Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim

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Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
Re: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
Collection and distribution occurs, as does movement to the next room.

[Image: Dub7m.gif]
Okay so we have...
Three Armed Fudgesicle Mooks, a Vertically Gifted Fudgesicle, and Fat Fudge Franko.
Oh, and a chest!

Let's Rock the Rink.
>Select Weapon

Re: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
>Fudgemook 3 for me. I'll probably try to trade him out for the Vertically Gifted mook by the end of this battle.
Re: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
I'mma roll Assault Rifle this time, I think.
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
Re: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
Battery Powered Hairdryer awaaaaaay Whoa
Re: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
I'll use the giant nail.
Re: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
Ice cool baby.
Re: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim

[Image: RqAOn.gif]

Time to (re)start this thing.

Re: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
I start bashing the nearest mook that I'm not equipped with.
Re: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
Re: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim

Somewhat incongruously, use Chill to boost allies' urgency and deal MELT damage to fudgsicles (as frozen milk has a lower melting temperature than ice).
Re: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
Re: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
HitmanTech: Icicle Infiltration

((I infiltrate my icicle pick into the back of the Vertically Gifted Fudgesicle, all hitman-style so I avoid the three mooks))
Re: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim

[Image: vSJ0X.gif]
Gerado and "Sticks" perform their moves first, the former gaining ULTRA TANK STATUS, along with an intense White Knightly Parry Move that automatically makes him take hits for close-by allies who are low on health and the latter raising the accuracy and ammo of his weapon through sheer CHARISMA. Marco whomps on the Shotgun Mook.

[Image: FwlQR.gif]
Before the fudgemooks counter, Totes' Rainbow Rave kills their initiative, and cuts their chill by a considerable amount. James gets his stab on, however, he'll have to be weary about Fat Franko! (Five Chill Per Turn to maintain invisibility.)

[Image: Rll3U.gif]
On that note, it seems that the removed chill has been tunneled
into the chest over there...

Re: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
I'm going to hit the Shotgun Mook hard enough to knock him into one of the others. Maybe Vertical so I can daze him and hopefully get a nice weapon upgrade next turn.
Re: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
Use Embezzletech: Redistribution of Health to siphon enemy hitpoints into that treasure chest.
Re: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
Shank the tall one some more, as chill reserves are still in the ice cool range.
Re: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
I'm gonna put myself between Tasermook and Sticks and rush Tasermook, using my giant nail like a lance.
Re: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
Charismatech: Who made that man a gunner?

[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
RE: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
[Image: j3KOe.gif]
Totes prepares her attack and James continues with the shanking, silently following the Tall Mook and dealing that damage.
Gerardo moves in for the charge, the Mook sees it coming and prepares a counter!
Marco wacks that dude so hard he drops his weapon!
The Vertical Fudgesicle and the double pistol Fudgesicle let bullets loose while "Sticks" moves in for his own set of shots.
Fat Fudge Franko continues to move around.

[Image: DLSHc.gif]
Totes let's off her Embezzletech!
Gerardo and his target move let off hits, but with the boost it is obvious that Gerardo is coming out on top.
The disarmed Fudgesicle is knocked into the Vertically Gifted Fudgesicle!
"Sticks" pew pews.

Fat Fudge Franko seems to be preparing something...

RE: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
Uh-oh. Looks like we need to distract Fat Franko.

Think he'd be interested in a used guitar?
RE: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
Aim for the guy with sunglasses. No one can challenge my cool.

Maybe Fogel could throw one of us at Fat Franko?
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
RE: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim

Naturally, I volunteer to be thrown at Franko.
RE: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
All right, I'm game for that kind of ridiculousness.

I throw Gerardo at Fat Fudge Franko.
RE: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
Embezzletech: Boom and Bust for an explosive area attack
RE: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
Shanktech: Spinal Tap

Disable that tall guy aww yeah.