FAQ me up

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FAQ me up
RE: FAQ me up
Did you know there exist at least twenty species of swallow exclusive to the African continent, such as:

Greater striped swallow
Lesser striped swallow
Black-and-rufous swallow
Pied-winged swallow
Grey-rumped swallow
Red-breasted swallow
Pearl-breasted swallow
Red-chested swallow
White-throated swallow
White-tailed swallow
Wire-tailed swallow (nominate subspecies)
White-throated blue swallow
Blue swallow
Mosque swallow
Forest swallow
Angolan swallow
Ethiopian swallow
West African swallow
South African cliff swallow
Red-throated cliff swallow
Preuss's cliff swallow
RE: FAQ me up
It's pretty new. Not a lot of reading at the moment, I'd think.

Actual question:

Who wants a Krabby Patty at 3 in the morning!?
RE: FAQ me up
Did you know there exist at least twenty species of swallow exclusive to the African continent, such as: {snop}?
No, I did not.

Who wants a Krabby Patty at 3 in the morning!?p
An insomniac with an empty belly.
RE: FAQ me up
do you like plantains? i think of them as Bizarro potatoes since you still have to fry them but they taste SWEET
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: FAQ me up
what is my horoscope?

what is your horoscope?

what is a horoscope?
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: FAQ me up
who is horoscope?
RE: FAQ me up
How does one attain confidence?
You can buy it cheap at a nearby bulk store. Alternatively, you can order confidence seeds and grow your own.

do you like plantains? i think of them as Bizarro potatoes since you still have to fry them but they taste SWEET
I have never had them before, although I do like bananas.

what is my horoscope?
Find a penny, pick it up. You're going to need luck to survive through the week.

what is your horoscope?
The stars forgot you existed. Punishment pending.

what is a horoscope?
The absolute and undeniable truth.

who is horoscope?
The truth is, I am Iron Man.
RE: FAQ me up
do you play any games by Blizzard Entertainment?

plantains taste nothing like bananas, thus, bananas will strike at you from this evening to tomorrow morning. how does this make you feel?
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: FAQ me up
do you play any games by Blizzard Entertainment?
Diablo 2 and Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne (but only custom maps, I don't like the real game).

plantains taste nothing like bananas, thus, bananas will strike at you from this evening to tomorrow morning. how does this make you feel?
Excited; I've always wanted to encounter attack bananas!
RE: FAQ me up
Who do you think won E3 this year, and why was it Nintendo?
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: FAQ me up
How goes your progress on achieving the coveted status of trash royal of shit town?
RE: FAQ me up
How did you steal the declaration of independence and can we have it back?
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: FAQ me up
Who do you think won E3 this year, and why was it Nintendo?
As we all know, Nintendo has been a dominant gaming company on the console for some time. This has gotten them many connections, and favours that can be redeemed when Nintendo best sees fit. When something like E3 comes up, all Nintendo has to do is pull a few strings to make the magic happen.

How goes your progress on achieving the coveted status of trash royal of shit town?
Not well, I'm afraid. Currently I'm very busy, but I need to hunker down and get some of those challenges done or I'll always be a shit commoner of trash can land.

How did you steal the declaration of independence and can we have it back?
I just walked in like I owned the place, picked it up, shook hands with the museum manager, and walked out. Also no, you can't. It makes a very good, very large coaster for all my double plus sized drinks.
RE: FAQ me up
What does 42 mean?
RE: FAQ me up
What does 42 mean?
Congratulations! It means you're our lucky winner! Please report to the head office to pick up your prize.
RE: FAQ me up
Where is the head office?
RE: FAQ me up
We know you keep heads there. We're coming. What is your ideal form of torture?
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: FAQ me up
What is the question that you most wish people would ask you that hasn't been asked yet?
RE: FAQ me up
What's my prize
What do you think of mars
RE: FAQ me up
Where is the head office?
The top floor of the main building, obviously.

Why was Saddam Hussein so fixated on arab superiority anyways, it didn't work out yet he kept on it so what's up with that?
It is hard to determine any human’s true motivations (aka I don’t know).

We know you keep heads there. We're coming. What is your ideal form of torture?
I’ve always wanted to be burnt with a blowtorch.

What is the question that you most wish people would ask you that hasn't been asked yet?
Would you like a croissant?

In the grand scheme of things what do you believe to be the purpose of the two moons of mars, demios and phobos?
Additional points in cosmic pool for the gods.

And furthermore what is Neptune planning?

For that matter why is the andromeda galaxy so complacent in this?
It has bigger issues than some little blue planet.

What's my prize?
A surprise!

What do you think of mars?
They’re okay I guess. I can’t say I really know them.
RE: FAQ me up
Would you like a crossaint?
RE: FAQ me up
neptune can't be planning war, mars is the god of war. what is your zoodiac [sic]?
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: FAQ me up
Would you like a crossaint?
Yes, please!

neptune can't be planning war, mars is the god of war. what is your zoodiac [sic]?
RE: FAQ me up
Besides a croissant, what is your favorite French pastry product?
RE: FAQ me up
Besides a croissant, what is your favorite French pastry product?
Hmm, a puits d'amour.