The Fatal Conflict (GBS2G7) (Round 4: The Huntsman's Garden)

The Fatal Conflict (GBS2G7) (Round 4: The Huntsman's Garden)
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

It took about five minutes for Zach to catch up to the shuttlecraft. By comparison, it had taken only thirty seconds for Maxwell to get tired of waiting. He decided to see if there was anyone else around to play Twenty Questions with.

His wandering took him past several groups of children, but as usual, they paid no attention to him.

"This is boring," he grumbled. "Why isn't there anything fun to play with around here?"

Then he spied the jungle gym.

"Never tried that before," he mused. He began walking over to it.


Had she been saner, Bellona might have asked Kargrek what the hell he was thinking. But under Ymirhoggr's influence, the first question on her mind was "Why didn't I do that first?"

In fact, it was Kargrek who was more shaken by his own actions, though only slightly. It wasn't that he had any more presence of mind than Bellona, but rather that he had done the deed with his own hands; for the briefest of moments, he was aware that he had attacked a man who intended him no harm. He had slaughtered dozens of children, of course, but they had been out to do the same to him; with his thoughts twisted by Ymirhoggr, that was enough to give him no pause.

He stared down at Zom's decapitated head, mostly in pride but with a small measure of disgust at himself.

"It isn't over," Bellona suddenly said. "They came from deeper in the tunnels. Surely there must be more of them."

Kargrek nodded. Yes. There must be more. More monsters to destroy. More enemies to fight.

"Then we'll slaughter them all until this tunnel runs red with their wicked blood," he said simply. "No monster will escape us."

They ran down the tunnels, laughing.

Zom waited for the laughter to die down, then picked up his head and began walking in the opposite direction.

"This isn't going to end well," he muttered to himself. "I'd best get away from here while I'm still in just two pieces."


Kaja watched in horror as the two monsters slaughtered his friends, his comrades. One by one, they fell to the axe and spear of the abominations. Finally, only Kaja was left, alone and trapped, as the monsters made their way towards him.

He awoke with a scream.

It was no dream, he knew. It was a vision.

He was alone, and he had to destroy the monsters, by himself, with no one to aid him.

The door was locked, no doubt to protect him. But now was no time to cower in fear.

Now was the time for vengeance.


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[No subject] - by Dragon Fogel - 11-04-2012, 01:35 AM