TAKE X (6-5-17: The End)

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TAKE X (6-5-17: The End)
RE: TAKE X (11-20-16: Adjacency)
I forgot to mention that I'm a new reader. I haven't had the time to read the previous stories reading up to it but knowing how invested I got in TAKE X and breezed through the story in like 3 hours (usually reading anything takes me either several days at best or several months at worst), I think I'll give them a read so I can catch up with everything while the story is still going. To give my laconic (draconic) opinion: Very immersive.
RE: TAKE X (11-20-16: Adjacency)
Hey, right on, yo. :D Thanks. The stories leading up to Take X are actually both shorter than Take X itself is, so if you caught up here quickly, you shouldn't have any issues catching up with those. I don't have the longest attention span in the world, and that's sort of reflected in these adventures, haha.
[Image: 6LGz4x9.png]
RE: TAKE X (11-27-16: Communication)
[Image: XmvWpPn.png]

Oh, right, I needed to contact Blue. I'd completely blanked. Luckily, I can get his attention any time I want. Let's see...

[Image: D5ksy2Q.png]

He spins me this sob story about how he couldn't catch the intruders. When I ask him about that, he tells me that there were intruders, plural, and that one of them made off with the rock he was telling me about.

I tell him that I couldn't possibly care less about the stupid rock.

He tells me that he's sorry, and that it was just a cool rock. The altar it was sitting on reminded him a lot of the one in the sewers under the Church, he adds.

That gives me pause. I've no idea what that glowing stone on the altar under the Church is for, but it looks important enough--

I ask Blue, to double-check, if he's talking about a rock on an altar.

He says yes.

[Image: FyK4CGo.png]

Stupid. Stupid! Of course it was important! I express my fury in a healthy manner and then ask Blue what happened to the rock.

He says he told me already - that one of the intruders took it. I ask him which one. He says he doesn't know.

[Image: RZRXjFH.png]

I drop the connection with Blue and check in with the Miracle Men. They don't know either, but then, they're not working with too much in the brain department. All they can tell me is how proud they are that they were able to capture one of the intruders. When I point out that the intruder still got away later, they say that it's the principle of the thing that matters.

It's really not, but I don't want to get into an argument with these guys. It's like... doing something frustrating... with a frustrating thing.

I was going somewhere with that. Hm.

[Image: LBkKWkV.png]

I need some time to think on all that. In the meantime... Let's see, what now?
[Image: 6LGz4x9.png]
RE: TAKE X (11-27-16: Communication)
Hey, wasn't that next-to-last entry legible a minute ago?

Maybe you should check in with Pia Amata, before that entry disappears.
RE: TAKE X (11-27-16: Communication)
>Wasn't there supposed to be prayers?
RE: TAKE X (12-3-16: Bureaucracy)
[Image: LBkKWkV.png]

...Was that second-to-last entry all blurry last time I looked at it? I'm pretty sure it was. I remember there being an illegible entry. Nothing to worry about. Yep.

It's weird, though. I thought I needed to take care of the prayers or something. Oh well. It's not on the list - I must have already taken care of that.

[Image: gxlyTuW.png]

The list says to talk to Amata, though, so I drop her a line. She's been probably the best head my Church has had. Certainly miles better than Nepti Incompeta. I had to straight-up remove Incompeta from office the only way I knew how - miles and miles of bureaucratic red tape, and then arson.

At least, I'm pretty sure that's what I did. It's what I
would do. Gods, all this prayer is really making it hard to keep things in order - especially considering I just took care of it.

Amata asks me what I needed of her.

Oh yeah, I say. I tell her I just wanted to see if there was anything new she needed to inform me of.

She tells me that they're closing in on

Good, I say. If
she continues to escape the Church much longer, I continue, it would reflect very poorly on Amata.

Amata assures me she understands, then bids me farewell.

[Image: D8ztrFP.png]

Oh good, I'm almost done with the list for today.
[Image: 6LGz4x9.png]
RE: TAKE X (12-3-16: Bureaucracy)
>Open sesame!
RE: TAKE X (12-10-16: Darkness)
[Image: xR2xuQ7.png]

Well, I'm here, the door is here; might as well have another go at forcing it open.

...Or at least that's what I
would do. I've honestly exhausted everything I can think of. I tried blasting them open with fire, kicking them down, searching high and low for keys, knocking down walls - nothing works.

I'm sure I'll think of something, though. I literally have all the time in the world. So let's cross that off the to-do list for now.

[Image: VjY97wT.png]

Oh, that's convenient. It's already been unrecognizeably blurred for me. Now, let's see... last thing on the list is to head back to the library. I can't remember what I needed to do there, but that's nothing new. I'm sure it'll be obvious once I get there.

[Image: y5wnh8a.png]

...What in the world? Why is the library so dark?
[Image: 6LGz4x9.png]
RE: TAKE X (12-10-16: Darkness)
And the One Goddess said "Let there be light", and there was.
RE: TAKE X (12-10-16: Darkness)
>Clap hands to turn on light
RE: TAKE X (12-12-16: Darkerness)
[Image: A6cF26S.png]

No stupid library's going to pull the wool over my eyes. I'll just will the light back.

[Image: Iy4kuUi.png]

Aaand the lights went right back out.
[Image: 6LGz4x9.png]
RE: TAKE X (12-12-16: Darkerness)
>Conjure up a flashlight made of magic
RE: TAKE X (12-12-16: Darkerness)
> Punch the air right in front of you slightly to the left, next time the lights go out again.
RE: TAKE X (12-16-16: Name)
[Image: A6cF26S.png]

What in the world were those red lights?! Whatever they are, they disappear when I will the light in the library back.

But, if patterns hold true, the red lights will be back, right about...

[Image: 2IXPT5p.png]

...now. Ha! Whatever it is won't be able to dodge a punch at close range!

[Image: YFSHQoP.gif]

It... dodged a punch at close range. What is this thing?

[Image: Dv730AR.gif]

[Image: VoSrnAZ.gif]
[Image: 6LGz4x9.png]
RE: TAKE X (12-16-16: Name)
"What do you want?"

Also, attempt to will the whatever-it-is out of existence.
RE: TAKE X (12-16-16: Name)
> Meion: Be as uncooperative as possible.
RE: TAKE X (12-16-16: Name)
>A godly ghost! There might be more!
RE: TAKE X (12-17-16: Gone)
[Image: Or3k5ho.png]


My voice catches a little bit. I swallow.

"What are you doing here? What do you want?"

There. That sounds better. Gotta keep the confidence in my voice.

[Image: ezm1xey.png]

"This is MY library."

His voice sounds like boulders, crashing down the side of an endless mountain. The cheer I heard in his words while he was interred in the Normal Place is completely gone.

"Not anymore it's not," I say.

[Image: wB8i6zP.png]

He narrows his eyes, but he's... smiling?

"I do not believe you understand," he continues. "My spirit is what keeps this library together. You may have thought you killed me, but a fraction of my power remained here."

I frown. Is that why books have been disappearing from the shelves?

"Every book, every tome, every scrap of paper in the entire Centrality is mine to manipulate," Meion says. "It has taken me eons to pull myself back together, but now that I have done so, I do not intend to let you run roughshod over this world."

[Image: G0QJ2XK.gif]

"You shall have access to this library no longer. Good luck finding it... especially since you do not have the domain of secrets."

[Image: UmNdrL0.gif]

The library... is gone.
[Image: 6LGz4x9.png]
RE: TAKE X (12-17-16: Gone)
>Wait, every paper? Check your todo list, maybe he erased it
RE: TAKE X (12-17-16: Gone)
Sounds like you should go hunting an ex-god of secrets.

Also, be very concerned. Chances are Meion isn't the only not-as-dead-as-you-thought god lurking around.
RE: TAKE X (12-17-16: Gone)
>Uh oh, with no paper to manipulate there's not going to be a way to summon lists anymore...is there
RE: TAKE X (12-21-16: Intermission End)
[Image: R1nZYFZ.png]

That explains my to-do list... He must be messing with it on the fly. My memory's pretty shot right now, but I'm sure that I didn't write any of this.

[Image: 58BWzAn.png]

I've got a new task now, though. If that blockhead thinks he can stop me, he's about to be sorely mistaken. All I need to do is track down Krytikas, kill her, and take her domain - the domain of secrets. She's hiding from me now, but she can't stay hidden forever. Sooner or later, she'll slip up, and when she does, I'll be there.

[Image: rgRq6uk.gif]

The only wrench in the plans could be... that mortal. I'll just need to step up my game when it comes to her, then. Looks like my path forward is pretty clear.

It's time to end their resistance once and for all.

[Image: KoqB106.png]

Your character select screen currently shows the following:

Sienna Travler, woman of mystery
[Image: 6LGz4x9.png]
RE: TAKE X (12-21-16: Intermission End)
>Sienna time!
RE: TAKE X (12-21-16: Intermission End)
>Sienna: be enjoying a sandwich
RE: TAKE X (12-24-16: Showtime)
> Select Sienna Travler

[Image: KSvy1E1.gif]

[Image: TzQ01PM.png]

Your name is Sienna Travler, and to put it bluntly, the past couple of days...

Well, no. Let's try that again.

To put it bluntly, your life on the whole has been a nightmare. Ever since you were a little kid, you've been a magnet for misfortune, from falling out of windows to getting run down by carts to getting struck by lightning.

Some people might be inclined to call that bad luck. Not you. You're keenly aware of why everything seems to happen to you.

[Image: 7F9UPXJ.png]

The One Goddess has been trying to kill you for as long as you can remember.

[Image: eE4Yh7Z.png]

Luckily, when you were young, you found a book - one that discussed the void element. Over the course of many long and arduous years, you taught yourself to harness said element, reasoning that it could shield you from those that would do you harm.

So far, you've been right.

You have no idea where that book is now, but it hardly matters - you memorized it backwards and forwards.

[Image: vKFRvqJ.png]

You have on you the following: a glowing yellow stone, an inky black stone, and a record of some etchings made by your distant ancestor. You had a sandwich in your inventory as well, but you just finished eating it. You need to stay well-fed for what is about to happen.

The two stones were just given to you by a thief you hired to track them down. Now that you have them both, it's showtime.

[Image: o03WutC.png]

You're going to kill the One Goddess.
[Image: 6LGz4x9.png]