This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff

This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
Re: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
wow there was a lot of stuff in that post I didn't know!
Re: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
(someone explain grand battles to me now because I always feel like I'm the only one here that never got into them)

Crying Eagle
Re: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
Stolen from someone else:

You could easily have found this by looking though!
It is always mildly annoying to have to answer questions that have already been answered in pretty obvious places.
Re: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
Yoshi Wrote:(someone explain grand battles to me now because I always feel like I'm the only one here that never got into them)

Crying Eagle

The only Grand Battle stuff I read were the first couple pages of The Grand Tweet or whatever the name is.

I also read the "Which Grand Battles updated this week" thread for some reason.
Re: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
Epamynondas Wrote:I also read the "Which Grand Battles updated this week" thread for some reason.

You are not alone in this kind of stuff I once read an OOC thread for an RP without reading the RP itself.
quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.
Re: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
Wheeee so I did that thing again where I find a certain colour of yarn then promptly make a pokemon out of it.

[Image: __kip_by_schazer-d4gkygr.jpg]
[Image: 389811_10150407555093540_639958539_83761...6605_n.jpg]
Re: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
Schazer Wrote:Wheeee so I did that thing again where I find a certain colour of yarn then promptly make a pokemon out of it.

[Image: __kip_by_schazer-d4gkygr.jpg]
[Image: 389811_10150407555093540_639958539_83761...6605_n.jpg]

Jacquerel Wrote:Stolen from someone else:

You could easily have found this by looking though!
It is always mildly annoying to have to answer questions that have already been answered in pretty obvious places.

Jac at this point we should all know that if there is any way to describe me, it's mildly annoying.

Re: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
Hey, don't worry about it, it's not always clear where to look for information. We're admittedly bad at including the rules in opening posts.

I had to explain it to somebody on MSPA a little earlier this evening myself.
Re: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
I'm still kind of proudly confused that I summed up Grand Battles pithily enough to be forever quoted in OPs now.
Re: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
Okay guys can I ask if there is an eagle time IRC or wherever everyone hangs out because i always see chatlog post things in signatures and on various tumblrs and i'm just sort of hoping that it isnt #mspafa because there are a lot of people there that i am adverse to so yes ok
Re: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
It's usually #grandbattle rather than #mspafa
There's a bit of overlap but most of the people who are here and in #mspafa also go to #grandbattle

We do obviously spend a fair bit of time talking about grand battles though
If there's some other Eagle Time channel nobody invited me
Re: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
Well that's because we hate you Jac.

EDIT: No wait I meant /Sorry/
Ha ha ha yea [Image: smugmel.png]
Re: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
Why is there not more SAM EAGLE in this forum.

SAM EAGLE makes everything better. 100%

Re: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
Superfrequency Wrote:I hate new youtube.

Not because they changed it, because it is the same with minor cosmetic differences. I had to adblock plus element hiding helper away all of the recommended video bullshit on the homepage again because you still don't have an option to hide it in your account settings, and you still can't turn off autoplay (which I have a greasemonkey script for, also one to hide comments because ya can't do that either).


If you could point me towards that Greasemonkey script for disabling autoplay I would be eternally grateful.
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
Re: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
And somehow, when you post a reply, it still can't post a working link to the comment you're replying to.
Re: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
I'll consider your story the next time i stumble upon a magic lamp.
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
Re: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
Wheat why do you have to hate the upper class, you commie ableist pinko hipster oppressor!!!!!!
Re: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
I got to hear about some chick's life story on the bus today! I didn't really have a choice because she was so damn loud, much to the adoration of most of the bus's other patrons. I learnt her star sign and employment pre- and post-earthquake, the bach her family own near Akaroa, what type of seafood she likes, the friggin' works.

The best part of it was the one moment where the dude sitting across from me glanced back at her and her incessant yammering at the same time and he caught me rolling my eyes (I don't just roll my eyes, I really throw my whole face into the action when I want to). I love little moments of wordless solidarity like that.
Re: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff

1. That video was basically everything i love.


2. I gave up long ago on making authentic onigiri. I replaced the rice with hamburger meat, gave it a cheese filling and used bacon instead of seaweed.

Re: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
btp Wrote:2. I gave up long ago on making authentic onigiri. I replaced the rice with hamburger meat, gave it a cheese filling and used bacon instead of seaweed.

Anime dubs
quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.
Re: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
Superfrequency Wrote:Ok I'll be over here expanding my tastes while you guys "lol anime".
Refusing to watch anime is expanding your tastes?
Re: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
Godbot Wrote:
Superfrequency Wrote:Ok I'll be over here expanding my tastes while you guys "lol anime".
Refusing to watch anime is expanding your tastes?

"A study revealed that watching anime-styled animation desensitizes your savory senses, 80% of the volunteers reported experiencing after being exposed to heavy doses of generic, trope filled animes what experts denominate as "The un-sugoi food syndrome" which they describe as everything tasting like unsavory white dough."

Moving forward on the food chat, i now have an intergalactic space stomach-ache caused by this buffy douchebag's cereal.

[Image: UgJX7.jpg]

What are you even doing in space you asshole, bring back fucking Jose the choco-chimp.
I'm so calling my space lawyer for this.

The good thing is that i got this cute little racing car, look at it go over my dusty keyboard

[Image: JxJPS.gif]

[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
Re: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
Man, Japanese food is like the exact opposite of my tastes. I hate vegetables and can't stand fish. But that seems to be most of what they eat over there. :x
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
Re: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
Superfrequency Wrote:Ok I'll be over here expanding my tastes while you guys "lol anime".
i am pretty sure the joke was "bad anime dubs/video game translations remove all the references to japanese food and culture in a half-assed effort to americanize it"

not "you are a bad person for trying onigiri" Doip
Re: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
Riceballs are an immoral life choice the east is trying to force on good cracker-fearing americans!