Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!

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Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
"Two bedrolls between six people. Yeah. That is clearly everything we're going to need. What about tents? What about medical supplies? What about cooking equipment and Repels so we don't need to sleep with a night watch? What about a map?"

Tori jabs a thumb in Marc's direction, still directing most of this bitchiness in Clifton's direction. Raph can watch.

"I mean, he's like twelve or something so I wouldn't expect him to know any better, but I thought you were trying your hardest to be Team Dad. Try harder. Bastion and I are heading back to Ale Town."
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Clifton just sort of blinks. "Um, excuse me? When the fuck did I say we were going through any uncharted areas? All I fucking said was 'hey, maybe there's a ferry so we don't have to backtrack.' But since every goddamn thing is apparently my fault around here, regardless of what I actually say, I guess I might as well just make sure to draw the trouble away from you."

He promptly heads off towards Ale Town, shouting over his shoulder at Tori. "For someone with such a high fucking attention span, how about you try paying some fucking attention, honey?"
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Raph doesn't say anything. But as she shoulders her pack and takes Gabby's hand, it's clear who she'd rather follow. If she was going to follow anyone! She'd go camping! She'd...

"T-Tori, I...you...*meep*" Her confidence fails, and she simply begins the trudge back to Ale Town.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Tori throws her hands up in an "I give up" gesture, then gets to marching. She catches up to Clifton and raises a hand to stop him, keeping her voice level.

"You gotta feel like the big man by yelling at me? Fine. I can handle it. If it stops Raph from curling up and dying on my watch because you - god forbid - lost your cool for once and suggested her ideas were terrible, then that works for me."

She takes a pace back, trying to gauge if Clifton and his stupid face are going to retaliate.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Clifton stares right into Tori's eyes with a burning rage. Gives her a look that says something along the lines of "lay the fuck off her right now unless you want this to become a knifefight."

He pauses to make sure it sinks in, then clears his throat and proceeds, speaking slowly and calmly. "As I said, I'm going ahead. Anyone who wants to follow, feel free. Anyone who wants to hang back, maybe let themselves and others cool off, maybe they should."

He then heads off, waving Raph over.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Bastion, who is basically attached to Tori's side, stares at Cliffton with intent dislike, greater than any dislike he had intented before. He does this by squinting.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Biting her lip, Raphael continues walking ahead of the two. They could keep arguing for all she cared. She wasn't about to just curl up and die. She wasn't!

She fights the urge to curl up and die.

It's not her fault she isn't confrontational. She just doesn't like...confrontation. Or...talking to people. It's too hard, and the result is always anger or awkwardness. She hasn't had a conversation in years.

She keeps walking.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
"Yes, sure," smirks Tori. "Bastion and I can 'hang back', you can 'cool off'. Come on, kid. We'll kill some time in this town, catch up when they stop being d- jerks."

Tori heads back toward Spirit Town, probably running into Sturm on the way. She looks up at the viking, having sort of forgotten he was privy to all this arguing but (unlike forgetting about Raph) actually a bit guilty about it.

"Oh, hey. If you, uh, want to go ahead with those guys, that's cool. I guess. They could probably use the protection, honestly.

Not, uh, that you've gotta take orders from me. Obviously."
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Raph contemplates fishing, and whether she's likely to gain more characterization by going fishing with Tori (that she knows about for no reason whatsoever) or by returning to Ale Town.

RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
While it is true that Tori and Bastion are FAITHFUL COMPANIONS with the SOULS OF TRUE WARRIORS, this only goes to show that Raph, Clifton and that other guy may well need the help even m- wait what was this guy fighting with tori


Sturm grunts and follows after Tori and Bastion with Jormungandr under one arm.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Tori would really start to be regretting wordlessly voicing pre-emptive tentative plans, if she had any comprehension that those were a thing. The hamfisted staged-ness of the following action would probably make her want to throw up. Or punch a nerd.

Either way.

She takes a look around Spirit Town, and tries to figure out how the hell she's going to entertain a twelve-year-old kid and a something-year-old viking for the however many hours it's going to take Clifton to get over himself. Stealing things is out, so hopefully the town's residents have some use for a bunch of travelling trainertypes?

Tori takes her entourage for a wander round the residential district, looking for anyone interesting to talk to.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Raphael therefore keeps walking towards Ale Town, attempting to get over herself. She reviews the last few days in her head, before concluding that she's been shouted at, so far continued to be a failure as far as Specializing in Captures goes, and generally been awfully useless.

Oh, boo-hoo, says a suspiciously Tori-sounding voice in her head. Why don't you just curl up and die, you fucking useless sack of shit? Anything but listen to your fucking self-perjorative pity party whinefest of an internal monologue.

She bites her lip, and whimpers. Then she stops herself, mid-whimper, and begins to run through the woods, down the path, sprinting towards the town in a hopeless attempt to leave the accusing, hateful voice behind.

A treacherous tree root catches her foot. She plants her face in the ground.

She's not going to cry.

She's not going to cry not going to cry not going to cry not going to cry not going to cry
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Clifton frowns, runs over and offers Raphael a hand up. Thinking for a moment, he lets Calloway out and sends him to Raph's side as well.

Calloway does so and then promptly begins staring blankly at her.

Clifton helps wipe the dirt off of her. "Shouldn't go so fast, kid."
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Marc sticks with Raphael, attempting to glare daggers Tori's way. But they were too weak to even make it all the way over there. The daggers fall limply on the ground.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Sturm dives between Marc and Tori and just punches all the daggers out of the air. Then he grunts and stalks off after the others.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - ROLECALL

I'm, uh, gonna try to get this back up and running because I am mad about not being in the new one. I need my fix, man. Still using the old system because oh god trying to get everybody translated properly? And I like the old system, screw these 'balance fixes' pshhhhh

We'll probably be using Roll20 for most combat from now on, unless that proves somehow impossible.

So anyways, I want to make sure everybody still wants in on this, and if somebody won't be available, that would be good to know too.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - ROLECALL
Yoooou betcha
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - ROLECALL
Sure why not

e: I actually would prefer to switch to the new system tbh but if it's that big a hassle then ok
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - ROLECALL

(i still want fairies but kay)
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - ROLECALL
and i said, yeah yeah