The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 3: Ark of Hope]

The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 3: Ark of Hope]
RE: The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 3: Ark of Hope]
Augustus had lost everything. He had been stripped of rank, and his followers were back on the Oh Two Oh. He couldn't even take solace in the thought of judging this world once he succeeded; from what their captor had said, that work was largely already done.

All he could do was focus on his task. If he could only retrieve the Ark, he would regain his status and Azungrada's favor. No doubt it would be well-guarded, but surely he could overcome the followers of a false prophet.

His first plan was to find a cultist's room and claim their robes, eliminating the body if necessary. However, his search was cut short when someone tapped him on the shoulder.

He turned around to find a woman dressed in what seemed to be a more ornate version of his own robes.

"Where are you going, Junior Acolyte?" she asked. "The ceremony's beginning soon. We've got enough problems tracking down stragglers from the new converts without our own wasting time wandering around."

Augustus was taken aback, but he was also quick to recognize an opportunity.

"My deepest apologies," he said. "I took a wrong turn, and was trying to find my room so I could reorient myself."

The woman shook her head.

"Pathetic. You'd best shape up quick, Junior Acolyte. How do you expect to make it through the Ascenscion if you can't even find your way to the deck?"

Augustus hung his head in shame.

"I will prove myself worthy," he said. It sounded sincere, largely because he wasn't really directing it at his interrogator.

"Hmmph. Whatever, come on. The Savior doesn't want to put off his speech much longer."


It was unusual for the Ark's passengers to go above deck - it was perfectly safe, Alvarez had assured them, but they could still see the thick gas surrounding the ship. There didn't seem much point in going outside just to witness that dreariness.

But today was a special day, or so Alvarez had declared. Today was the Last Confession.

Nobody was sure exactly what that was, not even Alvarez' closest followers. More than a few of the plane's passengers suspected that this was the part where it turned out that yes, they had been forced into a death cult after all. The more optimistic thought that perhaps this would involve Alvarez opening the Ark. One contrarian figured that this was just a fancy way of Alvarez admitting he'd made the whole thing up.

Only Alvarez himself knew the true reason. And he was growing impatient.

"I said I wanted everyone here," he said.

"We apologize, O Savior," said High Acolyte Agri. He was easily twice Alvarez' size, but it was clear which of the two was more intimidating. "We could not find all of the new converts. We have gathered as many as we could find, and all of the acolytes of course."

"Then I suppose I must settle for that, for time grows short. The absentees shall simply have to suffer the consequences of their heresy."

He walked up to the pulpit, and waved Agri away. He looked over the assembled crowd; he could see some whispering to each other.

He grabbed the microphone from its stand.

"Be silent!"

Everyone stopped talking. Augustus was startled by the authority in the man's voice; even despite his own strong faith, he felt compelled to listen.

"As I have made clear these last few days, this is the Last Confession. Sadly, not all of you have made it here for this final chance to cleanse your sins, but it cannot be helped. For the Ascension is coming very soon, and you must be prepared for it."

Alvarez turned his eyes upwards to the sky.

"You cannot see the moon through this thick smoke, but let me assure you it is nearly full. In but one more night, we shall see the seventh full moon since the end descended upon us. That shall be the time of the Ascenscion. I have spoken of it much, but it is only now that I can tell you what it truly entails."

He looked over the crowd again.

"I have told you time and again that this horrible fate came about because of the sins of man. Man challenged nature, and nearly destroyed both with his own hubris. We on this ship are the last of humanity, and we still bear its sins. I have told you this all many times. What I have not told you is the true cost of purifying ourselves."

Some in the crowd started to murmur, but they stopped before Alvarez spoke again. He did not even need to make another admonishment.

"No, I am not asking you to kill yourselves. But what I do ask will be no easier. For the truth is, the world shall be reborn, and there will be no place for humanity in it."

He turned his eyes to the sky once again.

"Tomorrow night, under the full moon, we must renounce our humanity and ascend into beings of nature. This will require absolute faith. To those of you who we rescued - I did not ask you to convert because I sought authority over you. I asked you to convert because it was your only chance. Anyone who does not pass through the Ascenscion will not survive into the new world."

He paused, and looked at the crowd. There were looks of surprise, even among his own acolytes. He had known it would not be easy for them to accept, but they had to know.

For his part, Augustus was unsure to make of all that, save that he had only until the next night to find where Alvarez kept the Ark.

By contrast, the other contestant in the crowd found the speech had given him considerably more to think about.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 3: Ark of Hope] - by Dragon Fogel - 07-13-2014, 04:58 AM