Pete the Peasant's Alphabet Funtime

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Pete the Peasant's Alphabet Funtime
RE: Pete the Peasant's Alphabet Funtime
(12-09-2012, 04:48 AM)MrGuy Wrote: »Bribe him with Anything you've got!

Er, all I seem to have is this dagger. And the turnip, but I don't know what letter it starts with. I also have the clothes on my back, but I doubt he'll be interested in those. Oh, and this dirt that I shaped into a beard.

Well, it's worth a try. Kurt the Knight, if you let me go I'll give you this fine dagger!

"What would I want with that? I've got a sword! And if I did want it, I'd just take it from you after I send you over to Terence!"

Oh. Good point... oh, wait! I do have one more thing to offer! I know ten letters of the alphabet! And I'll teach them to you if you let me go!

"What? Why would I care about that? I already know eleven letters!"

Eleven? That's amazing!

"The King made sure we were well-taught. He likes things that start with K, like Knights, so he taught us up to K so we could recognize those things."

I see! So K is for Knight!

You have taught the children about the letter K!
11/26 letters taught!

"Yes it is, and... wait, why am I just talking? I'm supposed to be arresting you!"

Oh, dear. I suppose I should do something about that.

"You could surrender!"

No I can't, I don't know that letter! Let me see...

(12-09-2012, 05:35 AM)btp Wrote: »hurl a brick!

Oh! I do know those letters! But where am I going to find a brick?

"Enough of this! Die, peasant!"

Whoops! That was close, he nearly hit me. Fortunately, I moved fast enough that he hit the wall instead!

"Arrgh! I'll get you, peasant! I don't even need my sword for this, I'll use my bare hands! Well, they're gauntleted, but never mind that!"

Oh dear. Wait, what's that loose bit on the wall?

It's a Brick! H is for Hurl!


"Eww! That's disgusting, peasant!"

That isn't what I meant to do... er... H is for Hit!


There. I hit him in the nose with the brick! Oh, but it shattered. A shame, it was nice to have another weapon...

Oh, wait, there's this sword sticking out of the wall. I'll just get it...

You do not know what letter this item starts with! You cannot use it yet!

Oh, that's right. Well, I'll just have to worry about that later. Now, the knights are out of the way, so what should I do...

(12-09-2012, 04:35 PM)Crowstone Wrote: »Fly Away

I can try it, I suppose. F is for Fly!

Oh. I seem to just be running away very fast. Just as well, I don't want to be around when someone comes across those knights!

But where should I run to? I need to get out of here, and I need to find more letters!

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