The Fatal Conflict (GBS2G7) (Round 4: The Huntsman's Garden)

The Fatal Conflict (GBS2G7) (Round 4: The Huntsman's Garden)
Re: The Fatal Conflict (GBS2G7) (Round 3: The Infinite Playground!)
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

Dr. Stassen guided Luron and Zach out of the lounge, into the city, and down a dark alleyway. It appeared to be a dead end, but there was a glowing circle on the far wall.

"What exactly is this?" Zach asked his guide.

"Look at it more closely. Do you see anything familiar?"

Zach took a closer look.


"Is it black?" Maxwell said, staring at the object on the ground.

"N... yes, yes it is."

Zom reasoned this would be a faster game than if he stuck with "a cardinal".

"Is it a little box?"


"Does it glow when the other fellow touches it?"


"Is it..."

Maxwell held his hands in the shape of the box as a demonstration before continuing.

"...this big?"


"Is it a battery powered by the spirits of the dead?"

Zom stared at the boy.

"I don't know," he replied.

"Just a guess. Does it turn day into night?"

"I have no idea."

"Does it set things on fire?"

"I don't know, look it's that box on the ground, I don't know any more about it than you do."

"Oh." Maxwell looked disappointed. "Are you going to pick it up?"

"I suppose." Zom shrugged. "Maybe we can find some way to get Zach out of there. Or stick Simphonia in there with him."

He bent down to pick it up.


"That looks like a hand," Zach said, staring at the circle. "Only it seems to be made of rotting flesh. Is that Zom out there?"

"It might well be. This window shows us a little of our surroundings. We haven't used it much in the last ten years because everything was always the same."

"And you think I can get out through it?"

"Well, it's just a theory. But this is our only link to the outside world, other than the newly dead arriving. We've tried touching it before and nothing's happened, so it's probably not going to hurt you."

Suddenly, several children appeared from nowhere. They stared at their surroundings.

"Where are we?"

"Is the mean lady gone?"

"Can we play here?"

Stassen was shocked.

"There are children dying here? Where exactly did you come from?"

"Er. Yes, I suppose I should explain that."


"Ow! Why'd you knock me down?" Zom asked, lifting himself from the ground.

"I didn't. It was them." Maxwell pointed behind the zombie.

As Zom got to his feet, he turned to look, half-expecting it to be a juvenile prank. But no, there were several children behind him, all staring with dark eyes.


"But these children don't have dark eyes," Stassen said, looking at the new arrivals. "Perhaps being... brought here... took away the corrupting influence?"

"Maybe. We could probably ask them what they remember."

"Hmm, yes. We've got a few people here who are good with children, I'll take care of that. For now, you should see if that window works. If it does, you can come back and I'll let you know if we learned anything."

Zach stared at the kids, who were listening in awe as Luron told them a story of his travels.

"I guess. Well, see you later... assuming this works."

And Zach stepped through the window.


Zom was gone. Maxwell was gone.

The only person Zach could see was a little boy with dark eyes, staring intently at the box.

"Excuse me," Zach said, a little annoyed. "That's mine."

"Finders keepers, losers weepers!" the boy shouted, running off.

Zach sighed. This could be a bit of a problem.


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Fatal Conflict (GBS2G7) (Round 3: The Infinite Playground!) - by Dragon Fogel - 10-09-2011, 02:27 AM
[No subject] - by Dragon Fogel - 11-04-2012, 01:35 AM