TAKE X (6-5-17: The End)

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TAKE X (6-5-17: The End)
RE: TAKE X (1-25-17: Choices, choices)
Okay, obviously he has an ice shield. The obvious choice would be fire, right?

... but maybe that's a trick. Maybe it would be best to just throw giant boulders. Lots of them. It would avoid any weird self-negating element stuff, and it's efficient.
RE: TAKE X (1-25-17: Choices, choices)

if 'too far' is a mechanic, then surely 'artillery bypasses shields' is valid too, and he wouldn't be able to dodge at all
RE: TAKE X (1-25-17: Choices, choices)
You probably don't remember this, strictly speaking, but a long time ago- roughly five of them, actually- your fire magic really didn't work out too well against an ice spell. At best, your Last Chance would cancel out. If we want to melt through that shield without having our attack cancelled, we should use...

>Water- specifically, the sub-element of steam.
RE: TAKE X (1-28-17: Getting steamy)
> Access the sub-element choices for WATER.

[Image: spLlxUg.gif]

You select WATER, and it fans out into several sub-element options.

> Select STEAM.

[Image: 3K06ZaA.gif]

[Image: b1gLT4Z.gif]

[Image: s9mMde0.gif]

[Image: feOviGW.gif]

[Image: UCPVJNG.gif]
[Image: 6LGz4x9.png]
RE: TAKE X (1-28-17: Getting steamy)
>Take the LOOT

>Take his mask out of Pure Spite
RE: TAKE X (1-28-17: Getting steamy)
>Poke the loot with a stick first
RE: TAKE X (1-30-17: Baggage)
> Poke the loot with a stick.

[Image: C4jzLpI.png]

You poke the bag with a stick.

Something aggressively fails to happen.

> Take the loot.

[Image: PNjZMTp.png]

Inside the bag is Indivar's mask. Oh... joy.

[Image: b7qbcnf.png]

You try to ignore how sweaty it is as you stash it in your inventory.

You do not succeed.
[Image: 6LGz4x9.png]
RE: TAKE X (1-30-17: Baggage)
>You super duper sure that thing isn't an implement of the One Goddess?

It does have suspicious white pixel eyes, which have been her calling card... hm. Unless you need it for something, you should probably... bury it, or hide it somehow. In the interest of proper paranoia.
RE: TAKE X (1-30-17: Baggage)
Let's at least wrap it in the remnants of the bag, or some leaves from the bush nearby, or something.

Do we want to do anything with Blue's unconscious body? Bury him? Toss him off the island? Go into the temple, grab the whatever, then drag him in and remove the orbs keeping the door open?

Not that I'm ADVOCATING killing Blue or anything, but he's been a pretty persistent problem so far. Just saying.
RE: TAKE X (1-30-17: Baggage)
If we need an in-character reason not to kill him... well, it's probably going to alert the One Goddess if you do, and you're not ready for her yet.

Maybe we can get the ammons to drag him off somewhere.
RE: TAKE X (1-30-17: Baggage)
>Let the ammons guard him
RE: TAKE X (1-30-17: Baggage)
Just remember that killing Blue would allow the One Goddess to pick a new hero.
RE: TAKE X (2-1-17: Masking your feelings)
> Be suspicious of the mask.

[Image: aK0AaNQ.png]

On second thought, you pull the mask back out of your inventory. You have no guarantee that the One Goddess isn't tracking this somehow or something.

[Image: JZ7FJK1.png]

You wrap it in some leaves. Leaves are well-known for their signal-dampening effects, right?

[Image: EpvTtm6.png]

Now you stash it in your inventory. For real this time.

> Consider what to do with Blue.

[Image: bRQzi2W.png]

That just leaves Indivar. Getting rid of him would rob the One Goddess of her main conduit in 'mortal' lands, so to speak. On the other hand, without Blue, the One Goddess might just pick someone else to act on her behalf. On the other other hand, couldn't she just do that anyway? You're not 100% clear on how that works.

[Image: M1WpvKr.png]

You eventually decide to just let the ammons keep a (cold, unblinking) eye on him.

[Image: TbxFfLs.png]

With that settled, you venture back into the monument.

[Image: Qx75Rj2.png]

Once inside, you're faced with two doors.
[Image: 6LGz4x9.png]
RE: TAKE X (2-1-17: Masking your feelings)
If your enemy Ascended to godhood, you must

>take the descend door
RE: TAKE X (2-1-17: Masking your feelings)
We can SEE the outside of the building. Unless there's some very weird internal geometry going on here, there is far less to check out on the upper floor than the lower one, so I say we go there first. Though these may not be doors to the stairs... still.

> Check the door(?) on the right.
RE: TAKE X (2-1-17: Masking your feelings)
What Flairina said- the upper floor doesn't look too big, so we probably want to check that out first and then double back.
RE: TAKE X (2-1-17 AGAIN: Doors)
> Check the door on the right.

[Image: zNra6oQ.png]


You decide to check the other door too.

[Image: Zkl200l.png]
[Image: 6LGz4x9.png]
RE: TAKE X (2-1-17 AGAIN: Doors)
Hhhhhhhmmmm. Um. Do you have a light source you can use to illuminate the door on the left, see what's in there? Or are we talking just, straight-up magic inky blackness?
RE: TAKE X (2-1-17 AGAIN: Doors)
>throw a rock at both of them for science
RE: TAKE X (2-2-17: Staff meeting)
> Can you light up the door on the left?

[Image: rYUZbkm.png]

It's no good. That's some magical darkness right there. No telling what's in there from out here.

> Throw rocks into the doorways.

[Image: lfOpkBW.png]

You duck outside to pick up some rocks, then you lob them into the doorways.

[Image: Zkl200l.png]

Absolutely nothing happens.

At least not until you hear a voice from outside.

[Image: ECz4o6M.png]

[Image: Y1ypjj1.gif]
You worthless-- you lost again?! How many times is that now?! I am officially done with putting up with your uselessness!

[Image: Oy7ZRKz.gif]

[Image: Y1ypjj1.gif]
Now, where did that jumped-up little doppelganger get to?

[Image: vu4O5yG.png]

You get the feeling you may not have much more time to make a decision here. Impenetrable darkness... or blinding light?
[Image: 6LGz4x9.png]
RE: TAKE X (2-2-17: Staff meeting)
okay so suddenly going upstairs to a place that is smaller and there is less room to run around and escape from a deadly goddess who wants to kill you is, not, so much, a great idea

RE: TAKE X (2-2-17: Staff meeting)
Yep, guess we're going down then. Or at least somewhere it seems like we'll be harder to find. Into the darkness with us.
RE: TAKE X (2-3-17: Descend)
> Descend.

[Image: IexGDRX.gif]

You enter the door obscured by darkness.

[Image: TWpOUfF.gif]

It feels like you've blacked out, but only for a moment. You... do not know where you are.

You hear a voice, though. It's one that sounds faintly familiar to you, but you don't know why. "Travler," it says. "What, have you come to finish the job?"

You start to make an objection, but the voice continues. "Wait. You're... not her, though, are you? Even though you clearly are."

You feel a hand on your shoulder. "Either way, I have to begrudgingly thank you," it says. "You've opened the pathway for me. Now to see what she does next..."

> Chapter complete!

[Image: A39LvTm.png]

[Image: NRQxVqh.png]

Your character select screen currently shows the following--

Wait, hold on a moment.

[Image: mQqDSuV.gif]

[Image: 3wBbXMw.png]

That's better.

Your character select screen currently shows the following:

Duximas Peteia, master of the seas;
Palmer Deadman, demonslayer;
Celeste Aracely, expert crowd control;
Justice Steele, miracle woman;
Giovanni Abategiovanni, wall buster;
Makram Amjad, best defense in Vezretti;
Shadan Hamidi, navigator of the forgotten;
Sienna Travler, mage of mystery.

[Image: 6LGz4x9.png]
RE: TAKE X (2-3-17: Descend)
>Duximas, Palmer, Justice

Time for a divine revenge, a true hero, and some miracles
RE: TAKE X (2-3-17: Descend)
Duximas, Palmer, Sienna.

Really only seems fitting. If this is in fact the "final chapter", we probably want the two void characters. And how on earth could we consider leaving Duximas out?