

You look towards the front door, and see that the others have been similarly immobilized, and Black is dragging an unconscious man in.

"See if you can find some nets or something to tie them up with," he says calmly. "I have to get the other one, just barely caught her when she opened the door. When I get back, we'll bring Sunflower in."

Right. This is a fishmonger's, nets seem fairly likely to be around somewhere. You do some searching and find a few, and toss them over the unconscious strangers. With one more for the other one Black's supposed to be bringing along.

You don't recognize any of them. No idea if they're locals or from out of town. But you do notice something distinctive about one of them.
RE: Swamped
The symbol on their tattoo matches the purple wood totem
RE: Swamped
There's a tattoo on this one's arm. If you'd seen it before tonight, you'd have no idea what it was.

But you're still carrying that crest around, aren't you. You pull it out to confirm your memory isn't playing tricks on you - it's the same shape.

There's a word under the symbol, though. The lettering is Kroskan, you think, but it's not a word you know. Abluni?

Black soon arrives with the last of the group. You put the crest away - you're not sure if he should see it - and ask him if he knows the word as you put the last net over the unconscious woman.

"Don't know a lick of Kroskan. Sunflower knows a bunch of languages, though. So if you want an answer, best hope this idea of yours works. Speaking of, let's get him in safely."

You and Black head over to the door and drag him in. You expect the "Lady" will be arriving before long.

Which means you should probably prepare for that as best you can.
RE: Swamped
Might want to borrow some breather masks for the three of you. Don't suppose the fish smell is having any positive impact on his condition?
RE: Swamped
You take a close look at Sunflower's face.

"His nose is twitching slightly. I think the smell is getting through, but not that much." You glance at the cauldron. "We could take him closer to that, though I don't know how safe it is. They've all got masks but they didn't have them on, and they implied the danger was burning it..."

You pause for a moment.

"You know, this might not be the only place they've been mixing this stuff. We may want the masks just in case."

"Already thought of that," Black says, handing one to you. He puts another one around Sunflower's neck. "Don't like the thought of having him smell that nasty stuff, but I'd also prefer it if we didn't have to negotiate with this Lady of theirs. Better if we're all here to get the jump on her. So over he goes."

"Well, we could just take a little and hold it up to his nose. That might be enough."

"Might not be," Black replies. "Maybe we need all of it to have enough impact."

You suppose that's fair. It's not that far from here, so you carry Sunflower right next to the cauldron. The twitching seems to pick up in intensity, but there's no sign of other movement.

"I'm not sure what else we can do, short of burning the stuff," you sigh. "It's having an effect, but not as much. Well, it was only a guess, anyhow."

You think about it a little more. The reason sound is effective in the first place is that making a melodic sound produces a small amount of sound ether - not enough to cast a spell, but it can disrupt an existing one.

But there's no such thing as scent ether, and even if there were, it probably wouldn't oppose light ether the way sound does. The impact you're getting right now is purely physical, and it seems that's not enough.

A thought strikes you. What if you could channel ether through the smell somehow? Perhaps even sound ether?

But that's just an impulsive thought. You have no idea how you'd even do it... well, smells are essentially a special form of air, and sound can travel through air.  So you suppose that if the air was thick enough with the smell, a sound would pass through it. But you can't imagine that meaning that his nose would notice it where his ears wouldn't...

Well, it's harmless enough to test. You grab the bell and ring it gently.

"He can't hear it," Black says. "Have you forgotten?"

"Just trying it out of desperation," you mutter, watching Sunflower carefully. It really doesn't seem to be working...

...well, he's wiggling a finger now. But maybe that's just the scent - it's been a minute or so, it might only be a matter of time.

On the other hand, if your wild idea is actually correct, maybe there's a way you can make it work faster.
RE: Swamped
You and Black need to harmonize. Does he know any sea shanties?
RE: Swamped
"The sound might be having an effect now, but it's hard to say. We need more of a test to be sure."

"So, what, a bigger bell?" Black asks.

"No, it's not about the amount of noise so much as it's about melody. We need a good song. Preferably one we can sing in time with the bell." You think about that. "I can think a few sea shanties that might work, but it'll be easier to harmonize if it's a song we both already know."

"Not much of a singer, but I've heard plenty of drinking songs. One that'd work with a bell, though..." He pauses. "Oh, there's the one about Mary and Steve going drinking before a voyage. Don't know if it's got a particular name, but I know it."

"Ah, I remember that one." It was a particular favorite to sing in the galley when the captain was around, because he clearly didn't like it but also knew better than to raise a fuss over a song. "And yes, I can definitely see how the bell could fit in there. So let's get ready."

You and Black face Sunflower, and you hold up the bell and start the song.

"It was the night of Harvest Eve *ding*
When Captain Mary and First Mate Steve *ding*
Drank till the barman made 'em leave *ding*
And he told 'em they were banned.

And good ol' dear drunk Captain Mary *ding*
Told her old pal Steve they shouldn't tarry *ding*
It was time for a voyage legendary *ding*
To a new and distant land.

So that very night they gathered a crew *ding*
Most of 'em had been drinking too *ding*
They grabbed the ship and painted her blue *ding*
And sailed off into the night.

Then day came around and so did the beer *ding*
Wendy asked Steve, why the hells are we here *ding*
And all Steve could do, as he shook with fear *ding*
Was point to an amazing sight.

There was a mer-"

"Good grief, that's obnoxious," Sunflower says, shaking his head. Then he pauses. "Wait. I actually heard that? With my nose?"

"Possibly?" you reply sheepishly. "We were a bit desperate."

"I've clearly missed something," Sunflower groans.

You and Black fill him in, quickly.

"And these thugs said a 'Lady' would be coming by soon. I think she may have been the one who paralyzed you," you conclude. "We don't have much time before she gets here."

"And you wasted that precious resource singing and filling me in?" Sunflower sighs. "Well, nothing we can do about that now. I think it would be best if one of us talks to her and the other two hide, so we can act depending on how she reacts."

"That makes sense," you agree. "So who should meet her?"
RE: Swamped
Probably the Wiz, so the muscle can use the element of surprise if need be
RE: Swamped
They reply very clearly with the looks in their eyes. You're the one who has to do it. You expected as much.

"Right. Well, I had an idea what I was doing when Sunflower was paralyzed, but now I'm not as sure..." You think for a moment. "Well, why don't we go with that? You hold still and I'll attempt to bargain with her. We might be able to get some information out of that."

"It is putting me at risk a bit... but I suppose I don't have to be standing right beside you." Sunflower walks over near the cauldron and resumes his silent pose. "Black, I'll be counting on you."

"Of course," Black agrees. The next thing you know, he's nowhere to be seen. And you're expecting someone any minute now.

There's a knock at the back door.

Oh hells, you're going to have to open it yourself, aren't you. You were hoping she'd walk in and you could at least look like you were more prepared than you actually are. But if you get that close, she might do something before you even get a chance to talk.

How should you handle this?
RE: Swamped
Tell her to come in, since it's unlocked.
RE: Swamped
Well. No need to make this easy for her.

"Come right on in," you say, in the most commanding voice you can muster. "It's not locked."

"It was supposed to be," she grumbles as she opens the door. "Which of you fools can't follow orders..."

She looks around, glances at the unconscious pile of underlings tied up with fishnets, glances at the unmoving Sunflower, and then fixes her gaze squarely on you.

This gives you time to appreciate that this Lady isn't the one you were expecting. Not unless she's shrunk a whole foot since you last caught sight of her. The hair color's the same, though, as are a lot of the facial features.

"And this is precisely why I told them to lock it," she continues. "But since you don't seem to have alerted any authorities, you must have an angle here. So I'll bite. What do you want from me?"

This isn't the situation you were expecting, so you'll have to improvise a bit.
RE: Swamped
Information. Had a run in with your... sister.
RE: Swamped
"Someone who looks a lot like you is responsible for what happened to my friend there," you say, pointing at Sunflower. "Hoped to find her here, but it seems my information was a little off. But perhaps you know where I might find her."

The Lady starts smirking. It's a particular expression that suggests something suddenly makes sense.

"Haven't the faintest clue. And you've gone sticking your nose in my business just to ask a fool question like that?"

She starts walking towards you.

"You've gotten in over your head."

"Are you sure?" you reply. "You had six workers here. And they don't exactly seem to be in the best of shape right now."

She pauses, but only momentarily.

"You're trying to indimidate me," she laughs. "You know you can't take me in a fair fight, so you're trying to scare me out of one. Unfortunately, I'm afraid you've underestimated me."

She starts walking faster, and draws her sword.

It's swiftly knocked out of her hand by a fish. She turns to look at the direction the fish came from, but doesn't see anything.

"So you've got an associate hiding out," she mutters. "But if the best they can do is throwing fish, that's hardly going to save either of you. I won't need a weapon to deal with an old man, and once you're dealt with, I can focus on the other one without any distractions."

She's coming closer, and you're fairly confident that if you run, she'll outpace you. Perhaps there's something you can do to make it easier for Sunflower and Black to help you out, though.
RE: Swamped
Raise your hands and in a booming voice invoke the power of the gods!
RE: Swamped
"That was just a warning," you reply. You raise your hands, trying to look as imposing as you can. "Nual! I ask you, strike down this interloper!"

She's taken aback for a moment, but doesn't seem frightened. Still, any delay is better than nothing.

"Even if you could call on his power, it's not as if Brume would care about my business. If anything, he should thank me - with my help, the Guild will stay under his guiding hand, rather than slowly wasting away under Flame or falling to a leader with no devotion."

Well. You can't say as to whether Nual has any interest in who runs their organization, but that seems like a worthwhile piece of information. And perhaps you can use it to keep her talking just a little bit longer.
RE: Swamped
Well, there's an obvious weak point in her argument, so you suppose you can start there.

"You think Nual will be pleased with you for spreading this filth? You think that mixture of yours is good for the seas? What does it matter to Nual if a den of thieves praises one of his names as they defile his ocean?"

Of course, you don't have any idea what it's going to do to the sea, but it might get her to reveal something about what it is.

"I should think a god would know full well that it's just powdered swampleaf mixed with some particularly foul-smelling incense. Can't see how that would be a problem for the oceans. Nothing worse than what his temple burns."

She wavers slightly as she mentions the swampleaf. And you happen to know there's more than one variety of it. She was probably assuming you didn't.

So it's going to put people to sleep. And a number of people know it's coming and have breather masks. There are lots of plans someone could do with a bunch of henchmen in a sleeping city.

Though what you still don't understand is what some of the masked people have been doing. Kidnapping Mortimer Flame makes sense as Guild business, but why the brutal assault on a winery worker? Why an attack on the hospital?

Well, you doubt she'll tell you. She doesn't even look like she particularly cares what you're going to say next, so it'll be hard to stall her any longer with words unless you have something really good. You hope Sunflower and Black are ready...

A bell rings. You left the bell with Sunflower. He's giving you some kind of heads-up. So maybe you do need to stall her just a little bit more.

RE: Swamped
Reinforcements are on the way!
RE: Swamped
"Believe what you will. Know only this: if you harm me, Nual will send aid."

At least, you hope he will. Always hard to be sure with the gods.

She hesitates for just a moment. It's almost enough that she doesn't notice the fish being flung towards her head.

But she does, just in time to catch it. She flings it back, though you've little doubt Black has already moved elsewhere.

The bell rings again, a little louder this time. Loud enough that the Lady seems to notice it.

"A bell? Would you have me believe this is some divine signal? A warning from Brume to take you seriously? Because I certainly do not."

She's getting very close. You wish you had your staff right about now, just for the leverage. You start backing away...

Right as she breaks into a run. She charges at you...

...Black intercepts, grabbing her by the legs. But she starts kicking, and he falls loose, and she gives him a good punch in the eye...

...just before Sunflower catches her from behind, and Black grabs her legs again...

...but she fights her way loose, knocks Sunflower into you, and you both get flung into a stack of crates. She picks up Black before tossing him into a pile of fish.

Then she turns towards the pair of you.

The bell rings.

"I'm not doing that," Sunflower mutters. He doesn't sound too good. Maybe he got hit harder by the crates than you did.

There's a loud growl as a muckbeast runs in through the back door. Fortunately, the Lady never closed it, or you might have to pay for repairs somehow.

She turns to look at the beast, then looks back at your prone form.

"You aren't suggesting Brume sent that, are you?" she asks, right up on the line between skepticism and disbelief.

"No, I did," says a voice. "Although I'm sure Brume would love to know what you've been up to in his name, dear sister."

The beast takes a few steps forward. The woman from before steps in, and another muckbeast follows her.

You had a hunch there was a connection, though you're still not very clear on what's going on.

"Damn!" the Lady hisses. "I can't believe you tracked me here! Seems there's no use hiding what I can do, then."

She raises her hand and a fireball appears in it. She points towards the cauldron.

"No!" her sister shouts, rushing forward. "You fool! You don't know what you're doing!"

It looks as though the newcomer is too far away to act. But perhaps you aren't.
RE: Swamped
Expend some precious ether to burn the flame faster than the oxygen can feed it so it fizzles out.