Grand Battle Post-Tracking And Incentives Thread

Grand Battle Post-Tracking And Incentives Thread
RE: Grand Battle Post-Tracking And Incentives Thread
Wait, wait, battles updated? I guess I have to actually give a status report.

Season 1 (S1):
None this week.

Season 2 (S2):
Intense Struggle Season 2 [ISS2] - 1 post (MalkyTop)
The Phenomenal Fracas [PF] - 1 post (SleepingOrange)

Season 3 (S3):
None this week.

Season Intermission (S!):
None this week.

Season Unknown (S?):
None this week.

So, two posts in two battles, after a way-too-long period of inactivity. I guess this would be a good time for everyone else to start thinking about posts, too. Including me, even though I have the last post in most of my battles. Everyone give Malky and Slorange a big hand for pulling through.

Also, good to see you again whoosh! Sorry we missed your arrival in IRC.

And a general reminder that there's still a few hours to get a post out for this week.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Grand Battle Post-Tracking And Incentives Thread - by Dragon Fogel - 12-28-2014, 03:20 AM