Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [Epilogue: Restoration]

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Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [Epilogue: Restoration]
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [Round 6: Buy!]
Then I guess it's time for me to rush in FULL BORE.

Well okay, maybe not FULL bore. 7/8ths bore is probably good enough.

176 points on Full Bore.
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [Round 6: Buy!]
100 on Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [Round 6: Buy!]
Retract my 100 point bid on Blackwell Epiphany! 350 points on Full Bore!
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [Round 6: Buy!]
And 50 points on Lifes is Strange!
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [Round 6: Buy!]
Grumble grumble.

Remove all points from Full Bore, 200 on Life is Strange.
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [Round 6: Buy!]
Take 50 points off Lumino City.
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [Round 6: Buy!]
one point on hotline miami
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [Round 6: Buy!]
159 on Hotline Miami
1 on Undertale
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [Round 6: Buy!]
oh yeah??

i'll also put one on undertale
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [Round 6: Buy!]
actually, make that two. two on undertale
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [Round 6: Buy!]
Due to a small issue the update will have to be postponed until tomorrow. Since most of the top six titles have already been raffled off I'm going to lock all bids on them until then, but feel free to otherwise treat this as an extension. Sorry for the inconvenience!

For clarity's sake, the top six are:
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [Round 6: Buy!]
La Mulana is no longer top six, unless I'm getting a bonus bunch of points for my ruthless bidding tactics.
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [Round 6: Buy!]
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [Round 6: Buy!]
Oh yeah that was a typo, sorry. Will fix.

Cannot accept bids on Life is Strange, as it is currently locked.
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [Round 6: Buy!]
Alright everyone, exciting round with a lot of late bids and plays to presumably throw off the mass ties. Here are our top six:


We'll start out with our simplest bid - though taking in the most points of the round Full Bore is one of the only title this time that isn't contested. I'd have made a crack about Akumu going full bore into it but their short-term competitor Coldblooded already beat me to it.


Next up we have Life is Strange. Indeed it is, seeing as how the two who fought over the number one title this round see each other vying for the second as well.


Third up is Nidhogg, and in the true spirit of the game it's down to two bidders dueling over the prize.


Fourth comes Hotline Miami, and I drew a blank for further things to say.


Fifth we come to Skyrim (Legendary Edition), the first perfectly even battle of the round.


Finally we have Tropico 4, a fitting bookmark to the round since like the starter it also has no competition.


Remaining Games:




Round seven ends in ~55 hours.
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [Round 7: Begin]
100 on Cthulhu Saves The World & Breath of Death VII Double Pack.
100 on Lost Planet 3.
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [Round 7: Begin]
Point totals:


Round ends in 23.5 hours.

Also, after a discussion with Chiral we've decided that too many issues could come up with in-giveaway trading (for points etc.) for us to allow it. However, what you do with your games once you've won them is up to you, so if you want to just give a won game to a friend or plan to trade prizes after the fact feel free. Sorry for any inconvenience.
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [Round 7: Begin]
I suppose I'll toss half my points (100) at undertale and the other half (100) at abyss odyssey.
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [Round 7: Begin]
Guys I think we know how to game the system now
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [Round 7: Begin]
I really need to check this thread more often wow

anyways I'll put another 100 points on Fez I guess
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [Round 7: Begin]
Alright, so round seven comes to a close a bit late. Here are our titles:


So we start this round off with Endless Legends' two bidders and 300 points.


Moving on, we hit the second copy of Undertale, still hotly contested all these rounds later.


Third and final amongst the contested titles this round is La Mulana, sitting at a respectable 250 points.


Following this we have Fez at 200, The Bridge at 175, and both Bastion and The Swapper at 150. All are guaranteed to the people who bid on them, and most excitingly three of these bidders will have the honour of being the first to leave the giveaway with all three titles!


Remaining games:

And points:


Round ends in around 60 hours.
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [Round 8: First 'Blood']
wait what. Palamedes is being sold for 100? i gotta get in on this

a chew toy and 125 points for palamedes
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [Round 8: First 'Blood']
15 points on each of the things I am currently bid for, i.e.
(15 for Cthulhu Saves the World & Breath of Death VII Double Pack,
15 for Lumino City,
15 for Lost Planet 3)

to cement myself against getting sniped,

and 5 on Palamedes
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [Round 8: First 'Blood']
100 on Trine Enhanced Edition.
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [Round 8: First 'Blood']
140 on Hitman Absolution

and 10 on pala