GRAND TWEET V: it's over!

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GRAND TWEET V: it's over!
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
Mostly worthless wings still enough to glide on thermals from space heater, Catarath lands neatly on the keyboardg
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
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RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
"Oh no you didn't!"

She tears at Vera's clothing, hoping the fans would like this. Unfortunately, Vera's suit proved resistant. Awkward.
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RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
The drone gains some height, then abruptly flips upside down and backwards, flying that way for a moment before activating the engine again.
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RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
Xehbleb used its mind to see, and was unhindered by the darkness.

It was less unhindered by the paperclip Reginald knocked off a book.
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
Shovhel infvestigation otf terraibn is inconclusive. Catarath sets off across an unfamiliar landscapfffdd
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
The anthro does manage to rip a pocket off her pants. A grenade falls out. She stares at it as she tries to remember when you put it there.
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
Reginald rights itself, angling them slightly downwards as they reapproach the other combatants. "If you're thinkin bout shootin, now's ok."
[Image: WFQLHMB.gif]
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
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RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
"Land? Good god kid, why would we ever want to land?" It banks as they pass over the fight, climbing again as they circle for another pass.
[Image: WFQLHMB.gif]
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk

Xehbleb wished it had hands to rub itself with. Lacking that, it would have to find someone else's.

Hello Vera.
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
Vera grabs the grenade, rips the pin out with her mouth, and spits it at the anthro. “See you in hell!” and throws towards the cat.
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
ddsss Terrible ground, interment impossible. xxxcc Where's the mind-necroma- zzz\\\ Ah, there.
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
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RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
Something fell out of the ape's pocket, it seems. What was that, anyways?

She shrugged, and leapt off of her, preparing for an axe kick.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
The speakers sigh once again, but it eases off the acceleration all the same. "I'm getting an awful low opinion of Harvard from all this."
[Image: WFQLHMB.gif]
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
Vera ducks under the axe kick, and fires a kinetic pulse at the anthro's tail.
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
Vera, if you listen to me, I can make you happy. And also help you fight this cat lady.
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
Suddenly, Vera threw the thingy at Shelena. She caught it.

"Ooh, what is this? Seems interesting. Smells... smoky."
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
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RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
"You are a floating brain. One of those killed my parents!" She precedes to fire a knife at the brain.
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
CATARATH SLOWLY EXITS KEYBOARDscape, charging at the brain, shovel soaked in holy water. Mind control shmind control.
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
"We're gonna be in what we call 'strafing range' in around two seconds, so again - there's only one button and you're gonna wanna use it."
[Image: WFQLHMB.gif]
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
Shelena absentmindedly dodges the kinetic blast. She was still preoccupied with the thingy. Maybe she should throw it?
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
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