The Fatal Conflict (GBS2G7) (Round 4: The Huntsman's Garden)

The Fatal Conflict (GBS2G7) (Round 4: The Huntsman's Garden)
Re: The Fatal Conflict (GBS2G7) (Round 2: Robo City!)
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.


"Well," Zach said nervously. "It's all well and good that we aren't going up against Zaire, but... er, that raises the question. What are we doing, exactly?"

Zom grunted indifferently. Simphonia's maintenance droid was oblivious, as usual. Zach turned to Luron for some form of guidance, but he seemed lost in thought.

The elevator doors opened, and several spherical robots poured out, along with a larger one with four thin, spidery legs, and a large turret on its back.

The larger robot, evidently their leader, noticed Luron.

"The Destroyer is here!" it shouted. The spheres began to approach.

Luron and Zom barely had time to react, and tried to fight back, but it went poorly. Zom was soon beheaded, and Luron saw the large robot charging towards him...

"Wonderful. My body has no better ideas than I do, Simphonia is completely oblivious, and now you don't even notice a thing I'm saying..."

"Run. Now."

The swordsman suddenly pulled out one of the vials Kaja had given him, and hurled it at the elevator door. He then picked up the maintenance droid and ran, as the explosion tore the elevator doors apart.

Zom didn't waste time arguing. He simply followed the swordsman. Zach, for lack of any better ideas, floated after them.

They soon found themselves outside the building.

"Well, what now?" asked Zom.

"I don't know," Luron said. "The epiphany only showed me what would have happened if we'd stayed."

Zach spotted a large screen in the distance; it seemed to be playing some sort of message. He floated closer until he could hear it clearly.

"The Destroyer will be found and eliminated. If you see the Destroyer, even if you are a combat model, do not engage! I repeat, do not engage! Only the units specifically ordered to eliminate the Destroyer may safely engage him. They are equipped with the best weaponry the Singularity can provide. For any other unit, an encounter with the Destroyer is almost certain to result in your termination."

At this point, the image on the screen changed, displaying Luron in remarkable detail.

"This is the Destroyer. I repeat, for your own safety, leave the Destroyer to the appointed units."

Zach flew back to the group. Luron and Zom seemed to be in an argument.

"What, now you want to fight Zaire after all? Be my guest!" Luron glared at the zombie.

"That's not what I said. I just don't think staying here and waiting for the robots is going to be useful for anyone. Except maybe the robots, I suppose." Zom turned to his other half. "Oh, there you are. Where have you been?"

"Er. There may be a bit of trouble. It seems these robots are looking for a 'destroyer', and they've sent their..."

Zack paused, looked at Luron, and though about how to best explain the idea to him.

"Well, their best warriors, I suppose? In any case, they think it's you," he concluded.

"What does this 'destroyer' do?" Luron asked, curious. He'd heard the word in his epiphany, after all.

"Apparently he eradicates their entire civilization..."

Luron stared at the machine. It was larger than any of the ones he had ever seen... but it seemed to be immobile. Another robot ran in behind him.

"You will not harm the Singularity!" it shouted.

But it was cut off by Zom grabbing it from behind. He wouldn't be able to hold it off long, but he didn't need to.

Luron hurled the second vial towards the Singularity, and ran.

Zach paused as he saw the smile form on Luron's face. "Oh my god, you're going to do it, aren't you."

"Don't see why not. They're after me anyways, may as well give them a reason for it. Besides, we've been looking for something to do... unless you'd rather take on the Redeemer. But... well, I've got a feeling this one might actually be possible. "


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Fatal Conflict (GBS2G7) (Round 2: Robo City!) - by Dragon Fogel - 06-28-2011, 09:48 PM
[No subject] - by Dragon Fogel - 11-04-2012, 01:35 AM