24 hour drawangs

24 hour drawangs
RE: 24 hours drawangs
Hour 11 & 12

RE: 24 hour drawangs
Maybe I shouldn't pit my stick figures against all you guys with your ability to actually draw bodies.

But oh well, what the hell.

Hour 1: The Convenience Store
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
RE: 24 hour drawangs
Hour 12
RE: 24 hour drawangs
Hour...5? About 5 :3

RE: 24 hour drawangs
Hour 9

RE: 24 hour drawangs
Hour 2: Now With 100% More People
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
RE: 24 hour drawangs
Hour 6. I was uninspiiiired and ended up just redoing a lot of things ><

RE: 24 hour drawangs
Hour 13
RE: 24 hour drawangs
Hour 13

RE: 24 hour drawangs
Hour 3: A Metaphor For Books Versus Video Games
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
RE: 24 hour drawangs
Hour 10

RE: 24 hour drawangs
Hour 14
RE: 24 hour drawangs
Hour 7, half spent doodling other things in the margins of maths but scanner is still broken:

RE: 24 hour drawangs
Hours 14 and 15.

RE: 24 hour drawangs
Plaid, I really like all of these colored characters, I can't wait to see more of them!
Agent your draws are interesting and sort of weird, and oh my is that a Sunglasses Minion why. *_*
Sadgi, I really really really like your colors and shadings and it is VERY CUTE ALL OF IT.
Schazzzzzzzzzz, I really love your sketchy sort of roughness! It is really cool how you are using limited colors on each different drawing for the most part and making something really cool, neat, and unique and also pretty.

RE: 24 hour drawangs
Hour 4: What A Trainwreck
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
RE: 24 hour drawangs


AGENT: You are rocking this out! You're working with what you know and pushing your boundaries all at the same time. When this is done you will not be the same artist you are now. You will be bigger, stronger, better, and 24 hours older.

Crap I am already messing this up

ED: You are like the beacon that shines into my heart. Your very presence here tells us all what a 24-hour drawing SHOULD BE. Your background provides a simple and eyecatching way to interconnect all your drawings AND I LOVE IT. You're putting your drawin's OUTSIDE OF THEIR RESPECTIVE BOXES and blending them into your other drawin's. Everyone should be more like you but everyone knows that already. (especially me).

okay okay roll on from ed its

IXwait dammit

PLAID: You don't draw slowly, you draw carefully. It shows. Each one of your characters has been carefully crafted and thought out. There is a story behind each one and most of it can be told with a single glance and OH WOW IS THAT A BICLOPS ROBOT WITH A BOWLING BALL HAND? And they are all TOGETHER. You've gone beyond the simple MOSAIC OF CHARACTERS and are forging a veritable where's waldo of awesome people! Guess what? EVERYONE IS WALDO AND WE ARE SO EXCITED TO FIND EACH ONE.

yeah yeah yeah lets keep going

PYP: I can't even begin to describe the amount of anticipation your drawing fills me with. IT IS HUGE. I KNOW THERE IS GOING TO BE A MEGA BRAWL GOING ON. They say everyone is a kid at heart and THAT KID LOVES TO SEE STICK FIGURES WAIL ON EACH OTHER. You finish this thing and you will be STICK FIGURE KING. People will look at your image and think: "Oh, so THAT's how you draw a stickfigure telepathically tearing off a store sign while blasting another dude!" You're creating the GREY'S ANATOMY of STICK FIGURE POSES. Don't let this epic task get you down. Just take it one awesomely drawn pose/combat sequence at a time. There is one man up to this amazing task: That man is you!

What's that Solaris? Forgot to cheer on PYP? Sorry I can't hear you over

SADGI: SPACE BORD SPACE BORD SPACE BORD SPACE BORD. You could have made this entire thing about SPACE BORD and we would be IMPRESSED and ENTHRALLED. But instead you are showing us a collage of beautiful CONCEPT ART for (let's face it) is probably the best drawn adventure on this form TO DATE. It poses so many questions: Is SECURITY just TINY or is ASTERICH just HUUUUGE? These questions drive us to STUDY your image, to open it up and pour over it, looking for theories and stories and snippits of what this world you've been keeping to yourself entails. WE WANT IT SO BAD. Also your COLOR palate is RAD. Contemplative girl looks SOFT. Smug Bird guy looks HARSH and HATEABLE. Is my mic working guy looks LIKE HE JUST WANTS TO WORK. All of it, the whole thing, SUPER RAD.

We're almost done here with

SCHAZER: man I remember one day I saw a picture of baby-sen you drew and I was like DAMN WHEN SHE DRAW? Now this seals it. YOU LIKE NICKNAMES WELL YOU DAMN EARN THEM. You are the CLAWED QUEEN here. The TALON TAMER. People look at bird and lizards and think "shit I can't draw that what the hell are those things" NOT YOU. YOU TACKLE THAT MOTHERF*CKER and TURN IT INTO A GAWDAMN BEAUTIFUL SPARKLE BEAST. At the same time your art TERRIFIES ME because I am pretty sure you are learning BIOLOGIES just to bring these GORGEOUS MONSTROSITIES TO LIFE. You'd be the person who enters the LABRATORY and incredulously says: "You could transfer any part of a jellyfish's genome into these zebra fish and the only thing you picked was to make them GLOW??? WHERE ARE THE TENTACLES? WHERE ARE THE POISONOUS BARBS? Make them glow but only when they are EATING LESSER FISH!" They will stare at you, but then you'll show them some concept art and EVERYONE IS ON IT.

Welp I guess that is everyone oh except WOOP ZOOP ITS

SOOPS: YOUR TRACK IS ONLY 1 HOUR OLD AND ALREADY I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS. Who is that lady? Why does she need my help? Is that thumping the beating of her exhausted heart as she runs from whatever destiny looms over her? CAN I LISTEN TO THIS WHILE WEARING HEADPHONES, SITTING ON A BUS AND THINKING FANCIFUL THINGS ABOUT THE PEOPLE AROUND ME? Oh and hey there is a guitar in that too! Did you type out those notes? Are you hand picking each sound from the infinite number of notes possibility has laid out for you? Notes that would never have existed in such a way without your careful or carefree consideration? FILL ME WITH ARROWS AND CALL ME A QUIVER WITH ANTICIPATION.

huff huff huff okay that's it exceptOHWAIT IT'S


LOOK AT THIS:[Image: 24_hour_challenge___01_by_theboyd-d501xly.png]

YOU CAN'T JUST LEAVE US WITH THAT. WE NEED TO KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON! That girl seems awful confident to leave her back unguarded from whatever those two other guys are. ARE THEY FOOTBALL PLAYERS? IS THIS THE BIG GAME BECAUSE IF SO SHE IS FACING THE WRONG WAY! I don't know! Why are they different colors? Is this a power-rangers thing? Should I assume that? I probably will if you just leave us hanging like this! WE CRAVE MORE. And we we all know that you can pull it off. You're the guy who will draw and draw and not let things get in his way. Remember that forum adventure? The one that had a lot of cool things happen in it and at one point you had these two guys DO IT (SEX)? I RAG ON YOU FOR THAT BUT ONLY BECAUSE I LOVE IT (and you). Cheerleaders are supposed to be encouraging and sometimes those encouragements involve THREATS (hollow, empty, threats) AND IF YOU DROP OUT OF THIS BY GOLLY I WILL HAVE TO FINISH IT FOR YOU AND YOU CAN BET THAT SCENE FROM THAT ADVENTURE WILL MAKE AN APPEARANCE.

RE: 24 hour drawangs
Hour 8: Canvassing for more Canvas

RE: 24 hour drawangs
Halfway there.

RE: 24 hour drawangs
Hour 15
RE: 24 hour drawangs
Would it be OK if I did this but the days I commit an hour of drawing were non-sequential? I have many commitments, work full-time etc, but if I could fit an hour in when I can I would totally do this.
RE: 24 hour drawangs
this looks like a larf and i'm done exams now so whynot
uimhir a haon
Last edited by Mod-S4; 05-20-2012 at 05:23 AM. Reason: Please do not post your size for opinions. Thanks.
RE: 24 hour drawangs
Hour 5: Rock Your Socks Off

btp <3

Wait lemme try that again

btp Minion
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
RE: 24 hour drawangs
Hour 16
RE: 24 hour drawangs
Hour 16!


edit: and now in gif form