Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!

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Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Bastion walks out of his room and to the lobby and speaks to the first person who comes down. "Wow guys, I found all this cool stuff in my locker, I have no idea how it got there! Also like, I had this weirdo dream last night, it was SUPER REALISTIC and we all beat up a bunch of bad guys!"

He checks his pokedex for new entires, "Huh, the pokemon in my dream are the one in the Pokedex..."

However, he dismisses it completely. "Oh man, I should thank the Pokemon Center for being so nice and stuff!"

Bastion Donates 70P to the Pokemon Center!

Also he leveled up!!!

"Whaaaaaatever, we've got some work to do! I've got to go get ready for the gym match!"

As Bastion is about to rush out of the Center to the Pokemart, he notices his Gastlybro cheerfully loitering around...
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
The Gastly gleefully goes up to Bastion! He's pretty happy to see him, and nudges the Pokeballs on his belt. He seems to be implying something.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Bastion gasps in sparkly anime joy.
"Really? Alright then!"

Bastion takes out one of his Pokeballs and pokes it at Gastlybro.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Raph wakes up even scruffier than she managed yesterday. A modicum of grumbling and alarm clock whacking happens.

She opens her locker, and everything inside falls on her. She...probably doesn't have good enough DEX to catch it all.

As she's picking everything up though, Gabby hops off his perch and looks at Bastion's pokeshenanigans with interest.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Tori wakes up grumpy. Tori normally wakes up grumpy though, so it's no biggie. She breakfasts with Natalie, who still has the incense stick in her hat - the smell of it is almost enough to perk her up a bit.

Or maybe that's just the coffee.

She's not particularly willing to humour Bastion just right now, seeing as she hauled his thoroughly constitutional backside all the way back to the Pokemon centre. She instead heads to the Pokemart, looking to buy some Pokeballs or see what weird speciality junk this town sells.

Oh, and some light reading about flying types. Nothing textbooky or anything, just a few pointers.

Her two birds, obviously, are out and about. A bit of wing-stretching and keen-eyed items-pilfering never goes amiss.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Raph manages to gather everything together. She wrinkles her nose as she puts the powders into her bag, making sure the wrapped packages don't leak. "Gabby! Come on, let's get you healed up."

Gabby jogs over and jumps onto the counter, whereupon center things happen.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Marc blurrily wakes up, and, seeing that some others are still asleep, decides to riffle through his Photo Album.

"Haha, oh wow, Owei, this picture I took of you way back really sucks. Come on, let's take a new one."

Owei (who is always out of his pokeball except in battles) gleefully follows.

They go outside, near the woods.

"Okay, Owei, put on your most badass face."

Owei does not understand the concept of "badass"!

"Um, just look tough."

Owei does so.

Marc uses Snapshot!


"Yeah, this looks a lot better! Good job, Owei!"

Also Marc levels up
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Clifton just mumbles about Bastion being an idiot, gets his free shit, and approaches Marc. "Hey, uh, I bought this HM or whatever, but I'm... not sure how to use it, exactly? Because it's a disc, so... I'm not sure how you use it on a Pokemon, right? And I kind of want to check out the gym later, and figured Riff could use an extra move."
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Sturm heads to the Pokemart.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
And then Gabby came back, all healed and ready to use more moves, woo!

Raphael then decided to mosey over to the Pokemart like everyone else.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
"Oh, um, I think the Pokedex has a slot for that. Try putting it in your Pokedex, and, um, pointing it at your Pokemon?"
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
He could maybe use a name.

All the Center healing occurs.

blah blah blah list

Poke Ball - 150P
Great Ball - 250P
Potion - 200P
Super Potion - 350P
Antidote - 200P
Awakening - 200P
Paralyze Heal - 200P
Repel - 200P
Dire Hit - 650P
TM29 Psychic - 3500P
TM52 Focus Blast - 4400P
TM60 Quash - 1000P

Also notable is a Poke Ball Tool Box for 1250P.

Tori finds a magazine called Sky Control: The Comprehensive Magazine for Flying Pokemon Trainers for 70P.

Natalie and Lorin find an abandoned folding bicycle over near the cliff face. They begin trying to figure out if it's possible to carry back into town.

Oh yes, and Marc. Marc takes a picture of Owei.
It's worth 440P!
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Raphael takes one look at the Tool Box and knows that's exactly what she needs. She forks over 1500P for it and a Great Ball.

She wanders over to the books section to see if there's anything interesting. She is slightly surprised to see Tori there!

"...H-hi...um, whatcha reading?"
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Bastion is ABSOLUTELY ECSTATIC at the addition of HAYES to his team.

So excited that he really wants to send out the entire team to celebrate!

But where should he do it... as he wanders around, with Hayes out and about, as he has been, he notices the Strictly Spiritual, and remembering the note, goes inside.

"Hello, this morning I got a note from this place thanking me for something, but I don't remember doing anything last night... except going to the clinic and then going to the pokemon center."
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Clifton does what Marc said and presumably Riff learns Cut as a TM move.

He also checks the Poke Mart but finds nothing especially interesting, though he does approach Tori and Raph. "Hey, um... guys, I just wanted to say good job, and Tori, I'm sorry for earlier." He gives them each a hearty pat on the back and heads to the Strictly Spiritual. "Good luck at the gym!"

here's stuff re: cut
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Tori just kinda shifts away from Raph a bit when Clifton tries to imply they're anything resembling a co-operative unit. She doesn't actually say "thanks," instead staring at him like she's trying to figure out what his deal is.

Once inside, Tori buys two Pokeballs, two Great Balls, a Potion, two Antidotes, and the magazine. Noticing a conspicuous lack of bird waiting outside, she goes looking for her Pokemon.

She stops dead when she actually finds them.


"You guys are good."

Tori considers unpacking the damn thing and cycling off as fast as she can. For about a second, before she glances behind her shiftily. Not that there's anyone there. She eventually opts to stash it in her backpack, take a seat beside the nearest tree and reward herself with some downtime from Team Amazing.

Natalie and Lorin are free to go picking fights in the forest; Tori's well-stocked on restoratives and the Pokemon Centre's nearby anyway.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Sturm buys four Pokeballs, a Paralyze Heal and an Awakening, and he puts a random fistful of money on the counter. The shopkeeper gives some of it back for some reason.

Sturm ventures off in the direction of the next town in the hopes that he can find some more monsters to fight or something.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Raphael wanders after Clifton to Strictly Spiritual, it doesn't seem like Tori wants her around anyhow. She toys with the broken Premier Ball pieces.

"Oh well, what the hell."

Raphael begins working on fixing the Premier Ball.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG

Solly enters Strictly Spiritual. They've got a lot of those foul smelling healing items, some weird homeopathy stuff, and some probably ghost related stuff.

The man at the front desk is delighted to see Bastion.
"Oh! It's you again! I have to thank you for everything. I see you got my gifts. Oh, I've also got something else for you and your friends."
He pulls a basket of Razz Berries out from under the counter.
"This was a gift to me, but I'm pretty allergic, and my Pokemon hates spicy foods."

The basket has 12 Razz Berries in it.

Energy Powder - 300P
Energy Root - 450P
Heal Powder - 350P
Big Root - 1000P
Cleanse Tag - 1000P
Everstone - 3000P
Full Incense - 1800P
Lax Incense - 1800P
Luck Incense -1800P
Power Herb - 2000P
White Herb - 2000P

Raphael starts fixing her Premier Ball
DC15: 1d20+5=19
It has been successfully repaired!

Sturm goes just out of town to hunt for Pokemons to foight. Because he sure isn't just abandoning the rest of the party
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Bastion begins a slurry of questions.
"Wow, so my dream WAS REAL? WOW! Thank's for the berries I will share them with everyone. What do these things do? Especially that shiny stone? Do you know anything about the gym leader here? Why does it smell weird here? How long have you been running this store? Is there anywhere that I can have a practice battle here? Do you wanna have a practice battle? Oh yea, Thank you for the gifts! I am sorry that it took so long to say that. Do you know where Professor Oak went to? Did I really see a ghost last night?"
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Raphael is literally forced backwards from the sheer question-pressure. She stares helplessly at Clifton while Gabby gives a very good impression of hanging on desperately to Raph's backpack straps. Because telekinesis. And also because Gabby is very silly.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Clifton frowns that he doesn't have quite enough money for the Luck Incense, then gets a glint in his eye and turns to Raphael.

"Hey, how about we go hit up the gym, do a bit of sparring to see if we're ready to take on the leader?"
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Raphael startles for a second that she's actually being addressed, but recovers. Sort of. "I, uh...I don't know...Gabby doesn't have much of a type advantage..." She bites her lip, and tries to remember what her mother told her about socializing. "But I...guess...I guess it can't hurt..."

Gabby seems to be enthusiastic enough, clambering back into a more perched position. 'Ralts ralts! ^_^'

Raphael manages to work up a smile. "H-hey, maybe there'll be other trainers taking the gym challenge too!"
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Well, maybe he is and maybe he isn't. What's important is that his magical fire horse thing lasted less than a minute in that last battle. He can run fast and Sturm likes him, so that's all well and good, but Sleipnir can't hold his own in battle the way everyone else can.

At least, not without a serious training montage.

Sturm charges into battle while Sleipnir flanks him and uses Ember on one of those Eggsecutes.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Marc accompanies the gym battle party, should be interesting to watch.
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