24 hour drawangs

24 hour drawangs
24 hour drawangs
Hey guys! I haven't been around the computer much lately and i'm kind of digging myself into one of those Pointlessly Existential Art Blocks™. The best way to stop these blocks from happening is forcing myself to draw a lot until i forget about it, so i thought, why don't we turn this into FUN-TIMES FOR EAGLE TIMERS?!

Ok so here's the deal: You sign up to spend one hour a day drawing whatever you want in the same canvas for 24 days straight, then we all show our 24 hour drawings and have fun times with friends!

Doip Keep in mind that working on other projects doesn't count ,also, please only consider signing up for this if you think you can manage to spare one hour a day, if you miss a day or something you can make up the next and draw for two hours, if you skip several days you'll be disqualified and will be left out of the drawing i'll make after we're done with this (it will be a picture of us as art champions or something).

So yeah! sign away, ask questions, etc.

EDIT: Feel free to join whenever you want! Just make sure to keep posting your progress here. If you successfully make a 24 hour drawing you'll get a chance to immortalize yourself on the winner's canvas.

[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: 24 hours drawangs
This sounds like a cool idea! I'm in.

Any idea when the start date is gonna be?
RE: 24 hours drawangs
yeah sure i will participate in this
RE: 24 hours drawangs
Temptiiiiing. Any restrictions on digital/traditional media?
RE: 24 hours drawangs
Nah, traditional media is cool.

I'll give it a couple of days and then we will start.
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: 24 hours drawangs
if i'm still in my slump by then maybe this will help me move out of it...??????????


I'll probably be in, reegardless of my productivity
RE: 24 hours drawangs
This sounds like fun

RE: 24 hours drawangs
Wow, looks like we're getting some heavy hitters in here. I, of course, will be unable to commit to anything artistic especially for 24 whole hours, but you've all given me a chance to practice my cheerleading.

RE: 24 hours drawangs
That's a shame bob, i still cheerish that one cool picture you drew on that other forum (imagine that but 24 times bigger/better?!?!).
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: 24 hours drawangs
This is an interesting idea, as I've still got deadlines I can't dedicate an hour a day over the next 24 days myself but I'm looking forward to what the rest of you end up with
RE: 24 hours drawangs
Maybe there can be an open start period of a couple of weeks. That way people who have projects and finals going on now can choose to start their 24 days later, while those excited and ready to go can get started and finish sooner.

Edit: To Ed: bluh bluh bluh bluh
RE: 24 hours drawangs
Well it's not like they can't start their own 24 hour drawings by themselves when they get enough free time? I was also thinking of doing 7 hour drawings when we finish this so there's that too.

I'll give this another day, we start tomorrow. Tell your friends guys! I'd like to have more people join in Blankaloupe

[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: 24 hours drawangs
It seems this might not be the best time to get a bunch of people? I mean, I've got time but I don't feel that I'd put a serious effort into drawing.

Hence one reason for doing it Bob's way: you get a bigger final drawing, as opposed to this one which would have maybe two or three people?
RE: 24 hours drawangs
I don't see why people can't start when they want to? The point is the drawing after all, not the syncing up with everyone else.
RE: 24 hours drawangs
I guess you're right! Everyone is free to join whenever they feel like it.

Also, i think you're misunderstanding, Fogel. We're not sharing a single canvas.
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: 24 hours drawangs
No, I did understand that.

It's just that, since you linked to Bob's "group portrait" of participants made after SaLI, I was under the impression you planned to do the same sort of thing here after it was done.
RE: 24 hours drawangs
So wait, in order for the disqualification thing to make sense, will each person post their progress so far on this thread?
RE: 24 hours drawangs
Yeah that was the idea. So, start whenever you want guys! Remember that you'll be using a single canvas, so if you want to start big, then do so. Personally, i'll just keep adding space to it.
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: 24 hours drawangs
First hour

[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: 24 hours drawangs
Day one


I'm going to end up with a ridiculously large canvas
RE: 24 hours drawangs
Hour one!

RE: 24 hours drawangs
Hour two!


Drawing old characters is always fun. It makes you realize how terrible your designs were.
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: 24 hours drawangs
Hour 1
RE: 24 hours drawangs
Hour 2!

RE: 24 hours drawangs
Okay cheerleading time!

Ed: Comeon ed. Just draw more girls. You know you want to.


Plaid: your fantasy kite castledragon has captured my imagination. I cannot wait to see what other accommodations it has.

Ixcalibur: MORE OTP'S

guys I don't know how to cheerlead. I only know how to give suggestions. Maybe I will become more adept at it over the course of viewing this project.