Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [Epilogue: Restoration]

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Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [Epilogue: Restoration]
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [29/??]
all in on TIS-100.
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [29/??]
damn it paranoia

also going all in on TIS-100
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [29/??]
(01-08-2016, 03:26 AM)Supernerd Wrote: »How are points refunded if an odd number of points are used? For example, what if someone bids 1 point on something?

Even though technically it can be abused so that you get free one point bids, gonna say we'll round up to be nice. Unless it's a one point bid.
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [29/??]
I'm putting everything on Dishonored - GotY edition.
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [29/??]
Also because that's 90 goddamn games, I could blurb about less-well-known titles I'm familiar with, in case people haven't heard of any of them and want to pick up something unfamiliar? (If the hosts want to crosspost this to the other forum please go ahead)

Listed in rough order of processor intensity:

Cave Story+ is a HD remake of a classic metroidvania (download the original for free here.) Coded, illustrated, and soundtrack'd by one very talented individual, it's got cool characters, a fine selection of weapons, branching endings, and kickin' chiptunes. The HD version has remastered music and graphics (you can toggle to the classic look) and a few other dongles.

Undertale is familiar to most here, probably, being The New Homestuck. It's an RPG like Earthbound with a hefty side helping of self-awareness, masterful musical scoring, entertaining dialogue, and general videogame deconstruction. Without ruining too much for someone coming into it clean, combat incorporates bullet hell mechanics which can require a fair bit of coordination (depending on your playstyle, of which the game accomodates several in a self-aware way). If you haven't played Undertale yet, please chuck a bid on it here!

Dino Run DX is another remastering of an old game; the original is a 2D sidescrolling 2007 flash game.. You're a velociraptor (in a hat!) fleeing shockwaves of meteoric doom and looking retro-cool doing it. If you go try that and enjoy it, and would like a more stable build with multiplayer, further updates in the works, and more hats this is probably a good bid?

Trine is a platformer-puzzle game that was languishing in my inventory for a while, and similarly it's been a while since my laptop didn't graunch on its dressed-up graphics. I think? You have three different characters? With different abilities that you have to switch around to progress through a level.

80 Days is realtime interactive fiction/CYOA adaptation of Around The World in 80 Days. You plot a journey around the world, juggling luggage as you buy and sell luxury goods to top up your funds, carousing with locals to discover routes to new cities, and keeping your excruciatingly British master, Phileas Fogg, affable and alive. You'll only land in a fraction of locations in any given run, so it's got a lot of replayability! My recommendation is to hit up the North Pole at least once.

Crypt of the Necrodancer is a roguelike crossed with a rhythm game. Dive into a procedurally generated tile-based dungeon, kill monsters, avoid getting killed by monsters, do everything on the beat. The in-game music is solid but you can load in MP3 files and play with those instead (if you're a shitnerd like Dini you can even play exclusively to Space Jam remixes). One of my personal faves, hence why I donated it.

Monaco is a top-down co-op game where you gather a team of heistin' specialists (8 archetypes, with different skillsets like the hired muscle Cleaner, the security-foiling Hacker, the master of disguise Gentleman, and the seductress Redhead) grab the loot, and make a quick getaway. There's a plot where you revisit scenes/maps/levels to get a different character's motives at the time, and it's awesome fun to play with friends while cussing at each other in a parallel skype group.

Risk of Rain is a 2D platformer-roguelike, where a cargo transporter (full of goods you might find and commandeer to survive) crashlands on a planet of hostile aliens. Find the teleporter on each level (there's a randomised+finite selection of maps, so you'll become familiar with them in time), survive the bumrush, and find your way back to the ship. There are a shit-ton of different items, a suite of (unlockable) characters who each play drastically differently, and hard-to-access collectibles called Artifcats which totally change up the game mechanics. It chugs a fair bit toward endgame as mobs (and your killing power) increases, but multiplayer is also a fun option.

Awesomenauts is like DOTA or League of Legends or something, but on more of a sidescrolling platformer kind of arena. You're space mercenaries defending your power core while trying to take out the opponent's. It's pretty dece and I would play more if my computer wasn't a toaster? Loadouts options unlock as you accrue experience from taking part in matches, and there's probably a bunch of other new features since I last played it.

Endless Legend Collection - Endless Legend is a turn-based 4x strategy game, with 8 unique factions who all play quite differently, strategically speaking. (Making custom races by mix-and-matching factional traits is also doable). It's really pretty and I'm looking forward to booting up my copy once my new computer ships in? It's by Amplitude Studios, who make a bunch of pretty games that I would also recommend. This Collection's got all the DLC as well, so this is a total steal if you like pretty strategy games.
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [29/??]
I would like to put 3 points on every game please.
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [29/??]
Granola no
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [29/??]
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RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [29/??]
Oh also: how will the draw for games with multiple copies work? Will you give away all copies of the game in one go if it makes the Top 4 for the round, or distribute one copy, return the points, and let people rack the bids up again for the additional copies?
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [29/??]

Uhh, Pala?

(01-08-2016, 07:14 AM)Schazer Wrote: »Oh also: how will the draw for games with multiple copies work? Will you give away all copies of the game in one go if it makes the Top 4 for the round, or distribute one copy, return the points, and let people rack the bids up again for the additional copies?

The second option, definitely. One copy will go to the victor, all points will be redistributed, and then the other copies can be distributed in the next rounds.

Unless of course, the games are so popular that people decide to bid specifically on copy #2 or #3 of a game. But at the end of the round, the individual copies have to be among the most popular to be distributed, of course.
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [29/??]
Guns of Icarus Alliance Mode isn't out yet so I think it's just the pvp copy of the game?
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [29/??]
Yeah, it's a Steam game so it's almost definitely the PVP copy. Can't access my steam inventory right now but I'll correct any possible mistakes when I can.
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [29/??]
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RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [29/??]
I'm putting 200 on 80 days and 100 on Dino Run DX.
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [29/??]
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RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [29/??]
Current Talley, Add 3 to Each Because Granolaman is a Monster Edition:


Also, Guns of Icarus is the Collector's Edition on Steam.
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [29/??]
200 on Ori, 100 on TIS-100
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [29/??]
Somebody please explain why TIS-100 is getting 1000 point votes. It's like SpaceChem but in Assembly code?
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [29/??]
Just popping over from chocpi to point angrily at the numbers and indicate that it is AgentBlue, not bigro, who I am competing with for the big ol' Dishonored GotY edition.
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [29/??]
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RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [29/??]
(01-10-2016, 02:24 AM)Demonsul Wrote: »Just popping over from chocpi to point angrily at the numbers and indicate that it is AgentBlue, not bigro, who I am competing with for the big ol' Dishonored GotY edition.

Also pointing this out.
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [29/??]
All in on Dork Sales.
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [29/??]
Alright, so here are our top six! Sorry for the delay but my internet's been shitty which makes updating complicated.


First off, we've got TIS-100, the up and coming dark horse that's broken all records by getting 1000 points! Don't let the fact that everyone is getting 3x as many points take away from this important achievement.


Next up we have the equally competitive Ori and the Blind Forest, which though sitting 200 points lower had two more bidders.


Third is Dark Souls, which jumped up after a last minute bid that I'm accepting because I was so late to update.


Tied with Dark Souls but in fourth place due to alphabetical nonsense, we have Dishonoured GotY Edition.


Fifth we've got Age of Mythology (the first copy, anyways). Though this game's bids are more skewed than the others it's still anyone's game!


Finally, we have Civilization V, eking out Risk of Rain by virtue of having more bidders on it. Don't let the (comparatively) meagre 300 points fool you, this game is just as competitive as any other here.


And the remnants:


RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [Round 2: Fight]

200 on LISA
7 on Teslagrad
6 on La Mulana
2 on Saints Row IV
3 on Hotline Miami
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2016 [Round 2: Fight]
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