Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!

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Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Tori was a couple seconds off following through from one aspersion-casting glance at all that blithe shit-shooting about berries or contests or whatever, to informing Bastion that no, seriously, those other dudes wouldn't care. Perhaps fortunately, Bastion scampered off.

Something snaps when she sees everyone waggling their dexes at the cat.
She gets to her feet and stomps over.

"Hey. Those knuckleheads I'm travelling with seem intent on getting your pet there in their dexboxes or whatever. Can I just get clarification on whether that's creepy or rude, so I know how much shit I should give them for it? Alternatively, could you just tell me about your Pokemon there like a normal person so I don't use a machine to shirk social interaction?"
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Raphael is about to reply to Clifton, perhaps to start a rarity of a real conversation, when Tori's outburst freezes her in place. She lets go of the Pokedex. Something bright in her eyes dies. She averts her eyes, and disappears behind her magazine.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Clifton briefly glares at Tori, considers what happened last time, sighs, and pats Raph a couple times on the back. "It's, uh, it's fine. If they have a problem with it, we'll just ask in the future, okay?"
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
"But I'm a Researcher. It's what we do."

Marc gets a death glare from Tori.

"Oh okay uh do you mind if I take pictures of your lovely, adorable, wonderful, pretty, Pokemon?"
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
"Since when is waiting for Oak's database to spoon-feed you information researching?"
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Them there scanning people do in fact scan.

"Um, it's, uh, I don't have on myself, but it's basically just like... looking up what Pokemon it is on the internet, right? Is, um, there something I'm missing that would make it weird?
Oh, uh, this here is Valley, she's my Espeon."

Bastion picks up the Pokeball, only for it to jostle in his hand. It... wakes up? It looks a bit cranky! The apparently Pokemon suddenly grows to about half a meter wide, and used Spark!
Damage: 3d8+10+7=35
Bastion took 35 damage!
And whoever's at the computer manages to spot the glowing growing pokeball next to her.
"Ack! Moba! No!"
She immediately recalls the pokemon.
"Sorry, so sorry, I don't think Voltorbs are common here, and I keep forgetting that people generally don't know that, um, yeah. Um, you wouldn't be the first person to have gotten, um, is there anything I can do to apologize for Moba's... rashness?"
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
"Well, yeah. I just figured it's fine to make use of it when, y'know. You have to know these things because you're in a fight or whatever. I still maintain trying to scan everything that walks because some git told them they should is weird."

Tori sighs, is rudely interrupted by Bastion getting electric'd, then contemplates swearing violently for a moment before noticing he's ok. She sighs again.

"Yeah, right. Thanks for answering my question, anyway. Actually..."

Tori looks around for her favourite klepto-parakeet. "Lorin!" She eventually yells, when he doesn't present himself. "Lorin's my, uh, Chatot," she explains. "He didn't get any action at the gym, and he's probably causing more trouble than he's worth if I keep him cooped up, so... any chance you're keen for a quick match?"
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Sturm goes back to the Pokemon Center to join the rest of the group.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
"Oh shit oh shit oh shit." Clifton heads over to Bastion and leans down. "You gonna be okay, kid?"
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
"Okay, we're taking you to the clinic." Clifton does his best to hoist Bastion over a shoulder and bring him in for some medical attention.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Marc kinda flips over Bastion getting hurt, but then Clif saves him, and I guess he's okay, but then he notices that theres A NEW POKEMON TO SCAN.

Remembering Tori's advice, he walks over.

"Hey! Um, that's a neat Voltorb you have! And it's rare, so you mind if I take a picture?"

Which is the same thing as scanning, to him.

(He scans it)
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Raphael huddles behind her magazine. She contemplates accompanying Bastion as well, but figures that he's in good hands. She knows that staying will probably lead to her doing something that rubs Tori the wrong way, which will lead to screaming and other generally unpleasant things, like being mocked for being the most useless member of the group.

But Tori's just proposed a battle, so she probably won't have time to yell at her. And, Raphael rationalizes, there probably will be more scanning to be done*.

She bites her lip, and tries to convince herself that it has nothing to do with the fact that despite everything, Tori, her diametrically fuck-you attitude, her respect-me-and-I'll-respect you relationship with her Pokemon (Raphael glances sidelong at Gabby, who is still embroiled in dodging a blue shell, and concludes that that isn't what they two have), her utter conviction in her rightness and everyone else's wrong...

She lets the thought trail off. Pokedexes. Pokedexes.

*The Wexler family has always harbored a certain obsessively competitive streak, traits that completely fail to fit in the timid body of Raphael. But IVs being what they are, her genetic birthright has had to find other outlets. This one is buoyed by a tiny, tiny bubble of self-esteem, embodied in that star on her Pokedex screen and the number under it, which rises ever further towards the next...
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Lorin flies over to Tori, carrying an entire donut in his beak.

"I don't know, Valley isn't a regular battler, not that she doesn't have experience. Hey Val, you up for it?"

The Espeon looks at the trainer, then to Tori, then to Lorin, and gets up. She says "Espeon!" somewhat expectedly, and the trainer says that she's on for a fight, as long as it's 1v1. Oh, and she asks if you want to put a wager on it or not.

Marc does not pokedex because the Voltorb is in its Pokeball, and its owner seems apprehensive about letting it out so soon after its misbehaved.
She sees Clifton leaving with Bastion, and is conflicted. She looks back and forth between Bastion and the computer where clearly very important things are happening, and goes into her bag, grabbing her wallet, haphazardly pulling out a 1000P bill and handing it to Clifton. "Um, um, give this to that kid. I'm so so so sorry."
Convinced she's made up for it, she goes back to intense concentration on the computer.

Bastion is admitted to the clinic, one hour for healings etc etc
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Clifton debates it for a moment, but eventually slips Bastion a 500 P bill instead, making a mental note to pay back the rest later.

He then pops off to Strictly Spiritual and buys him some Luck Incense.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Raphael watches Tori walk upstairs to the battle room, but stays where she is until the chair has gotten uncomfortably unplushy. She sets her backpack down by Gabby, and wanders over to where the Voltorb lady is using the computer.

"H-hey. What...whatcha doin'?"

She tries to sound friendly and interested, but only succeeds in sounding like she has a problem with her volume control.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
"Yeah, cool, one versus one... three hundred on the winner? Provided," Tori suddenly declares, jabbing a finger at Valley, she's not an electric type."

After the Trainer probably assures Tori with some confusion along that lines that no, she's Psychic, not Electric, Tori growls something along the lines of "just checking."

"Not electric, cool?" Tori checks in with Lorin, questioningly lifting a hand to relieve him of the doughnut. "I'll, uh, look after this for you. Come on, we're gonna bring you to par with Natalie with a quick, low-risk match, will that be all right with you?"
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
"Oh uh okay."

Marc is starting to get bored of the city. Not only was he not a city person, but he also thought this city was kinda drab. He just sorta wanders out in the woods, Owei in tow.

Maybe he'll train, maybe he'll just take pictures, who knows?
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Clifton purchases one of 'dem Luck Incense dealies for 1800P after something MORALLY DUBIOUS -1 KARMA. Karma is a system in this right? Right?????

The girl agrees to the wager and she and Tori head up to the trade room. One must wonder if there's as much trading done in these rooms as the name implies.


The girl at the computer isn't really paying much attention to you, she's really engrossed in whatever she's doing, but manages to mumble out "Important.... stuff."


Gymbro enters the Pokemon Center. His sign bears a drawing of a fish.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Raphael is RIGHT ABOUT TO GIVE UP AND GO STRAIGHT TO SPIRIT TOWN SPIRITS but then she decides, either I go up there and makeout with とり or talk to gymbro

"sup gymrbo, hiow's the tail hangin'"
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Clifton checks the Poke Mart for any beginner's guides to contests and/or gyms.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
"Haha oh wow. Owei, want to show these Exeggcute who's stronger than them?"

Owei happily confirms.

Marc moves up 5 to get a better vantage point.

"Hey, um, you wild pokemon. Uh. You mind battling?"

He felt a little silly asking them, but it wouldn't be fair if he barged in and started massacring wild pokemon, like some people he knew.

Fortunately, the wild pokemon put on angry snarls, and made to attack.

Owei moves left 1, up 4, right 1, and uses Barrage on the Exeggcute.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Tori now feels within her rights to scan Valley, and does so forthwith.

"Tackle... or Growl. Huh."

"Lorin, use tackle."
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Raphael knows when she's not wanted, which is most of the time. She's right about to give up and go straight to the booze shop for some spirit town spirits when she espies Gymbro entering the center.

"sup gymrbo, hiow's the tail hangin'"