Generic Mahou Shoujo Anime Simulator the Adventure

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Generic Mahou Shoujo Anime Simulator the Adventure
RE: Generic Mahou Shoujo Anime Simulator the Adventure
There's nothing wrong with some titty jiggle. Go back and turn it back up.

Go on.

RE: Generic Mahou Shoujo Anime Simulator the Adventure
Turn Grittiness, memes, ???, and Jiggle Physics all the way up.
RE: Generic Mahou Shoujo Anime Simulator the Adventure
>Just slightly increase grit, feels.
>Try to slightly increase memes, but notice it only goes to max or none.
>??? to 14%
>Turn music down to 25%, these games always have it louder than dialogue or SFX by default
>Keep Jiggle Physics same. You just turned those off, and having them at max might be a bit uncomfortable.
>Turn "gender options" DLC on, along with that free DLC from the pack "very obscure developer references"
RE: Generic Mahou Shoujo Anime Simulator the Adventure
> Increase the Weeb slider because of course you're a weeb. Why else would you be playing this?
> Also turn memes and ??? all the way up for the fun.
RE: Generic Mahou Shoujo Anime Simulator the Adventure
Perform no action on the main menu for 1.5 minutes, long enough for the game to idle and replay that SUPER AWESOME INTRO! Man! You love that Theme song! What teasing snippets of gameplay! What delicious hints of future cinematic details!
Hello! It's good to see you all again!
RE: Generic Mahou Shoujo Anime Simulator the Adventure
Let's just start a new game! Options are boring, let's get to the good bit!