Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Four: City of the Dead)

Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Four: City of the Dead)
RE: Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Four: City of the Dead)
"Well done, everyone. You did an even better job than I expected."

The Fool glanced at the contestants, now gathered in his sanctum once more, then glanced through a dimensional window at the still-falling Flux Core. Or rather, the Flux Core that would have still been falling if everything hadn't been frozen in place.

"I'm sure you're all eager to find out what happens next, but I'm afraid your roles in this story are over. No, you're about to take part in a new one."

The Fool waved his scepter, and in the space of an instant, the surroundings changed to a grand city, blanketed by a gloomy sky.

"I'm sure you've all given some thought to what happens when you die, especially considering most of you will be dealing with it sooner rather than later."

The Fool raised his hand slightly, and the still city began moving once again. The contestants, still paralyzed, could only watch as the citizens began crowding around them. Some were nothing but bone, others had rotting flesh, and still others floated through the streets as though no one else was there.

"Well, for the people of this city, death is only the beginning of a new life. There's no one story for how they ended up this way; there are as many stories as there are people. Some changed by their own efforts, others only avoided the grave by chance. But whatever the reason, they all have one thing in common."

The Fool began drawing on the ground with his scepter, and forced everyone's eyes towards it. The image of a mob with pitchforks and torches appeared, and was soon accompanied by the image of an assortment of frightened undead creatures.

"The living feared them. Despised them. Drove them away. And so, in hopes of leading a more normal unlife, they made a new home for themselves - this place."

The Fool tapped the ground twice. The city froze again, and the images vanished. He turned everyone's gaze towards him and raised his hand.

"Welcome to the City of the Dead."

With that, the Fool snapped his fingers, and scattered the contestants through the city.

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RE: Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Four: City of the Dead) - by Dragon Fogel - 12-02-2013, 11:29 AM