Three-Word Story

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Three-Word Story
RE: Three-Word Story
'holiness-impaired individual,'
RE: Three-Word Story
Your Royal Highness."
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: Three-Word Story
Nobody listened. Nobody
RE: Three-Word Story
always listened. Nobody
RE: Three-Word Story
listed starboard. That's
RE: Three-Word Story
when everybody realized
RE: Three-Word Story
their shopping list had
RE: Three-Word Story
a secret extra

RE: Three-Word Story
drop down menu
RE: Three-Word Story
filled with terrors
RE: Three-Word Story
and spaghetti. For
RE: Three-Word Story
dessert, there was
RE: Three-Word Story
no dessert. Wow,
RE: Three-Word Story
what a ripoff!
RE: Three-Word Story
Unlike that other
RE: Three-Word Story
shopping list, which
RE: Three-Word Story
only includes desserts.
RE: Three-Word Story
It had deserts,
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: Three-Word Story
actually. My bad.
RE: Three-Word Story
"Fuck's sake, Maxwell,"
RE: Three-Word Story
she grunted, irked
RE: Three-Word Story
and hungry. Where
RE: Three-Word Story
she stood, the
RE: Three-Word Story
Earth had turned
RE: Three-Word Story
into a robot.