Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim

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Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
[Image: KVjme.gif]

[Image: DTbmK.gif]
You are a crack team of Popsicles here to invade the malicious Fudgesicle Gang Vault. It is heavily fortified. Only you five, the best of the best are skilled enough to complete this mission.
You have just entered the Vault through their Chocolate Syrup River and are about to arm yourselves for the inevitable battles ahead.

State your name[Yes], color[Any], profession[This will decide special powers], and weapon[This decides your normal powers].

Player List
1. Schazer - Totes Legit - Embezzler - Battery Powered Hair Dryer
2. Mirdini - James "Ice Cool" McTaggart - Hitman - Icicle Pick
3. Godbot - Gerardo "Gelato" Stracciatella - Bodyguard - Rusty nail
4. DragonFogel - Marco Hustler - Used Guitar Salesman - Generic Thug
5. Pick Yer Poison - "Sticks" McGee - Professional Ladykiller- Toothpick Quarterstaff

Re: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
James "Ice Cool" McTaggart - Hitman - Icicle Pick
Re: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
Gerardo "Gelato" Stracciatella - Bodyguard - Rusty nail
Re: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
DragonFogel -Marco Hustler - Used Guitar Salesman - Generic Thug

(He wields thugs as a melee weapon. Any nearby thug will do as far as he's concerned.)
Re: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
Pick Yer Poison - "Sticks" McGee - Professional Ladykiller - Toothpick Quarterstaff
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
Re: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
[Image: yDxII.gif]
You five have, as was mentioned, invaded the Fudgesicle Gang Vault, at this moment, the rest of your gang is distracting Fudgesicles all over the city. As such, their defensive forces will be severely weakened. With your unique set of talents, you guys are going to blow this place sky high.

[Image: 9p6aG.gif]
Aww shit. Three Fudgesicle Mooks. And they're armed.
Looks like it's time to put them on ice.

Re: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
> Ice Pick that sucker in the front. Preferably in the face.
Re: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
CHARISMATECH: SMOOTH MOVE to disarm the guy in the bottom right.
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
Re: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
I'll hold my rusty nail sideways and use it to bullrush the guy on the top right.
Re: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
I use Liverpool Kiss: Taste The Rainbow on the guy in front.
Re: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
I'll pick one up and use him as a weapon.

I don't care how little sense that makes.
Re: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
[Image: fEfo2.gif]

Gerardo begins by assulting the upper fudgemook with his nail! He responds with a gunshot!
James shoa's the center fudgemook his stabs right under his eye!
Marco and Totes move to prepare for attack.
"Sticks" activates his CHARISMATECH!

[Image: 1bynQ.gif]

[Image: af3Lj.gif]
"Sticks" and James move back to let their allies get some shots in.
Speaking of, Gerado is taking his like a champ and continues charging.
Totes headbutts the center fudgemook, jamming in James' Icicle Pick.
Disarmed and dazed from "Sticks" powerful tech, Marco successfully wields the bottom fudgemook!

Re: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
I'm thinking I'll attack the upper one. The middle one's been hit pretty hard, we can probably take him down without me.

Sound good to everyone else?
Re: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
Totes Legit: Embezzle some Hitpoints off the icicl'd mook, and Redistribute them to Gerardo.
Re: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
James: Retrieve pick from center fudgemook after Totes' embezzling, hopefully finishing the mook off.
Re: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
If the remaining two aren't incapacitated in some way once everyone else is done I'll whack whoever's left with my quarterstaff.
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
Re: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
I'm gonna position myself between the remaining two Fudgesicles and the rest of the Popsicles and (hopefully) tank for the others while they finish off the Fudgesicles. Aaaand instead of attacking, I'm gonna protect myself with my rusty nail, if that's allowed. (Otherwise, I'll just attack the upper one.)
Re: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
[Image: y5RHw.gif]
Totes begins her embezzlement.
"Sticks" and Marco begin to bring the beatdown on the upper mook.
Gerado defends himself.

[Image: H0AFt.gif]

[Image: CB2gm.gif]
James finishes the center mook off.
"Sticks" and Marco finish off the last mook.
Gerado gets some hit points back.



Re: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim

> Proceed with infiltration (after looting the fudgesicle remains, of course).
Re: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
That was pretty fun.

>Offer to sell somebody a guitar at "bargain prices" in order to play suitable victory music.
Re: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
I think it's going just fine so far, as long as it gets harder like you said.

I'm not gonna have much use for long-range weapons like guns if I'll be tanking for the party, but that hammer would go great with my giant nail. I'll take that as a sidearm if no one else wants it.
Re: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
Good, easy first fight. Perfect for figuring out exactly how this is gonna work out.

I'm gonna steal a hat in case we need to do some infiltratin' at any point.
Re: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
Is no one gonna take that assault rifle-looking thing that that one Fudgsicle dropped?
Re: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
Well, we seem to be a mostly melee group.

I guess I could grab it in case a situation comes up later where there's no mook handy, but if somebody else wants it I'm not going to complain.
Re: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
I'll take the assault rifle. Once I get some shades the look will be complete.
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]