[split] The Return of Jester Mafia - GAME END!

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[split] The Return of Jester Mafia - GAME END!
RE: The Return of Jester Mafia - Day 2: A Vote For Fogel Is A Vote For Jesters!
Hello everyone. I’m back to running this game, which is the way it’s supposed to go. I’ve put that treacherous BTP in his place, too: on the player list.

With that all sorted out, let’s get this day started.

So everyone wakes up. Except for two people, because they’re dead.

Garuru was a house! And he wanted to host a big party! Each night, he could invite one player to visit him, making them go to him instead of their intended target. All players who visited him would be given a link to a Quicktopic for the next day; Garuru would have been able to see everything in there, but not talk himself.

He would win if, at any time, half the living players visited him on the same night. He was technically aligned with the town.

And the other dead person is Epamynondas, who... Hang on a minute, where’s the body? I’m sure there was a body a moment ago!

Epamynondas has mysteriously vanished.

Oh well, with that out of the way, we can get on with more important news! First off, there’s a trail of blood between cyber95’s house and Granolaman’s house! Isn’t that interesting?

Second, bigro is covered in soot. There’s probably a story behind that somewhere.

Third, Palamedes has “EPAMYNONDAS” tattooed on his forehead.

I guess that’s about it for major developments...


The Prime Minister of Jesterland has succumbed to a deadly virus! Because we have no actual succession rules, we’re just holding a spontaneous election for a replacement! All citizens of Jesterland, and noncitizens for that matter, are eligible to campaign!

Wait, what? The Prime Minister’s dead?

Well, this is an opportunity I’m not about to pass up! I’m hereby announcing my candidacy for Prime Minister! I’ll be the best Prime Minister of Jesters that Jesterland has every seen! We’ll have a government for the jesters, by the jesters, and of the jesters! Every jester will...

Oh, yeah, I guess you guys can campaign too. If you want to lose, that is. Hang on, there’s an application form to fill out...

Other Name:
No, We Meant Political Party:
Campaign Platform:
Favorite Animal:
How Drunk Did You Get Last Night:
Are You Now Or Have You Ever Been A Nonjester:
Do These Pants Make Me Look Fat:

Pretty simple, right? Anyhow, that’s everything, so get lynching! And also campaigning.


-Not The Author
-Purple Walrus

With 16 alive, it takes 9 to lynch. Deadline is June 9th at 8 PM Mountain Time.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Return of Jester Mafia - Day 2: A Vote For Fogel Is A Vote For Jesters! - by Dragon Fogel - 06-05-2013, 03:45 AM