The thread for flipping shits (and tables)

The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)



RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
(09-17-2012, 01:30 AM)SleepingOrange Wrote: »Muh




RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
Not having any leisure time isn't trivial, sparky.

I feel for you and hope that you can get out of the house soon!
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
I ate whipped cream from the can last night without feeling bad and it felt like cheating at food.
quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
I dunno Supes I can't imagine a self-esteem boost bigger than a cake made of cookies that's bigger than your head.
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)

dysphoria is bad enough already

stop giving me dreams of magical transformy planes
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
I have all the panels I need to update the adventure I was looking forward to starting up again.

But my scanner suddenly broke.

And the price of a new one is ridiculous. I could probably afford one by November, but I was hoping to update before the nomination deadline for MSPAFA.

Pretty stupid thought but it would have been good.

I guess there's always my savings account? Or commissions, but I severely suck at them and can't attract business anyway. I owe at least three people drawings, all of which were kind of commissions I guess.

woo self pity party
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
I'm so fucking annoyed with about half my classes and I know it'll get better next quarter when I get a bit more choice but for now it's just ugh.

So fucking tedious and irrelevant to my interests. A lot of it's redundant, too.
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)

quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
I don't


Have the tools

To deal


RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
Not going to be able to afford books next semester, let alone tuition.

It's been a month. You said you'd hire me. But then you never called me back. So today I called, and they told me to call back next Monday. Really, what's one more week?
Beep Beep
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
My phone isn't charging properly and I'm unsure what the problem is, but it's possible that the port for the charger is fried, in which case I need to either take it in for repairs (an extreme pain in the ass unless I can bum a ride off someone, and probably expensive) or get a new phone altogether (definitely expensive, also a pain in the ass by virtue of losing my contacts and shit).

It's fine, though, it's not like I use it for all my scheduling and fairly often to keep in touch with people OH RIGHT.

e: AND THEN IT WAS FIXED??? Phones confuse me.
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)

Laptop charger has died without explosion or explanation. My new one arrives in 7 days at the earliest.
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)

why does my favorite class, and the only one that has taught me anything relevant to my major, have to be at eight o'clock in the fucking morning

this is driving me fucking insane
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
So the main avenue people used for organising groups for our final year group project was Facebook for some reason and I sent this guy a message because he needed a programmer that seemed like it could be me, didn't get a response and so joined someone else's team.

Except as it turned out he did reply, on the very same day even, and totally wanted me on his team. Facebook just decided not to display the message until now, an entire week later. I even checked my inbox multiple times prior to today just to make sure, before I was forced to assume he couldn't think of a nice way to say "no".

I know for a fact that everyone ended up getting full groups and everything so he didn't end up assuming I was in and not getting any more programmers but this is still incredibly embarrassing, I don't know whether to send him another message now or just act like nothing ever happened.
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
just uh, tell him the truth? like really it shouldn't be a big deal, it's not e
ven your fault?
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
"Can you hurry up and skip to the conclusion?" Excuse you?

Uhm, maybe trying to fit another speech into the last few minutes of class was a bad idea? I better not get marked off for a rushed ending and lack of a solid conclusion. I could understand if I was rambling, but that was the best speech I've given all semester, or it would have been if I had gotten to finish. >:[
Beep Beep
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
someone explain to me how the fuck in this magic age of nigh constant information and communication someone as old as fifteen years old can somehow fuck up calling her mother's work to say that she's going to be two fucking hours late from school

i just ran through an entire high school trying to find her
and OF COURSE when she is home before us she is all "well the phone was disconnected how could i call to tell you guys i was home :<" when SHE STILL SHOULD AHVE BEEN HOME TWO HOURS BEFORE AND SHE HAD THAT TIME WITH HER FRIENDS WITH WORKING PHONES TO CALL US Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
ever have one of those days where a reoccurring nightmare begins to creep into reality and the only person you can talk about it with is the same person who is causing it to happen and they just ignore you? makes you all kinds of cray cray.
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
That sounds more like voodoo witchcraft sorcerizing or hallucinogens than uh

Anything I have every experienced
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
Welp. Noodles and I broke up. After three years or so. Really kind of sucks, and I went pretty crazy there towards the end. Maybe I'll share more of it later, but now I have to work on clearing out my brainspace. What will I do with all this newly freed attention?
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)


bob noooo

has a hug

there's really no more to be said

/me huggles