Chester Mafia Requiem: CHEST IN PEACE

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Chester Mafia Requiem: CHEST IN PEACE
RE: Chester Mafia (day one)
I thought that conversing both distracts you and your conversee? So you're stuck waiting 6 posts before being able to do anything.

Also beware of my pockets jaq. You will find the eyes of truth unleashed within!
RE: Chester Mafia (day one)
I fear no mortal pockets
RE: Chester Mafia (day one)
These are no mere pockets, I have multiple pockets.

Poly Pockets.
RE: Chester Mafia (day one)
Oh God. That is an abomination and no mistake. A contravention against Mother Nature herself!

/me has absolutely no idea who to vote for

Unvote: Somebody

Vote: Ix for breaking my heart ;^;
RE: Chester Mafia (day one)
oh god JAQ you really did
you really did check my polypockets oh my god

*BTP's eyes and mouth glows, an unearthly sound extends from his being and he expends all the rest of his AP projecting this unholy image into all Chester's minds


* collapses*
RE: Chester Mafia (day one)
Oh god what
RE: Chester Mafia (day one)

Did everyone get Polly Pocket videos in their QT? Because I just did.

I also discovered an anonymous message telling me to vote Solaris or I'd die at the end of the day, so, uh changing my vote now just in case. I mean, it's probably a bluff, but I'd rather not take that chance.

Unvote: Mirdini
Vote: Solaris
RE: Chester Mafia (day one)
What in thrice-tarnation Chesterhood was that, btpChester? That certainly wasn't an image any upstandin' honest Chester'd be tossin' into our heads. If you weren't attractin' so much attention deliberately why I'd label you one of them evil Chesters!

But honestly you seem just too obvious of a target. And that SolarisChester fella hasn't done much but retch in mah face so I think ah'll be continuin' with mah vote on 'im.

Speakin' of makeouts though...

Attempt to make out with Schazer
RE: Chester Mafia (day one)
Expend remaining AP in a show of sheer willpower to get my tongue down Dini's throat
RE: Chester Mafia (day one)
Dear diary
Could not find paper so decided to dictate diary entry loudly into the camp in hopes that someone else will write it down for me
When will they see? I am surrounded by the blind and ignorant, it is insulting to learn that such Sheeple could befoul the noble Chester name
While I continue my important work these cretins sit around stuffing their faces and then trying to eat other people's faces with complete lack of success
Do they not know what is at stake here??? (Note: Did I actually remember to tell anyone what was at stake? Silly question, of course I did. Besides, it's obvious for any who care to look) (Oh and would you kindly draw a little strikethrough over that "Note:" sentence, I can't think of a suitable way to pronounce that out loud)

Despite obvious genius am beginning to become suspicious of own understand of the scientific method, it turns out being a genius physicist investigator is hard???
Bottle of juice that I brought with me; startlingly delicious but not yet actively malevolent.
Pockets of rude babbling man revealed no clues.
Where are the snakes ???????????????????????
No other leads

Perhaps start by investigating the enigmatic mute Chester Drawers, is he really unable to speak............ or merely................................ unwilling??!??
Course of action: poke repeatedly with stick then insert universal link port into whatever convenient orifice presents itself

Oh and I think someone died, must not forget to investigate this
Whoever is writing this down, please make sure to keep an ample supply of stationary in case I need you to write down anything else
That mute guy must have some if he can draw stuff so just go and mug him or something

> USE DivingRod Ixcaliber
> USE PocketPilot Ixcaliber
RE: Chester Mafia (day one)
[Image: chesterfia2.png]
RE: Chester Mafia (day one)
What's that, Chester m'boy? You'd like a burger?

Jacquerel, you seem to have a sprightliness and capacity to do things far beyond us mortal Chesters, would you be a darling and toss the Drawing Chester a burger once you're done piloting him by the pockets with your divine rod?
RE: Chester Mafia (day one)
OKAys. WHrls What aw w we are gojing to do.
LYANS Soemne eeeeee
iike LIKE
RE: Chester Mafia (day one)
Does he have his mouth closed or is that tape or something
I guess I could just sort of smear it over his face until he eats it as if he were some kind of small child
It's probably bad form to allow other Chesters to starve to death

Just like it's bad form to leave all this soup out overnight, it'll be cold by tomorrow I think it's my duty to eat it now

>EAT Soup (not iridescent)
>USE Hambourger Ixcaliber
>USE Schazer Ixcaliber
RE: Chester Mafia (day one)



vote: btp
RE: Chester Mafia (day one)
RE: Chester Mafia (day one)
Is it just me or did the sun just sneak up onto that horizon faster n' a salmon up a waterfall?

I don' really feel comfortable seein' any of you chesters dead at this point, since none of ya've done anythin' real suspicious.

Though that there btp fellah is givin' me the heebie-jeebies.

RE: Chester Mafia (NIGHT one send in actions.)
Who is renji, renji is a narcoleptic, get out of my way, renji, I'm taking your position. Perhaps next time you should buy free adderal dexedrine dextrostat
RE: Chester Mafia Date Ooh
One-shot copped Chesterblue, got a guilty.

> KNOCK BACK: Bottle of fortifying punch

RE: Chester Mafia Date Ooh

My gods, it is a wonderful drink.

...hey, is this brewed naturally?
(oh and keep the bottle. I shall start a bottle museum)
RE: Chester Mafia Date Ooh
Eat: Burger
Drink: Soda
Keep the can if I am able.

Watch Chestzer while enjoying meal.
RE: Chester Mafia Date Ooh
Oh well. That happened. I don't think I can enjoy my meal quite as much now.

>Continue eating.
Oh also I guess I'll keep the soda bottle then.
RE: Chester Mafia Date Ooh
RE: Chester Mafia Date Ooh
I guess I shall Eat: Soup.

pfffeh make that choke down soup what's in this
RE: Chester Mafia Date Ooh
mrffhngghhghhhh hhhh glurghghh
hurkk akkk gmmblrlblblrblbrlbl

> EAT wood splinters