Chester Mafia Requiem: CHEST IN PEACE

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Chester Mafia Requiem: CHEST IN PEACE
RE: Chester Mafia
Quote:00:10 *** soundlyParanoid joined #eagletime
00:10 soundlyParanoid so uh
00:10 *** Ix|gone is now known as Ixcaliber
00:10 soundlyParanoid can someone let wheat know I'm going to need a replacement for chesterfia? My laptop kind of broke down.
00:11 soundlyParanoid so I'm currently without a computer
00:12 Jacquerel I can tearfully post this in the topic I suppose

Boo hoo
RE: Chester Mafia (Will start tomorrow/whenever enough confirm)
RE: Chester Mafia (Will start tomorrow/whenever enough confirm)
Firm confirms~
RE: Chester Mafia (day one)
Btp comes in and
EATS > 2 hotdogs
DRINKS > a beer

Yeah bitches more food for me.
RE: Chester Mafia (day one)
Eat > Steak
Drink > Beer
RE: Chester Mafia (day one)
Drink a soups, chug a soda, claim daycop, got a guilty on me

Vote: Schazer
RE: Chester Mafia (day one)
Welp this seems pretty cut and dry. Lynch Schazer

But before we quickhammer does anyone want to chat and/or make out with me?



I'm so alone.
RE: Chester Mafia (day one)
Daycop eh? Sounds SUSPECT.

Better investigate


RE: Chester Mafia (day one)
I'll grab a burger and soda, which I consume whilst mulling over what to do.
RE: Chester Mafia (day one)
I'll have a hot dog and a soda, and CONVERSE with Coldblooded.
RE: Chester Mafia (day one)
Eat some Burgar
Drinks some some a beer

I... you... dauedaed

Drape self and begin smooching on mirdini
RE: Chester Mafia (day one)
Ok but no seriously my role is hilarious but also liable to seriously stymie the game if we don't get rid of it.

This is my running both with scissors and without pants. My pants have been hung inside-out on the Communal Chesters' Washing Line (really a bit of tow rope between some trees) to ensure that absolutely nothing is kept in them in the realm of "things left to the imagination".

I am a force to be reckoned with, and by reckoned I mean swung. Because I am a swinger. Who will happily make out with all prospective parties provided this lunatic role is taken care of sooner rather than later.
RE: Chester Mafia (day one)
Imma gunna lynch and smooch mife mri MIRDONI
until i am fucking well and ready
RE: Chester Mafia (day one)
Well I do declare that this crime against Chesterhood will not stand. Chester Nobblock was an upstandin' citizen and while his guitar mighta squeaked worse than a gaggle o' mice killin' him over it was a step too far I say a step too far in the direction... OF MURDER. An' ah swear I will find these nefarious Chesterkillers with the expertise mah years of gamin' the biggest game have afforded me. No Chester is safe, no Chester sacred (unless you're Pastor Chester but I don' think he's here with us God bless his soul).

But to do that I'm gonna need some prime steak in mah belly.

Eat: Half a Steak
Drink: A Soda

Vote: Solaris
Converse With: Solaris
RE: Chester Mafia (day one)
My oh my if this Chesterdame ain't a far more interestin' proposition than this here Chesterdrunk.

Strike the previous Conversing with Solaris from the order list
Converse With: Schazer
RE: Chester Mafia (day one)
Invest final AP point in a permanent set of drunken tears out of PURE SORROW
RE: Chester Mafia (day one)
I'm calling SHENANIGANS on the grounds that Schazer posted nary

THREE POSTS after I had started CONVERSING with her.

I demand either the return of my AP or some punishment on the aforementioned conversation breaker.

Also VOTE: btp because two can play that game. You dog loving tail suckers.

Besides it's worse to kill a regular Chester than a Non-Chester.
That's not scummy behavior, that's just poor logic.
RE: Chester Mafia (day one)
I'll have a steak and a beer, then sit back and watch things going on for now :P
RE: Chester Mafia (day one)
Eat: Hot Dog
Drink: Soda

Schazer's clearly going for an early win. That or she has on-lynch shenanigans she's trying to trigger.

Me, I'm going to Vote: Waterbottles for being my scumbuddy.
RE: Chester Mafia (day one)
> USE Irredescent Juice / Hot Dog
> EAT Hot Dog
> DRINK Soda

"HOLD EVERYTHING" yells Chester D. Whateverhisnamewas, spraying half-chewed delicious chunks of bread and questionable chunks of irredescent sauce(?)-covered hot dog meat(?) in all directions and onto nearby bystanders and farby farstanders alike.
"We're all Chesters here and someone's dead blah blah who cares WHAT IF THIS FOOD ISN'T SAFE? WE MIGHT ALL DIE."
Once again producing his condiment(?) bottle from his pocket(?) he tries to pour it into an as yet unconsumed bowl of soup.

> USE Irredescent Juice / Soup

RE: Chester Mafia (day one)
I'll consume a hotdog and a beer. I will also vote for bobthepen for either trying to stifle Schazer or eventually masonize himself with her. Or steal things from her? I kind of forget how all these inhibitulations work.

Still she's being crazy and I don't want to vote for someone who wants to vote for themselves, but I am suspicious of someone trying to Do Things to that craziness.
RE: Chester Mafia (day one)

>USE: Camera

*mutter mutter*must document this atrocity*mutter mutter*
RE: Chester Mafia (day one)
STIFLE OR MASONIZE? Gross. Why would I even want to do that?

RE: Chester Mafia (day one)
Loneliness I can't feel anything.
I don't know where I am anymore.
I think I saw a squirrel.
I don't know how long it has been since i was HORRIBLY SHUNNED but I can't think straight.
Who am I?
I just do not know.
Oh wow what is that feeling
RE: Chester Mafia (day one)
Why not eat this soup, it might make you feel better

Hmm? Hmm?