Last Day

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Last Day
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Steve Potluck.


It's obvious what the plan will be. Each of you will take a role, one of which is throwing balloons and handing out balloons to your other party members, and the other person's role is to pull the fire extinguisher. I think the person roughly as wide as a pole would be better at evading while reaching for the fire alarm, while the other much stronger person would be better at throwing balloons.
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Dediles.

>up up down down left right left right B A

+ 1 reader
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Anthano Zasalla.

Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by hector212121.

>Is the fire extinguisher even water and not powder?
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by SNeakyRobot.

No fire extinguisher. It is very cold, & coldness actually causes computers to run better.
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

I think he got confused and said "extinguisher" instead of "alarm". Since when do you pull a fire extinguisher?
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by hector212121.

In the manner of "pulling" a gun, ofcourse.
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Anthano Zasalla.

hoop doop what's the scoop

[Image: fartlastday.png]

fanart is what
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Godbot.

> You're going to need to start a fire. Somewhere where the smoke detectors will pick it up.
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by General Disorder.

Anthano Zasalla Wrote:hoop doop what's the scoop

fanart is what
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Stickmeister.

[Image: lastdayremasteredlogo.png]

<div style="text-align: center;">Hello everyone! For those of you wondering why Last Day continues to have sluggish updates, which I apologize for, I am pleased to announce a project my team of artists (including myself) have been working on that has caused the slow down. Introducing...Last Day: REMASTERED
EXPERIENCE Last Day like you've never seen it before in STUNNING REALISM! An expert team of artists worked night and day to DIGITALLY RESTORE EVERY SINGLE PANEL into BEAUTIFUL HD for your VIEWING PLEASURE!

[Image: 969joke.png]

Join TED TOMKINS, JENNIFER HAZELY and the rest of the cast as they FIGHT the zombie army from the evil clutches of the BOSS, all in STUNNING HIGH DEFINITION!

[Image: 797joke.png]

See Last Day as it was meant to be seen! Every hair, skin pore and bead of sweat completely visible and vividly rendered FOR THE HUMAN EYE!

[Image: 825joke.png]

A blended MIX of CARTOONY AND REALISM STYLES into one utlra pristine look in BREATHTAKING 1080P!

[Image: 838joke.png]

Last Day: REMASTERED will launch LATER TODAY! Yes, LATER TODAY! Every panel will be upgraded to STUNNING HD in a matter of HOURS! PREPARE YOURSELVES


Q: Wow, this looks great! Thank you for taking your valuable time to do this!

A: Thank you valuable customer!

Q: This looks terrible! You just put realistic eyes and noses on everyone and made them look really old!
A: That's not a question.

Q: Why are you doing this?
A: We aren't doing this. We already did it. It's happening.

Q: I'm scared. This is creepy. I don't like it.
A: None of those are questions.

Q: Is this some sort of April Fools Day prank?
A: No.</div>
[Image: tumblr.png] [Image: signature.gif] [Image: sig.gif]
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Hypotenuse Man.

I am all about some remastered duck.
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Samifer.

oh my god it's....................... HYPER-REALISTIC

last day: the creepypasta
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Absol.

They peer into your soul.
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Anomaly.

You're not charging for the premium service? Missed opportunity, I tell ya.
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Stickmeister.

Anomaly Wrote:You're not charging for the premium service? Missed opportunity, I tell ya.
I like the way you think. Get out of my office.
[Image: tumblr.png] [Image: signature.gif] [Image: sig.gif]
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Anthano Zasalla.

Sir I have a question

Is there any way we can improve the number of pores visible per panel? At the moment I see nary a pimple.
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Stickmeister.

Anthano Zasalla Wrote:Sir I have a question

Is there any way we can improve the number of pores visible per panel? At the moment I see nary a pimple.
Yes, you can access the settings for the number of pores visible per panel by going to Options > Settings > Preferences > More > Per Panel... > Pores

You can change the number of pores visible from 1 to 1,000,000.
[Image: tumblr.png] [Image: signature.gif] [Image: sig.gif]
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by SNeakyRobot.

Jennifer looks like Roseanne Barr.
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by distainfulCatalyst.

Dismiss those naysayers who say that this new style drops a bunker buster into the deepest depths of Uncanny Valley! I say it looks amazing! Awe-inspiring! The haunting depths of those eyes, the proud prominence of those noses, the skin detail that would make a dermatologist shed a tear of joy! I must support this! Start a Kickstarter at once! TAKE MY MONEY!
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Galaxa13.

Does that. . . Does that duck have a nose?
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Samifer.

haHa im done catching up with this so heres a duck


it's great and funny and also made me emotional during some parts and i'll draw something that isn't a duck soon promise
also i saw u telling people to nominate GRIMM for the mspa awards. why thank u
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Shadow Phoenix.

Caught up too! I'll post something useful later.
Originally posted on MSPA by symbolsWriter.

[Image: rx19ZML.png]
RE: Last Day
Steve Potluck (MSPAFA) Wrote:It's obvious what the plan will be. Each of you will take a role, one of which is throwing balloons and handing out balloons to your other party members, and the other person's role is to pull the fire extinguisher. I think the person roughly as wide as a pole would be better at evading while reaching for the fire alarm, while the other much stronger person would be better at throwing balloons.

[Image: 983.png]

"Let's say," Ted starts "that these two dots are us, like the 'You are here' thing on those mall help kiosks. We're here."

[Image: 982.gif]

"And here's all the cubicles, walls, windows, and whatever else. And then there's Manfreddie and the Janitor out there, and they're probably running around, but we'll put And..."

[Image: 984.png]

"There. That's the map of this floor, I think. I haven't been on this floor much, but it seems to be pretty similar to the one my cubicle is on."

[Image: 985.png]

"Then most of the floors are like this?"

[Image: 986.png]

"Not all of them. But most of them are like this. I don't remember which floor this is, though. I'm kind of just guessing."

"Do you know where the fire alarm is?"

"No, but it won't be hard to find."

[Image: 987.png]

"Then how can you be sure there's even a fire alarm in the first place?"


"I don't know, if the BOSS is cheap enough to use those crusty, old monitors, would he risk installing a fire alarm just for some jerk to pull it, activate the sprinklers and short out all the computers?"

"...Well, I don't know. I think it's law to install a pull system, but maybe he could have gotten away with it by just installing sprinklers. That's...huh. I'm going to look for it anyways, of course, but you could be right."

[Image: 988.png]

"And are the windows parallel to these cubicle rows?"

"I think so. Why?"

"Because that doesn't make any sense, design wise at least."

[Image: 989.png]

"The exit's up top, so the windows can't be there. But nobody in their right mind would make the windows parallel to the cubicle rows, it makes no sense. The entrances to the cubicles face each other, so when you're in the rows, you have absolutely no view of the windows. The cubicle rows would be perpendicular to the windows, so there's always a view of them except when you're in a cubicle. I think you have the direction of the cubicle rows wrong. Right?"

[Image: 990.png]

[Image: 991.png]

"I have no idea how I got by for two years straight without you, Jen."

"Awh, shush. I'm the same way too, you know. But...hmm..."

[Image: 992.png]

"So then what?" Jennifer says, "If there's no fire alarm, what do we do then?"

[Image: 993.png]

"Well, I'm going to be evading aren't I? I'm tall, and my arms are weak but they're pretty long I think. I could probably reach the sprinklers with a chair or something. I'll find the fire alarm, and if there isn't one then I'll find a way to set off the sprinklers. You didn't start smoking again while I was gone, did you?"

"No! I would never do that."

"Sorry, I just wanted to know if you still had that lighter on you." Jennifer shakes her head. "Yeah. It's fine, I'll find another way. I know a guy who smokes, maybe I could ask him. Hey, you never really told me, are you okay with fighting?"

[Image: 994.png]

"I...don't want to, but I know I have to. I'm not scared to do it, but I don't want to hurt anybody. As long as I'm not hurting anybody, I'm okay. I just throw the water balloon at them and they just...get knocked unconscious. If that's all it is, that's okay. It's just that..."

[Image: 995.png]

"It's just that it's my first day on a new job, and I fuck it up again, but on my first day. That's a new fucking record, okay! And what's bullshit is that we met up again for the first time in years, and it's on a day like this. I don't even know what the fuck is going on. Computers are fucking brainwashing people, Ted! They're turning them into monsters, and they're attacking innocent people! Why the fuck is this happening? Why is it happening to us, today? On my first day, and the first time I meet you in years. It's just...I don't know. I want to go home. I want everything to go back to normal. I want to live with you. I mean, this is the first time we've been together out of college. There's so much I want to do with you now and so much could happen today. You could die. I..."

[Image: 996.png]

"Jennifer. I know. I'm sorry, I don't show it much but I feel the same way."

[Image: 997.png]

"There's so much I want to do with you. I'm sorry all of this is happening. If I could stop it easily, I would. I want everything to be normal. I'm sorry I can't do that, and I'm really, really sorry you're feeling this way. And I can never apologize for disappearing either. But I know that we can do something about it if we try."

[Image: 998.png]

"We've both been through so much together, and we can get through this. I know we can. It's going to be hell, and yes, anything could happen. But I'm going to make sure that it doesn't. I wouldn't let anything happen to you."

[Image: 999.png]

"When this is all over, we can do everything we should have been doing for the past two years. So let's do it."

"...Let's do it."

[Image: 1000a.png]

That didn't exactly go according to plan.
[Image: tumblr.png] [Image: signature.gif] [Image: sig.gif]