Grand Battle Post-Tracking And Incentives Thread

Grand Battle Post-Tracking And Incentives Thread
RE: Grand Battle Post-Tracking And Incentives Thread
Hello, another week's gone past and there have been some posts.

Season 1 (S1):
None this week

Season 2 (S2):
None this week

Season 3 (S3):
None this week

Season Intermission (S!):
Morituri te Salutant [Mori] - 1 post (Ixcaliber)

Season Unknown (S?):
The Daunting Affray - 2 posts (AgentBlue, Truegreen)

Three posts in two battles, again none in the numbered seasons. I guess we're largely coming off our recent activity high. Either that or those of us still on it are tackling harder and more time-consuming posts. I myself have a BRS2 post in progress that I'm probably not going to finish in the next hour or so.

There's still some time for other people to finish posts and count towards this week, of course, so feel free to do that.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Grand Battle Post-Tracking And Incentives Thread - by Dragon Fogel - 03-02-2014, 05:36 AM