Adventure Slimes!

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Adventure Slimes!
RE: Adventure Slimes!
Charge Lay Zebonz for use of my awesome OJ catapult. PROFITEERING!
RE: Adventure Slimes!
Amateurs. Bouillon spinds his wands around, creating a repelling shield for the fireballs to bounce back... He also hopes that the crossbow bolts are not aimed at him. Because then they'd catch on fire. Ow.
quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.
RE: Adventure Slimes!
Name: Dr. James Racecars, MD
Colour: #006400
Class 1: Doctor
Class 2: Action Hero
Weapon: Twin Cauterizers (medicinal laser pistols)
Why do you want to save this gal again: I'M THE KIND OF DOCTOR THIS CITY NEEDS
Signed: Godbot
RE: Adventure Slimes!
Sir Blobbington III, Esq. tosses his phone away in disdain. Commoners. It's no good now.

He keeps his backup phone put away and steps far away from Vora.
RE: Adventure Slimes!
Look around.
RE: Adventure Slimes!
Blargh! Sorry for not updating in a while. Turns out a joined up on this animation contest with a pretty close deadline, so that's taking up all of my time at the moment. When things are less crazy I'll get back to this. Mega-promise.
RE: Adventure Slimes!
[Image: Slime27.png]

The crossbow bolts narrowly miss the party!
One of the fireballs misses too.

Prince throws his Boomerang Crown and KILLS THAT GUY.

Kuolema deftly rolls out of the way and shoots a volly of poison arrows. One hits the mage!

Bouillon spins out a flame shield to bounce on of the fireballs back and kills the crossbow guy!

Sword guy knows what's up and promptly runs away, fast-times.


[Image: Slime28.png]

Sir Blobbington III, Esq. Throws one of his many phones away in disgust for the common slime. Vora eats that business right up.

Lay ZeBones proposes using one of his zombies as ammo! Honest Jim demands cash-monies for the use of his premium catapult however.



[Image: Slime29.png]

Work on the bridge is almost complete! The flying zombie kinda just thuds into the wall like an idiot.


[Image: Slime30.png]

emaN finds the edge of the map. Turns out it just tapers into space. Go figure.


[Image: Slime31.png]

[Image: Slime32.png]

Bubblegum, Dr. James Racecars, MD, Cerulean, Slimecop and Zed of squad C crash into action!
RE: Adventure Slimes!
Send a zombie out to mow lawns in order to pay the catapult fee. And tell him to grab a new bag of Chee-Z Puffs while he's at it.

Oh, and tell the flying zombie to fly up to the roof.
RE: Adventure Slimes!
Vora crosses over and begins eating the castle facade.
[Image: xwldX.gif]
RE: Adventure Slimes!
> Summon mini-bridge?
RE: Adventure Slimes!
Sir Blobbington III, Esq. doesn't bother to stop the commoner filth from crossing the mostly-complete bridge. If they slip and fall to their death, it's their own fault.

He throws a few dollars at Honest Jim for use of the catapult. These lowlifes really undercharge for their services.
RE: Adventure Slimes!
Cerulean Interjects! the Zombie's flight with an "Oi!"
RE: Adventure Slimes!
Slimecop does some sleuthing to find a weak section in the roof.
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
RE: Adventure Slimes!
Mini-bridge seems sensible, yes. I am also gonna try to lop a fireball at swordsy there, we don't want him running for backup.
quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.
RE: Adventure Slimes!
Keeeeeep haaaaaunting.
RE: Adventure Slimes!
I'll shoot some arrows at the swordguy just in case someone misses.
RE: Adventure Slimes!
Zed zaps a wand of digging at the castle's roof!
RE: Adventure Slimes!
Dr. James Racecars puts on a pair of shades and walks away from the rocket, prompting it to explode and make a hole in the roof.
RE: Adventure Slimes!
Eman meditates on what a perfect universe would be like for a while, before finally coming to his conclusion. Eman sets to work conjuring a whole new universe in the empty space, where everything's soft and safe.
RE: Adventure Slimes!
Honest Jim turns the catapult/orange juice stand into a gate and hauls it over to in front of where the bridge is going to be.


I will accept I.O.U.s
RE: Adventure Slimes!
Bubblegum infects the nearby slimes with FRIENDSHIP