TAKE X (6-5-17: The End)

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TAKE X (6-5-17: The End)
RE: TAKE X (6-3-17 (again))
[Image: FgEB8NE.png]

Your name is Duximas. You can feel the familiar rush of your domains, which means that you are, once again, the Goddess of Danger and Adventure.

The last thing you remember is everything getting all hot and crinkly while you were on the mountaintop. You're not sure what all that was, but it seems to be over now.

You look around. Looks like you're in the Centrality's main foyer.
[Image: 6LGz4x9.png]
RE: TAKE X (6-3-17 (again))
>Cautiously scout around
RE: TAKE X (6-3-17 (again))
>Don't let your guard down! You don't know what the One Goddess did after bailing on the fight, but it probably wasn't harmless. She could be waiting to strike at any moment!
RE: TAKE X (6-3-17 (again))
I feel like we need to find Palmer, but I don't know if Duximas would consider him a priority at the moment.
RE: TAKE X (6-3-17 (again))
Do you detect any strong sources of Danger and/or Adventure?
RE: TAKE X (6-4-17: Watchful eyes)
[Image: FgEB8NE.png]

You're on your guard, naturally, but you don't sense any danger here - at least not any more than the normal baseline reading of the Centrality. (It comes with the territory whenever you're around Ithria.)

[Image: woVMGLO.png]

You can feel the presence of all of your colleagues - your friends. They're all alive again. It almost feels like the Centrality is humming. You can even sense Monitor - the old Monitor.

It's been ages since you last felt anything like this. You have to admit, you hadn't realized exactly how much you missed them all, even the ones who got on your nerves. Not to name Alpani's name or anything.

[Image: F6AytlC.png]

You think you'll go track down Mihtas first. Maybe you'll spend some time helping her tend to her garden once you've sorted everything out.

On your way there, you notice that Krytikas' door is open. That's pretty rare, so you look inside.

[Image: B7YzWyF.png]

Krytikas and Meion are both in there. There's a brief moment where you almost lose your composure at seeing Meion again. You ask them what's going on - what they're doing.

Meion starts in on what would undoubtedly be a pages-long explanation (at least pages-long in his books), but Krytikas cuts him off. "I'll catch you up soon," she says. "But for right now, we're watching the mortals. Just to be sure."

[Image: vK7c473.png]

You decide to join them. Who do you take a look at first?
[Image: 6LGz4x9.png]
RE: TAKE X (6-4-17: Watchful eyes)
>Giovanni Abategiovanni
RE: TAKE X (6-4-17: Watchful eyes)
RE: TAKE X (6-4-17 (2nd update): Trial and error)
> Select Makram and Giovanni.

[Image: xQ5aVCN.png]

Your name is Makram Amjad, and it's just about time for court to start. Your client today is your partner, Giovanni Abategiovanni. Giovanni's been accused of theft from Knives Plus, the only knife store in town. Luckily, he has an airtight alibi, and you've got mounds of evidence. The Vezretti court system is legendary for handing down the right verdict every time, so the two of you might even be able to make your dinner date tonight at that new steakhouse, A Better Place.

With a grin on your face, you enter the courtroom. Time to get this done.

[Image: eYkb3m3.png]

Your name is Giovanni Abategiovanni. You're nervous like nothing else, but you have every confidence in Makram. Plus, your sister even showed up for moral support, and she lives across the ocean in Erdric.

"Even though it was early, the humidity rolled in with all the presence of a show-stopping musical number," you say to Makram as you wait for the trial to start. "It was enough to make you feel like you'd just gone for a swim."

Makram smiles. "There'll be more than enough time for narration once we get you that not-guilty verdict."

> Select Justice.

[Image: BsIveLj.png]

Your name is Justice Steele, and you've just made it big. Your expedition into the Emek Archipelago was an unparalleled success - and you've published the mysterious journal that you collected while you explored, complete with your annotations.

It sounds like everyone is dismissing the journal - which you titled 'Secrets of the Past' - as bunk, but that hasn't stopped it from being wildly popular. To be fair, as you yourself are a conspiracy theorist, you know your target audience well.

[Image: vkMPaHY.png]

You earned enough money off of the publishing deal to be comfortable for the rest of your life. You buy a modestly-sized house. Truly, you are living the dream.

[Image: KgDftDE.png]
[Image: 6LGz4x9.png]
RE: TAKE X (6-4-17 (2nd update): Trial and error)
Uh, dang. Are we supposed to recognize blondie there? Is that one of the people who got killed in Sienna's magic contest revenge rampage?


Anyway, >check out Ione Raptis
RE: TAKE X (6-4-17 (2nd update): Trial and error)
>Raptis indeed
RE: TAKE X (6-4-17 (3rd update): Rapt attention)
> Select Ione.

[Image: uyBJYnh.png]

Your name is Ione Raptis. After a brief look over the court docket for the day - as always, there're very few cases - you return to Ms. Amata's side.

[Image: CahsApo.png]

"I don't know what I'd do without you, Ione," Ms. Amata says as the two of you head across the plaza. "You keep everything running around here so smoothly."

"Thank you, Ms. Amata," you say. "My only goal, as always, is to keep you safe."

"You certainly devote yourself to that task," she says.

She has no idea.

[Image: Z0RfdQ2.png]
[Image: 6LGz4x9.png]
RE: TAKE X (6-4-17 (4th update): I swear this character showed up before)
> Select Atarah.

[Image: OVTWbH4.png]

Your name is Atarah Shapiro. You've just been awarded the title of '10th Best Mage in the World' due to your results at the tournament that just wrapped up. The competition was fierce, but you edged out a mage named Nina Morena with your emotion-manipulation magic.

You thought you might treat yourself to a nice bag of fresh coffee beans for doing so well.

[Image: 9TEqoxC.gif]

What the--?

Your coffee's gone!

Oh well. You just buy a new bag. The people running this little shop have a few more available. They seem like respectable sorts.

[Image: vRDyvm7.png]
[Image: 6LGz4x9.png]
RE: TAKE X (6-4-17 (4th update): I swear this character showed up before)
Palmer sounds more like the Finale, so Shadan first
RE: TAKE X (6-4-17 (5th update): Stealing a glance)
> Select Shadan.

[Image: SKK8VKn.png]

Your name is Shadan Hamidi, and you've just stolen a bag of the freshest, most Grade-A coffee beans around. Your client over in Erdric hired you to restock her store. You're not sure she knew you were going to steal them, but that's not your problem.

[Image: wTMiZgt.png]

Business is booming. You might even have enough gold soon to fund your own store. Maybe you could stop thieving.

Well, if you're being honest, that'll probably never happen.

Maybe you could stop thieving as a career. Yeah, that sounds better. Everyone needs a hobby.

[Image: HzQdOGL.png]
[Image: 6LGz4x9.png]
RE: TAKE X (6-4-17 (5th update): Stealing a glance)
If we're holding off on the more central characters until last, then de Soren is the obvious choice.
RE: TAKE X (6-4-17 (6th update): Forrests and trees)
[Image: 2xWAK2X.png]

Your name is Forrest de Soren, and life has never been busier. Your father, the Guildmaster, had a brilliant idea the other day, and now you need to make sure the Guild is in tip-top shape for it.

[Image: WzFhVOt.png]

Your best friend, Sienna, is helping you clean up. Sienna's a bit of an oddball, but you've been friends for ages. Back when she first joined the Guild - it's coming on 10 years, now - you had the sudden realization out of nowhere that she was terribly lonely. Not to mention all those anger issues. It almost felt like you were compelled to try and make friends with her.

You shudder to think how she would have turned out if she hadn't had anybody to turn to all those years. Not that that's anything you need to worry about now, though. The two of you are thick as thieves. Or at least as thick as legitimate business owners.

[Image: EkCZPgP.png]
[Image: 6LGz4x9.png]
RE: TAKE X (6-4-17 (6th update): Forrests and trees)
>shit. lets be sienna
>Sienna: Purchase some good eats from Return of "Food"

Also, wait, de Soren, didn't you have a different best friend earlier? Or... was Palmer Blue's best friend? Or... was that Celeste? Man, it's been a while, and also history has been rewritten several times. Anyway, man I wonder what happened to that dude. Probably didn't get killed by some kind of horrible steam accident!
RE: TAKE X (6-4-17 (6th update): Forrests and trees)
I vote for checking in on Celeste.
RE: TAKE X (6-4-17 (6th update): Forrests and trees)
>Celeste first

Got to leave the best morsels for later
RE: TAKE X (6-5-17: Working together)
> Select Celeste.

[Image: 46GUbFW.png]

Your name is Celeste Aracely. Normally, this would be the time of day that you would work on repairs for the library, but you called out of work today so you could help repair the Guild. There was a lightning storm a few days ago and the roof caught fire - nothing too serious, but enough that the Guild had to close down for a few days.

[Image: hSCLYJd.png]

You wrangle a few of the townspeople to help you out, and the work is done in a snap. It's nice when people can work together.

> Select Sienna.

[Image: FY0Iyks.png]

Your name is Sienna Travler, and you're incredibly excited. The Guildmaster is inviting all the winners of the Top Ten tournament to the Guild. You entered, of course, but you didn't make it very far. Not surprising, given your relatively low magic skill, but it was worth a shot. You felt pretty bad about it initially, but once you got a chance to vent to Forrest it wasn't the end of the world.

You're hoping you can get some pointers from the winners of the tournament. There's always room for getting better.

It's about time for you to take care of your mission. You buy some "food" at one of Kuzman Dragov's stalls, then catch a teleport out to Eldarin.

[Image: W3kcnio.png]

Today, you've been tasked with going to Eldarin to visit one of the Top Ten personally - Sebastian Kruger. You invite him down to the Guild, and he enthusiastically accepts.

You get the feeling good things are in store for you.

[Image: y92Wz8F.png]
[Image: 6LGz4x9.png]
RE: TAKE X (6-5-17: Working together)
Palmer time.

(then Blue?)
RE: TAKE X (6-5-17: Working together)
>not preceding the command "Palmer time." with "Stop!"
RE: TAKE X (6-5-17: Working together)
Okay calling it now, Blue is dead or was never born, undoing everything that ever was caused by him, even if indirectly. Although I'm not sure how Sienna's murderfest was influenced by Blue. (Unless a hint was dropped that made her sociopathic and I completely forgot.)
RE: TAKE X (6-5-17: The End)
> Select Palmer

[Image: BY4oTVM.png]

Your name is Palmer Deadman. There's nothing like a good cup of coffee to start your day. Or to end your day. Or any time in between, really.

The past few... weeks? months? It was difficult for you to keep track. The past few periods of time have been wild. As far as you can tell, you're the only one who can remember. You figure that Raptis woman might, but you haven't crossed paths with her ever since the business in the Centrality.

You're not sure it matters now, though. Everything looks back to normal.

[Image: tUUKu6p.png]

That said, you did find yourself in possession of a new book that's been circulating around. Written by that Justice woman, no less. For some reason, all of the information within sounds really... familiar. You know you've never read it before, but somehow you know that it's all true.

[Image: aJByTia.png]

Most curiously, though, the back page has an inscription. It reads:

"Next time you're on a mountaintop, we should talk. There's something you should know."

It's signed "Kryt.".

Something to think about, anyway. You decide to catch a teleport back to Eldarin for now.

It's time to go home.

[Image: AcgFAkt.png]

> Select Blue.

[Image: 7W4BKUK.gif]

Your name is Blue Indivar. You're that guy in the blue there, you see?

...Well, that's probably not very helpful.

You're the cool-looking guy in the blue, there. The one in the mask. That helps, right?


You find yourself on the main road leading through your hometown, Eldarin. It's been a long time since you were anywhere near home - two years, you think? - and in the time since, you've gotten up to some wacky hijinks. There was the time you single-handedly beat up a crew of pirates after they tried to throw you overboard, for example. It helped that you did it while they were asleep, granted, but it still counts. Oh, and don't forget when you found the legendary Phantom Pyramid of the Rasaka Desert, though since it disappeared right after you found it, you don't have much in the way of proof.

But that's getting a little off track.

You happened to be in the right part of the world, so you decided to drop in on old Eldarin. Hasn't changed a bit.

[Image: rJDn9RR.png]

You climb up into the canopy and make your way to the very highest branches. Looking out, you can see the rest of the mountain range that surrounds Eldarin. It's a beautiful day - the sun is shining, and there aren't many clouds in the sky. There's a pleasant breeze blowing, too. This feels like the perfect day to just sit back and...


[Image: hvveBkM.gif]
[Image: 6LGz4x9.png]