Write-Off! (NEW VARIATION? Taking signups!)

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Write-Off! (NEW VARIATION? Taking signups!)
Re: Write-Off! (Will Smith Edition!)
I'm done too. Mine's also pretty long.

Re: Write-Off! (Will Smith Edition!)
I liked Ixcaliber's more. It felt less rushed, probably due to the longer paragraphs and less rapidly-advancing plot.
Re: Write-Off! (Will Smith Edition!)
Yea, I am in agreement with Chwoka on this, but I do feel that Fogel had a better ending and that rap off was majestic ;A;
Re: Write-Off! (Will Smith Edition!)
Apparently I won this somehow. Blankaloupe

Anyway yes round three. As fogel said it can be me versus someone or two new people. Whatever people want.

I believe Woffs expressed an interest in participating in this round?
Re: Write-Off! (Will Smith Edition!)
I'd like to storywrite if that's possible!
Re: Write-Off! (Will Smith Edition!)
I'll provide characters!
Re: Write-Off! (Round 3 awaiting volunteers!)
Re: Write-Off! (Round 3 awaiting volunteers!)
I was up for the challenge, but I guess if Sols wants to I'd be glad to wait a round and provide a plot instead, actually.
quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.
Re: Write-Off! (Round 3 awaiting volunteers!)
We could just go head to head rather than foyt ix if that's fine with you and him?
Re: Write-Off! (Round 3 awaiting volunteers!)
I s'pose I could figure out a plot if no one else minds.
Re: Write-Off! (Round 3 awaiting volunteers!)
I'll step aside and let you guys have at it if you want.
Re: Write-Off! (Round 3 awaiting volunteers!)
Well sure, anything is fine by me. I'm just in it for the funtimes. Sols, you're on then!
quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.
Re: Write-Off! (Round 3 awaiting volunteers!)
woooooooo rite foyt nite!
Re: Write-Off! (Round 3 awaiting volunteers!)
SOL Vs. WOJJ WRITAN FOYT! place yer bets here!

Anyway Fogel has sent characters. We're waiting on Goddles and Cyb to send me their parts and then I'll post them and this thing can happen.
Re: Write-Off! (Round 3 awaiting volunteers!)
Sent in my plot.
Re: Write-Off! (Round 3 awaiting volunteers!)
Characters from Fogel:


Setting from Cyb:


Plot from Goddles:


Looking forward to this.
Re: Write-Off! (Round 3 awaiting volunteers!)
wow guys what amazing renditions we have here but maybe we could get a couple other stories out of this too
Re: Write-Off! (Round 3 awaiting volunteers!)
So lets maybe get eight interested parties and do a little tournament.

We could have eight writers, for each round two would write, three would judge and three would write plot, setting, characters.

That is unless we have enough people for dedicated judges.

So the first round would go like:

Game: PCS: Judges
(1 v 2 ) (3, 4, 5) (6, 7, 8)
(3 v 4 ) (5, 6, 7) (8, 1, 2)
(5 v 6 ) (7, 8, 1) (2, 3, 4)
(7 v 8 ) (1, 2, 3) (4, 5, 6)

Of course we'd randomize the entries and we're all friends here so I think it would work. But if anyone wants to volunteer to be a dedicated judge then you can sign up for that as well (thus no significant conflicts of interest).

Anyway I'll go ahead and sign up.

1. btp
2. GreyGabe
3. DragonFogel
4. cyber95
Re: Write-Off! (Round 3 awaiting volunteers!)
I'll throw my hat into the ring! This kind of thing is pretty much always fun.
[Image: j5xngn.jpg]
Re: Write-Off! (Round 3 awaiting volunteers!)
I'm always up for more writing. Sign me up!
Re: Write-Off! (NEW VARIATION? Taking signups!)
mmmkay just 5 more to go!
Re: Write-Off! (NEW VARIATION? Taking signups!)
I am in like Bob.
Re: Write-Off! (NEW VARIATION? Taking signups!)
woot! we now have enough for a mini-tournament! which would be terrible and boring in comparison but I'm pretty sure we can find 4 more people

Though someone should really mention this in IRC when people are on (and I am at work) and we can get things moving pretty quickly.
Re: Write-Off! (NEW VARIATION? Taking signups!)
I was thinking about it, and there should probably be a word count cap for each round. Comparing a 2000 word story vs a 8000 word story would sort of be like sending in different class fighters. More words doesn't mean better writing, but if people started to get overly competitive about it (which is something I tend to do), having a word count limit could prevent ridiculously long entries.

I'm thinking about 3500 to start off with (based off Ix and DF's last entries) and maybe 4000 for round 2 and 5000 for the final round.
RE: Write-Off! (NEW VARIATION? Taking signups!)
So I'm bringing up this thread because MrGuy and I just did one of these. Here's what we were working with!

Characters, by Pharmacy:

Setting, by Agent:

Plot, by Pick Yer Poison:

MrGuy's story:

My story: