GRAND TWEET V: it's over!

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GRAND TWEET V: it's over!
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
Telekinesis shmelikinesis. No time for thoughts, only almost time for a good shovel smackdown.
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
"I will admit one complement - you have managed to injure yourself more times in such a close space than I would have thought possible."
[Image: WFQLHMB.gif]
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
Suddenly, her instincts spiked. She threw it in a random direction, far away from her.
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RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
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RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
Vera backpedals from the anthro who threw the grenade.
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
"Probably. They're not usually really good at hitting Hammerheads. Then again, usually we can shoot back. Hint hint." The seat nudges him.
[Image: WFQLHMB.gif]
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
A vague orb slams into Catarath's shovel and bounces into the distance, sending the gravedigger wildly off course.
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
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RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
A knife, a shovel, a grenade, and shots from a plane all converge on a single frustrated brain.

It does not survive.
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
"Fine, fine, you're the bo-" The last word seems to go on for an eternity, just to make sure that there was no way to miss the sarcasm
[Image: WFQLHMB.gif]
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
"Great work, guyth," lisps the Pithy.

Then, everyone was in a factory - it makes vests and mints.
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 2: In the Vest+Mint Factory
"...oss," the voice finished after what seemed like sixty five minutes. The number below the red button was now '846.' "Say look -"
[Image: WFQLHMB.gif]
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 2: In the Vest+Mint Factory
Vera launches a kinetic pulse at the anthro.
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
The location dissolved in front of her eyes, and she knew this was no ordinary battle to the death.

"What is going on here?!"
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 2: In the Vest+Mint Factory
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RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 2: In the Vest+Mint Factory
"Little white rings! Perfect target practice! I mean, not like you need it - you already showed us that you can hit 'em right in the brain!"
[Image: WFQLHMB.gif]
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 2: In the Vest+Mint Factory
She coolly dodged the kinetic pulse again. Those things were pretty slow.

"Look, I'll level with you. I'm not sure what all this is."
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 2: In the Vest+Mint Factory
Catarath lands near the factory's combined production, wonders why it doesn't reflect the Glorious Word Of Bahamut.
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 2: In the Vest+Mint Factory
"Tell ya what, Jimmy-Jim. I'll let you out if you give me just one good strafin' run! I'll even let you pick who we dive bomb!"
[Image: WFQLHMB.gif]
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 2: In the Vest+Mint Factory
Vera runs from the anthro to the nearest wall, and starts to scale it. Vera only stops when she reaches the pipes strapped to the ceiling.
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 2: In the Vest+Mint Factory
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RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 2: In the Vest+Mint Factory
Music begins to play from the massive overhead speakers in the factory's far-off roof. "Rising up, back on the streets"
[Image: WFQLHMB.gif]
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 2: In the Vest+Mint Factory
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RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 2: In the Vest+Mint Factory
Reginald moved straight up with his passenger, slowing as they neared the ceiling. "Sure we can go slow - but free fall's a cold customer."
[Image: WFQLHMB.gif]
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 2: In the Vest+Mint Factory
"Groannnnn. Okay, whatever this is, I gotta keep fighting. Not like there's much else I can do in a... vest/mint factory."
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