you've been peeling bananas wrong this whole time

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banana you've been peeling bananas wrong this whole time
RE: you've been peeling bananas wrong this whole time
it turns out you're supposed to use a cheese grater
RE: you've been peeling bananas wrong this whole time
it turns out you're supposed to tap a wineglass with a quartz rod and the resulting sound frequency will open it
RE: you've been peeling bananas wrong this whole time
it turns out that you've got to lay it down on the train tracks to flatten it first
RE: you've been peeling bananas wrong this whole time
it turns out this is what blastbeats and crunkcore were made for, not listening to
RE: you've been peeling bananas wrong this whole time
it turns out you're supposed to grab onto one end and get someone else to grab onto the other, and then the both of you pull. Whoever gets the banana inside also gets a wish.
RE: you've been peeling bananas wrong this whole time
it turns out you have to make a reservation
RE: you've been peeling bananas wrong this whole time
it turns out you should throw it in a tar pit after it's peeled, to save it as a delicious treat for generations to come
RE: you've been peeling bananas wrong this whole time
it turns out the skin adheres to the flesh when you remove it from the bunch, so you should peel it before breaking it off
RE: you've been peeling bananas wrong this whole time
it turns out you're supposed to nail one end to a board and let gravity do the rest
RE: you've been peeling bananas wrong this whole time
it turns out you throw them at a dart board, and if it sticks, it's ready
RE: you've been peeling bananas wrong this whole time
it turns out you should peel yourself first
RE: you've been peeling bananas wrong this whole time
it turns out you wrap them in tin foil and barbecue them
RE: you've been peeling bananas wrong this whole time
it turns out you have to wait for the equinox and balance it on end
RE: you've been peeling bananas wrong this whole time
It turns out.
RE: you've been peeling bananas wrong this whole time
it turns out you're supposed to put it into geostationary orbit over texas, and let high speed winds and solar radiation tear the peel off.
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
RE: you've been peeling bananas wrong this whole time
it turns out it's like a coconut
RE: you've been peeling bananas wrong this whole time
It turns out you're supposed to pull off what you can, then apply an ice cube to the remaining skin and scrape it off once solidified
RE: you've been peeling bananas wrong this whole time
It turns out bleach easily removes fresh bloodstains, so you're supposed to soak the banana in blood then immediately dip it in bleach
RE: you've been peeling bananas wrong this whole time
it turns out there's an app for that
RE: you've been peeling bananas wrong this whole time
it turns out you're supposed to smash two together really hard
RE: you've been peeling bananas wrong this whole time
it turns out you've got to peel the peel when you're done
RE: you've been peeling bananas wrong this whole time
it turns out you can use a potato peeler
RE: you've been peeling bananas wrong this whole time
it turns out that you should always roll a condom down over it first
RE: you've been peeling bananas wrong this whole time
it turns out you can rub the peel to get a wish from the banana genie, and then wish to get the peel off of the banana
RE: you've been peeling bananas wrong this whole time
it turns out it belongs in a kiln