The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 3: Ark of Hope]

The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 3: Ark of Hope]
RE: The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 3: Ark of Hope]
The Apprentice did not fully appreciate the consequences of his sudden change of venue.

He did not realize, for example, that the Controller had placed this particular world in storage for a particular reason - to render it inaccessible and undetectable to outsiders.

Because of this, he could not have realized that he had just removed those carefully-placed defenses, and dimensional passages that once lead to that world would now function again.

And even if he had realized that, it was highly unlikely he would have realized that a transdimensional probe had entered one such passage microseconds before the other end closed, and had been wandering for what would have been eternity if the exit hadn't suddenly reopened.

Of course, the probe was largely redundant. By the time it transmitted its results, the recipient had already seen the Apprentice's introduction, and taken particular note of the man calling himself 'Alvarez'.


Another thing the Apprentice did not fully appreciate was the physical position contestants might be in at the end of a round. Augustus had been unable to move, and as such had found neither the time to pick himself up off the ground, nor to clean up the pages of the Encyclopedia scattered around him.

Neither matter, however, concerned him as much as the disapproving face of Azungrada glaring down at him. He did not even need mental contact from his god to know the reason why - simply put, he had failed. Augustus scrambled to his feet only long enough to kneel properly and then grovel.

"O Great Destroyer, I beg of you! Give me another chance to serve your glory!"

Augustus looked upwards for a reply, his terrified expression reflected in Azungrada's gemstone eyes. The god made no move, simply glaring back at him for several minutes before its words finally echoed into Augustus' head.

You are pathetic. Cowardly. Incompetent. And yet, you served me well before this contest. It is in light of that service, Augustus Grey, that I grant you one final chance to serve me.

"I will not fail you, O Azungrada!"

Our host spoke of an "Ark of the Gods". The item within is undeserved in any hands other than mine - including yours, wretch. You will find this Ark, and either bring it to me or guide me to it. Succeed, and you may continue to serve as my Arbiter. Fail, and there will be no second chances.

Augustus nodded weakly.

"I understand. I shall not fail."

You had better not. And do not dare to open the Ark yourself. Even if you still had my favor, you would be a mere unworthy mortal.

"Yes, O Great Destroyer." Augustus bowed as deeply as he could upon the floor. "I will bring you the Ark, prove my worth to you, and then I shall call your judgement down upon this world."

Azungrada was silent. It had said all it needed to.

When it became clear there was no more conversation to be had, Augustus rose, slowly, and then noticed his miter on the ground before him - no doubt fallen off while he was groveling. Instinctively, he reached for it.

He heard the faintest hissing, and pulled his arm away. Azungrada's intent was clear - Augustus was no longer the Divine Arbiter.

Dejecting, Augustus turned away, fervently hoping he could regain his god's favor before that accursed reptile found out he had lost it.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 3: Ark of Hope] - by Dragon Fogel - 12-16-2013, 05:12 AM