The Warlords of Krahl - A Collaborative Writing Adventure

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The Warlords of Krahl - A Collaborative Writing Adventure
RE: The Warlords of Krahl - A Collaborative Writing Adventure
The plan was hatched in the Amethyst Tower - one of the few strongholds against Krahl, taken from them by the very elementals they summoned.

It was clear by this point that Krahl had an interest in the lands of Bren that went beyond mere political territory. While most of Krahl's conquests ended with a warlord marching into the capital and forcing the current ruler to surrender, Warlord Gring had adopted a different approach. His siege engines utterly destroyed the capital without any attempt at negotion, and then his army continued past the ruins until they reached the abandoned Brynwynd Keep.

Under Gring's oversight, the Keep was converted into a prison and soon began taking on prisoners from all over the Empire's vast territory. This was puzzling, as many of the prisoners hardly even seemed important; rumors started to surface that something more was going on at Brynwynd. The stories told of everything from sacrifices in a dark ritual to slave labor on a massive engine of war, but no one outside of loyal Krahlians had ever returned from the Keep to confirm a tale.

Yet all the stories had one thing in common. Whatever Krahl was doing in Brynwynd, it was of great importance to them. Stopping it would deal them a great blow.

The plan soon came together when someone realized there was a very simple way into Brynwynd - as part of a prison convoy. There was debate on the exact method of infiltrating it, but after a while it was settled, a small convoy located, and the plan was soon carried out.

Now, as a result of that plan, five adventurers are somewhere in Brynwynd Keep, hoping to defeat Warlord Gring and stop whatever scheme Krahl hopes to accomplish here.


Messages In This Thread
RE: The Warlords of Krahl - A Collaborative Writing Adventure - by Dragon Fogel - 01-23-2014, 04:17 AM