Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!

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Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Raphael picks up the remnants of the Great Ball, then sadly walks over to the prone body of Gastly 6 (two west, two south) and picks up the broken Premier Ball. Slowly, with melancholy, she tries to piece them together.

Then she realizes she doesn't even have the tools, or more importantly, the ability, to do that.

Because she's a failure.

The pieces of pokeball in front of her blur as a lump forces its way into her throat, forcing the tears to the very edges of her eyes. She tries to blink them away, but some escape. She wipes them with the back of her sleeve, and staggers one south to the nearby tree. She leans against it and slides to the ground.

Gabby A moves two west and three south, ducking under the Ally Gastly. because they float right D: He rests a small white hand on Raphael's shoe, comforting her in any way he can.

Gabby D also takes the hint, and moves five west. He considers using Confusion on that slimey dude, but opts for comforting sad trainer instead.

Gabby B can't see anything because of tree, but come on, Psychic pokemon. He moves five west anyway.

Apparently Gabby C wants to investigate the dead Gastly though. It moves one east and two north, and gives the gaspuddle a poke.

Agen Wrote:also all the gabbies leveled up yay

RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Natalie levels up! Point to SDEF! Natalie learned Haze!

Molly levels up! Point in SATK.

Tori's "shit is going on that I know about but similarly should have no comprehension of" Radar goes off, somewhat ameliorated by a beeping from her Pokedex.

She spends her turn fishing it out at arm's length like it's gonna explode, before it helpfully informs her her bird is not smoking from its mouth as an imminent sign of death.


Tori glances around, sees only the unidentified sludgepile a ways off, and shrugs.

"Natalie, use Haze."
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Clifton looks around uncomfortably, pats Riff on the head, and recalls her to her pokeball immediately. He approaches Bastion. "Hey, kid, uh... sorry about that whole... thing. Kinda hectic. Um."

He proceeds to shuffle over to Raphael and sit down next to her, placing his hand on her shoulder. "Hey, don't worry about it. It's not an exact science, y'know? You have to keep trying."
Riff didn't level up because I was referencing the wrong thing WHOOPS
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Marc gives Tori the evil eye for killing a pokemon.

And then they run over to help Sturm in his fight against the Grimer. (Owei left 4, Marc up one and left three)

If he can, he uses Frantic Research on the Grimer.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Sturm idly wonders what that valkyrie is planning to do with all these ghosts, but he's more concerned with running over to his horse and returning him to his pokeball.

Sleipnir levels up! Point to SATK! Sleipnir learned Set Yourself On Fire!
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Bastion kicks Cliffton.
Then he starts to go toward Slepnir and Sturm for ANTIDOTES and get a closer look at that other pokemon.

Hrothgar moves downways too.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Raphael mopes all the way towards the broken Pokeballs and picks them up.

Clifton recalled Riff.

Marc looks up the slimy pokemon, and gets immediate information. Grimer! Poison type, weak to ground and psychic, blah blah blah. "It's so infested with germs, that wherever it passes is unable to ever grow any plants ever again ever." It goes on to claim that it's created by pollution being exposed to "The Moon's X-Rays."
It currently has 17 HP.

Sturm quickly recalls Sleipnir!

Bastion kicked Clifton!
AC: 1d20=2
And misses! WHATEVER he starts heading down!


Natalie used Haze! The fog in the air thickened!
All combat stages were negated.

Gastly headed over towards the Grimer to maybe give it what for.

The Grimer used Mud-Slap on Sturm!
And missed!

Two more Grimers crawled from the sludge pool!

yeah that was less than exciting BUT INTRIGUING PERHAPS?

You can smell something really bad.

[Image: lhILE.png]

RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Clifton gags and storms down south. "What the hell is going on over here?"
He also brings out Calloway just in case.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
This is extremely unsanitary!

Sturm attacks Grimer 1 with his axe, namely because he really doesn't want to use his fists for this. He also pokedexes it, if possible.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Owei moves down 2, left 2, and Marc moves left 1, down 2, and left 1, making sure to step around the fallen Gastly.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
"Sturm, you should use one of these," pointing to an Antidote, "On Slepnir before he gets too injured!"
Bastion then opts to use one of his Premier Balls on the first Grimer!!!

Hrothgar continues his descent downward, following the Gastlybro.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
"Uuuuuugh what the hell are you kids and you viking doing.

Natalie, you all ok? Go head in their direction and lend a hand. If, uh. You don't have a nose or something. I've still got that other bird bastard if you don't want to..."
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
(07-27-2012, 11:36 PM)Solaris Wrote: »"Sturm, you should use one of these," pointing to an Antidote, "On Slepnir before he gets too injured!"
Bastion then opts to use one of his Premier Balls on the first Grimer!!!

Hrothgar continues his descent downward, following the Gastlybro.

If using an Antidote isn't a full-round action, then Sturm uses one on Sleipnir.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Raphael just stares through red-rimmed eyes at the emerging piles of sludge. The Gabbies, however, take the initiative, and coordinate a well-planned battle strategy no wait Gabby D just uses Confusion in Grimer 3, yippee for super effectiveness

Gabby B moves four west and gives Raph a huggles. Gabby C moves one east and gives the puddle another poke. Gabby A stays where it is, and also huggles.

The pokedex witters on about Grimers as Raphael stares at the piles. She fishes out the last Premier Ball she has, and toys with it.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Calloway was sent out!

Sturm brandished his axe against the Grimer.
AC6: 1d20=9
Damage: 1d8+4+4+4-7=12
Grimer 1 took 12 damage!
Using an Antidote would take up his Trainer Action, so he doesn't this turn.

Bastion threw a Premier Ball at the nearest Grimer.
Cap Check 75: 1d100=23
[Image: jWmSo.jpg]

Grimer was caught!
You know the deal. Name your monster.


Natalie thinks for a moment and starts flying towards the fray.

Gastly * used Hypnosis on Grimer 2!
...but it failed!

The source of the nasty smell becomes apparent, as a gigantic pile of sludge crawls into the area. It seems like it's got some metal thing emedded in it.

Gabby D moved in range of Grimer 3 and used Confusion on it!
AC3: 1d20=12
Damage: (2d8+8+4-6)*2=30
It took a bunch of damage!

The pile of former Gastly does not react to Gabby C's prodding.

Gabby B is unable to move as far as he'd like, due to Hrothgar being in the way, and stops short of Raphael.

Grimer 2 sludged its way up to Gabby D and used Pound!

Gabby D vanished!
Damage: 1d6=3
Real!Gabby took 3 damage!

Grimer 3 used Poison Gas!
Gabby, Hrothgar, Owei, and Calloway all became poisoned!

[Image: WzzjA.png]

RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Bastion cheers gleefully at his new friend, naming him Groop, before realizing that Hrothgar is in POTENTIAL DANGER.
However, when he moves to that space above Calloway, he stares at his owner with a stare of with spite.

Hrothgar moves one space up and uses POUND on the Grimer, which is sure to inflict LOTSO PAIN.

RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Raphael gasps in horror! She uses an Antidote on Gabby.

And then she sees it. The slime. The purple ooze trying to force its way out of the swamp. The glint of faint light on the metal embedded in its pungent, putrid mass.

It is mocking her.

-and she can't do anything about it, she realizes, and slumps again.

But a moment a fire was lit in her heart. A moment a spark of indignance tried to make itself heard amidst the dark clouds of failure, of fear...

And she knows that if she is going to catch something today, with her final ball, it will be that....slime bigthing.

She Pokedexes it so that she feels less stupid.

"Gabby A! One north, four west!"
"Gabby B! One east, three north. Be safe."
"Get back here, Gabby C!" (five west)

She stows the broken balls in her pack, and holds her final one. There isn't any angry drive fueling her limbs, nor some kind of belief in justice. All she wants now is all or nothing; she can fail, totally, here and now, and get nothing. Or she can try, make her way, bend the world...

oh who am i kidding she is scared and trying too hard not to cry and she just wants this over with
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Clifton screams like a little girl and hides behind Marc, poking his 'dex around the side to scan the horrible sludge beast.

After remembering that oh yeah his sheep is in trouble, he yells "Calloway! Tackle the one-"

He then hears Marc and shakes his head. "Okay, change of plans! Two meters north, one meter west! Tackle that... sludge thing guy!"
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
"Oh wow, is that a Muk?!"

Marc runs over everybody's heads to take pictures of the Muk.

Marc Turn Go!!

- Marc shouts "Um, hey could I maybe have Grimer 3? I kinda called dibs on Grimer and then everybody's trying to catch one, it wouldn't be fair if I were the only one to not get one..." except it comes out as a mumble.

- Marc runs over and throws a Premier Ball at it anyways.

- Marc pokedexes the Muk.

Owei Turn Go!!

- Owei moves left two.

- Owei uses Hypnosis on Grimer 3.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Sturm rushes Grimer 2 and attacks it with his axe, if he can reach it in a turn. If he can't, he uses the Antidote on Sleipnir.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG

Tori groans and makes her way toward the fighting.

"Natalie, Pursuit on the one next to the pink blob!"
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Raphael used an Antidote! Gabby is cured of poison! Hooray!
She'll pokedex the large sludgy thing in two turns.

Same for Clifton. Minus the antidote dealie.

Marc throws a Premier Ball at the nearest Grimer!
Cap Check 75: 1d100=58
Doot doot doot. Doot doot de doot doot de doot.

Marc also used his Pokedex on the large slime creature! It's a Muk, a poison type, evolved from Grimer. At the moment it has 56 HP.

Sturm went axe crazy again.
AC6: 1d20=6
Damage: 1d8+4+4+4-7=9
The Last Grimer took 9 damage.


Natalie used Pursuit!
AC3: 1d20=11
Damage: 1d12+6+11+4-7=16
The Grimer took damage. What do you want from me?

Gastly used Mean Look on the Muk!
It is unable to escape!

Muk crawled forward, and the device embedded in it started sparking!
Muk groaned a bit in discomfort as the device sparks more violently!
It used Shockwave on Hrothgar!
Damage: 2d10+8+9-4=30
Hrothgar took 30 damage!
Gastly got caught in the crossfire -- It took 27 damage! It isn't looking so good...

Grimer 2 used Pound on Sturm!
Damage: 1d12+6+9=16
The viking took 16 damage!

Calloway is poisoned! He lost 2 HP to the poison!
He also used Tackle!
Damage: 2d8+6+5-7=10
Grimer fainted!

Hrothgar gained 144 EXP.

Everybody else on the field gained 120 EXP.

Owei is poisoned! He lost 3 HP to poison!
Owei tried to use Hypnosis -- but his target is missing! Owei didn't do anything.

Hrothgar is poisoned! He lost 4 HP to poison!
Hrothgar's target is missing, but he sees the Muk is close enough to hit!
AC4: 1d20=1
And misses anyways.

[Image: mUMW8.png]

RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Sturm roars at the top of his lungs and fiercely sends out Sleipnir at a safe distance from the swamp wizard. He somehow gets across that he wants him to use Ember again.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG

Tori has a think about things which might be "good" against a giant pile of sludge, and is kind of fucked for ideas. She scans it in her Dex anyway in case it spits out something useful.

"Natalie... wait for that thing to come a bit closer. Then, uh, Mirror Move? Whatever that does?"
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Bastion recalls Hrothgar, and tells the Gastlbro to go farther away and that he promises to heal him right after the giant slimy thing goes away.

Bastion considers his options as he looks at the hulking creature and at his friends and that demoted-to-less-than-friend Cliffton and decides that he really doesn't want the goop thing to hurt his new friend or anyone else except maybe Calloway and Cliffton and moves two spaces left with the intention of not letting the Muk pass.