Epic Clash - COMPLETE!

Epic Clash - COMPLETE!
Re: Epic Clash Round 4 - The Unholy Fortress
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

Spender stared into Thomas' eyes. They had turned completely black, no doubt the Nightmare's influence. None of the personalities were in control.

Spender was worried. This thing was probably SB rank or higher. And it held Thomas Packston hostage. And the cultists were eyeing him, no doubt waiting for an order from their newly-awakened god. Would he have enough coins to fight Khar'yion off, preferably saving Thomas in the process, and still challenge the Overseer? It seemed unlikely.

It made the fact that Glere had wasted his transformation coin all the more irritating.

As if on cue, a familiar voice from above shouted, "GERONIMO!"

Moments later, a fishbowl landed on the head of one cultist, and a headless body landed on another. Both fell unconscious at once. Then a familiar cape gently floated down, and a body slowly began to emerge from it.

As it did, the Nightmare in Thomas' body spoke.

"Retrieve that one! It is the other sacrifice I require to be whole. And subdue the other, but leave him alive for now. This one's mind tells me that we will lose our sacrifices if he dies."

The cultists obeyed. Three grabbed the cape before the body was fully retrieved. The remaining six advanced on Spender, as 'Thomas' simply grinned.

"I could capture you myself," the possessed man said mockingly. "But I'm afraid I wouldn't hold back enough. And I can't have you dying and making your friend the Overseer pull my sacrifices away when I'm this close."

Spender said nothing. He simply grabbed a spellcoin and activated it. He didn't expect it to be much use against the Overseer.

A large net of energy flew out, snaring four of the onrushing cultists. That left two, unless they wanted to leave Glere unattended. Spender reasoned he could take them without an additional coin, but he would have to be quick. The net was only temporary, and the other three would soon find a better way to restrain Glere.

Spender also had some new questions about Glere's nature, but he didn't have time to ponder them now. Rescue first, questions later. He rushed towards the cultists, grabbed the nearest one, and knocked him into the other.

That left the three holding Glere. Spender rushed forward, but the ground before him suddenly rose up, blocking his way. He turned back to look at 'Thomas', who was now laughing.

"I may not wish to kill you, but I do have other ways of ensuring the sacrifice goes through."

Spender cursed. He'd have to use another coin.

Or at least, that's what he thought before he heard the muffled noises from the other side of the wall of earth, followed by what sounded enough like "FIRE IN THE HOLE!" to draw the agent's attention. Spender ran away quickly, as an explosion blew away a portion of the wall.

Glere stepped out. He was shorter than last time.

"Dwarf. Not my favorite, but I was in a hurry to get something out and they tend to be strong." It seemed no other explanation was forthcoming; Glere seemed to expect Spender to figure it out himself.

And there was one detail that the agent had worked out, in fact.

"I thought I saw you before, without the cape."

"What? Ridiculous. Never leave home without it. I can't, really. Must have been Asteira in that body I gave her."

Spender blinked. "You what?"

"Well, she'd done such a good job trying to take it over, and I have spares... so, I thought I'd give her a little gift!"

Spender let out a sigh as an uncomfortable realization struck him. "Did it still have the spellcoin I gave you?"

Glere held a hand to his new fishbowl thoughtfully. "It might! I don't remember what I did with that. You'll have to ask her."

Spender groaned, then turned his attention to the cultists emerging from the now-dissipating energy net. It seemed the Nightmare's followers weren't finished yet.


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Re: Epic Clash Round 4 - The Unholy Fortress - by Dragon Fogel - 11-07-2010, 12:33 AM
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Re: Epic Clash - COMPLETE! - by Pinary - 05-12-2011, 03:01 AM
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Re: Epic Clash - COMPLETE! - by Not The Author - 05-12-2011, 03:40 AM
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